Chapter 393 Take what you need
As one of the largest families in the Cyanwood Empire, the Ling family owns a magnificent mansion. In the city of Canglan, where every inch of land is precious, the Ling family's mansion is nearly a hundred acres in size.

In front of the gate of Ling's mansion, there are guards with strong strength patrolling back and forth.

In a quiet pavilion, Jiang Mo sat cross-legged on the bed, practicing quietly.

The milky white vitality of heaven and earth seeped in along Jiang Mo's pores, and it seemed to be surrounded by mist around his body, which was extremely mysterious.

"Now my superficial martial arts cultivation should have reached the middle stage of a two-star Martial Lord." Jiang Mo said secretly after inspecting the vitality in his dantian.

In the Cyanwood Forest, Jiang Mo killed many third- and fourth-tier desolate beasts, and many of them had their blood energy swallowed by Jiang Mo.

In the end, it was refined into pure Yuanli and poured into his dantian as much as possible.

According to this progress, as long as he devours a few more fourth-level and fourth-level desolate beasts, Jiang Mo can start to attack the three-star Martial Lord.

However, in Canglan City, it is not so easy to find a desolate beast that is comparable to a human four-star Martial Lord.

Regarding this, Jiang Mo was not in a hurry either. After leaving Canglan City, there would be plenty of opportunities to hunt wild beasts.

After the medicine refining competition, Jiang Mo's spiritual power also increased considerably.

Spiritual power, although it is said to be illusory, but if you want to improve it, there are rules to follow.

At least, refining medicine by hand is a good way.

bang bang,

There was a light knock on the door.

"Please come in." Jiang Mo responded, and immediately got out of bed.


The door was pushed open, and Ling Qingzhu walked in with a smile on his face.

She is wearing a light green long dress today, looking very moving.

"Mr. Jiang Mo, did you disturb your cultivation?" Ling Qingzhu asked with a smile, pursing her lips.

After Ling Qingzhu came in, Jiang Mo could smell a faint fragrance.

"No." Jiang Mo waved his hand, and immediately asked, "Miss Qingzhu came to see me at this time, but what's the matter?"

"Well," Ling Qingzhu nodded slightly, looking at Jiang Mo with beautiful eyes, and said, "Qingzhu came here this time to thank Mr. Jiang Mo. Without Mr. Jiang Mo's help, Qingzhu would never have the opportunity to become the future heir of the Ling family. "

"Miss Qingzhu, we are just taking what we need, you don't need to thank me. After all, don't I still have to rely on you to get some medicinal materials?" Jiang Mo shook his head and smiled.

Hearing Jiang Mo's polite voice, Ling Qingzhu's pretty face was a little unnatural.

Don't you have to see outsiders like this?
Ling Qingzhuqiong's nose twitched, took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and immediately looked at Jiang Mo, saying: "Mr. Jiang Mo, I will go to my father about the medicinal materials. What medicinal materials do you need? Write it down to me, and Qingzhu will try to satisfy you as much as possible."

"So, thank you very much." Jiang Mo's heart moved, and he took out a pen and paper, and quickly wrote down the medicinal materials that were still lacking in refining chalcedony pill.

"Ning vanilla, Qingyang jade dew, black insect incense..."

After Ling Qingzhu took the medicine list, after pondering for a moment, he lightly parted his red lips and said, "Mr. Jiang Mo, some of the medicinal materials on this may not be available in our Ling family. However, Qingzhu will try to help you get them together."

"Thank you, Miss Qingzhu."

After Ling Qingzhu left Jiang Mo's residence, she went straight to the place where the patriarch of the Ling clan was. After all, she was only the heir of the family, not the real patriarch. To mobilize some medicinal resources, she had to get her father's consent.

"Qingzhu, what's the matter?" The patriarch of the Ling clan was sitting on the head seat, sipping tea carefully.

Ling Qingzhu's two elder brothers, Ling Zhengheng and Ling Zhengshu, are both here, and they seem to be arguing with the patriarch of the Ling clan.

"Father, Qingzhu wants to get some medicinal materials." Ling Qingzhu handed the medicine list to the patriarch of the Ling clan.

After receiving the medicine list from Ling Qingzhu, the patriarch of the Ling clan looked at it carefully for a while.

"Qingzhu, these medicinal materials are extremely precious! Even my Ling family's medicinal material library does not have many, and our Ling family does not have black insect incense like this at all. What do you want these medicinal materials for?" Ling clan chief asked with a frown.

Ling Qingzhu didn't think too much, and said directly: "Father, that's it. My daughter promised Jiang Mo before that he would help her to participate in the family assessment. These medicinal materials are his reward."

Before the patriarch of the Ling clan could speak, Ling Zhengshu stood up, raised his brows and said, "He Jiang Mo is just an outsider, sister, you want to give the family's medicinal resources to an outsider? Don't blame the second brother." I don't agree!"

Originally, without Jiang Mo's participation, Ling Zhengshu would have had great confidence in competing for the position of heir to the family, but the appearance of Jiang Mo completely disrupted his plan.

Today, Ling Zhengshu and his eldest brother Ling Zhengheng came to see their father to discuss the family heir.

They believed that Ling Qingzhu, a woman, should not be allowed to be the heir of the family.

But now, Ling Qingzhu asked the family for precious medicinal materials for Jiang Mo, which became an excuse for Ling Zhengshu to attack.

"Yes, sister. He is just an outsider. Even his father said that this batch of medicinal materials is extremely precious. I think it's better to forget it. You can get some other items to make up for him." Ling Zhengheng said that he did not become the heir of the family. , is also brooding.

Hearing the obstruction from the two elder brothers, Ling Qingzhu's pretty face was a bit ugly. She had promised Jiang Mo herself, and if she broke her promise, her image in Jiang Mo's heart would definitely plummet.

Ling Qingzhu couldn't bear this happening.

"Father, you have long warned us brothers and sisters to keep our promises. Since my daughter promised Jiang Mo before, she must keep her promise."

"Besides, when we crossed the Blue River, if it wasn't for Jiang Mo, Qingxuan and I would have been buried at the bottom of the river."

"Because of emotion and reason, my daughter should give these medicinal materials to Jiang Mo."

"What's more, Jiang Mo has put in so much effort in this family assessment. My daughter can't do things that break her promise!"

What Ling Qingzhu said was reasonable, and no one could find anything wrong with it.

But Ling Zhengshu still had resentment in his heart, he said: "Although that is the case, these are all family property, and you have no right to do so!"

"Hehe, second brother, you don't have such a bad memory, do you? I am the future heir of the family. If I don't even have the right to use medicinal materials, what kind of heir is I?" Ling Qingzhu said seriously, and then turned to look To her father, said: "What do you say, father?"

(End of this chapter)

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