Chapter 395 Wood Essence Forest
After trekking for three full days, Jiang Mo just arrived at the edge of Cangshan Mountain.

This place has been far away from the places where human beings live together, and there are few people.

The weather in June was very hot, and even if he stayed indoors and did nothing, he was still sweating profusely, not to mention that Jiang Mo was trekking on foot with the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment on his back under the scorching sun.

Every time Jiang Mo took a step, two deep footprints would always be left under his feet.

This hot feeling was not relieved until entering the Cangshan Mountain.

The tall trees are shaded, blocking the scorching hot air outside, and it is rare to have the slightest coolness coming from inside.

Jiang Mo was lying on a piece of bluestone, feeling the cold touch coming from under his body, his eyes were slightly closed, and his expression seemed to be very enjoyable.

After resting like this for half an hour, his eyes opened.

"In the next month, hunt more desolate beasts, and see if we can break through to the realm of the three-star Martial Lord before reaching the Cangming Realm!" Jiang Mo gently supported the bluestone with his palm, and his figure was Leap up nimbly.

Although the Cangming Region has extremely rich martial arts resources, it has also gathered a lot of real martial arts experts. If the strength is not enough, even if they go there, they will not be able to compete with those blood-licking people!

With this in mind, Jiang Mo stopped hesitating. He tapped his toes lightly on the ground, and his figure flashed out like a monkey.

The mountain wind howled, and the leaves in the dense forest made a rattling sound.

A thin figure appeared in an open space.

"Huh? Why are the trees here so sparse?" Jiang Mo couldn't help muttering inwardly as he looked at the abnormal situation around him.

At a certain moment, he suddenly discovered that the shadow projected on the open space in front of him had changed slightly.

The shadows of the two trees seemed to move sideways for a moment.

Suddenly, a crisp sound resounded from the open space.

Jiang Mo was horrified to see, from mid-air, a thick green branch yanked towards him fiercely, and even the air made a whistling sound.

At the same time, a dozen gray-brown tree roots suddenly drilled out from the open space, and the roots entwined towards Jiang Mo, like the tentacles of an octopus, making one's scalp tingle.

Jiang Mo's toes were on the ground, and his figure flashed past quickly, making the branches and roots empty.

However, before he could heave a sigh of relief, more branches came through the air, withered yellow, green and even blood-red branches. Xiang Jiang Mo.

There was a continuous sound of breaking wind in the air.

The ground under his feet began to squirm endlessly, and tree roots broke through the ground, sweeping towards Jiang Mo's legs.

This open space is a dangerous place in Cangshan Mountain, known as Wooden Forest by outsiders.

Generally, if a very experienced monk falls into this place, it will be extremely dangerous.

Those wood spirits usually entangle their bodies first, and then suck up the blood of the monks to strengthen themselves.

"What the hell is this?"

Even with Jiang Mo's speed, it was inevitable that he would be in a hurry when facing so many branches and roots. He cursed angrily, and immediately drew out the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and slashed at those branches and roots.

Bang, bang, bang...

The Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashed branches and roots, making a dull sound, and occasionally sparks splashed out. Those things were as hard as cast iron.

However, when Jiang Mo poured Yuanli into the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, the sharpness of the ancient sword increased by another level.

The bright sword light swept out, cutting off more than a dozen branches and roots immediately.

The branches and roots were cut off, and cyan, withered yellow, blood red, and gray-brown juices flowed out, which looked like the blood of wild beasts, extremely permeating.

However, Jiang Mo's move not only failed to solve the trouble, but even aroused the anger of those thick old trees.

They seemed to let out a deep roar. The ancient trees as thick as buckets twitched their flexible branches and moved quickly towards Jiang Mo.

Pop, pop, pop—
Because the branches and roots are too dense, even at Jiang Mo's speed, he has been hit many times. The black clothes on his body are a bit tattered, and there are several hideous bloodstains running across Jiang Mo's body, which looks very miserable. .

"These ghosts!"

Jiang Mo cursed angrily, and immediately mobilized his Yuanli. The blue Yuanli was mixed with fiery power, making the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword look like it had just been forged from a furnace. heat wave.

Boom, boom...

This time, Jiang Mo didn't hold back anymore, he swung his sword at the extreme speed, the cyan sword shadow flashed past, and with the sword light falling, there were countless branches and roots.

The colorful juices are sprinkled all over the sky, like a colorful rain!
Less than ten feet away from this open space, five figures in black robes approached quietly, with gloomy expressions.

"After chasing him for so long, I finally caught up with this kid!" A somewhat thin man in black robe cursed himself.

"Boss, let's capture this kid now?" Another black-robed man approached the skinny black-robed man and said in a low voice.

These five people are all strong men sent by the branch of the Qingmu Empire, the Wuji Temple, and their purpose is to capture Jiang Mo.

And that thin black-robed man is the leader of this team. His name is Jia Lang. His martial arts cultivation has reached the level of a six-star Martial Lord, and he is the strongest among the five.


Hearing this, Jia Lang slapped the black-robed man beside him with his backhand, and cursed: "You idiot, you can catch whatever you want? You know how to rely on brute force to do anything! Don't you know how to use your brain? That kid is obviously When he's struggling, wouldn't it be better for us to take another shot after his physical strength is exhausted?"

"Hey, what the boss taught me is that I must remember it next time." The man in black didn't dare to get angry, so he could only deal with it with a smile.

"But speaking of it, this kid's strength is really not bad, so he can handle Wooden Spirit's attack!" Jia Lang secretly observed Jiang Mo's strength.

In the arena, Jiang Mo couldn't remember how many branches and roots he cut off. The ground was already covered with a thick layer, but even so, there were still overwhelming branches and roots covering the ground, making it hard to guard against.

"An ancient tree has hundreds of branches and roots, and there are so many ancient trees around it. If I go on like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to break through these ghost things in the end!" Jiang Mo thought in his heart. He thought secretly.

"The only way I can cut off the ancient tree is the fundamental solution!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo's figure flashed out instantly, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashed directly at the thick trunk of the ancient tree with a blazing blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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