Chapter 397 Soul Eater

A series of strange wild beasts in the shape of snakes and crocodiles jumped out of the black water swamp one after another, and came towards Jiang Mo with teeth and claws.

They waved their sharp crocodile claws, opened their sharp snake mouths, and pounced on Jiang Mo. Those scenes were really a headache.

Jiang Mo held the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, and slashed at the snakes, crocodiles, wild beasts. The sharp sword light flashed, and three or four snakes, crocodiles, wild beasts were chopped into two.

However, even death can't stop their desire for fresh flesh and blood. These snakes, crocodiles and desolate beasts made goosebumps from their mouths, and once again rushed forward fearlessly.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo no longer held back any more. In the meridians in his body, the Yuan force surged rapidly in the meridians, and finally poured all of them into the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword.

"Aurora is like lightning!" Jiang Mo shouted, and immediately swung the ancient sword of Heaven's Punishment out.

Suddenly, hundreds of quaint sword shadows suddenly emerged from the sky above the black water swamp.

With fierce sword energy, the sword shadow stabbed out violently, and collided with the ferocious snake, crocodile and desolate beast.

hiss, hiss, hiss--
Immediately, those snakes, crocodiles, wild beasts let out shrill and ear-piercing screams. In this instant, nearly a hundred snakes, crocodiles, wild beasts were directly smashed into pieces by the fierce sword energy.

After falling into the black water swamp, it made a rattling sound.

Immediately afterwards, more pointed snake heads emerged from the water, scrambling to devour the minced meat of their companions.

Under the Blackwater Swamp, the intensity of the competition was not weaker than above.

These hungry and red-eyed guys are extremely vicious, even the flesh of their companions is not willing to let go.

After fighting for half a stick of incense, those snakes, crocodiles, and desolate beasts finally realized that the human being in front of them didn't seem to be so easy to be preyed on.

They dived into the black water swamp one after another, and spewed black water at Jiang Mo. The black water was highly corrosive, and once their bodies got even the slightest bit of contamination, their skin would be torn apart.

Jiang Mo didn't dare to let the black water get close, he activated the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame, forming a cyan flame curtain around his body.

chi chi-
Whenever the black water rushes towards it, it will be roasted into nothingness by the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame.

At the same time, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword danced rapidly in Jiang Mo's hands, and the fierce and domineering sword energy blasted into the black water swamp below, cut through the water, and directly blasted away the snakes, crocodiles, and desolate beasts hidden in it.

In a dense bush ten feet away from Jiang Mo, Jia Lang and the other five looked at the curtain of flames condensed around Jiang Mo, and he greedily licked his lips.

"This kid can still use the power of flames, presumably he has the flame martial art!"

His eyes flickered, and after a while, he waved his hand and said: "Release the Soul-devouring Beast, interfere with the power of that kid's martial arteries, we will capture him right here!"

"Is it necessary to use the Soul-devouring Beast to deal with such a brat?" one of Jia Lang's men asked in surprise.


Jia Lang slapped the man with his backhand, and said, "Do as I tell you, don't ask any more questions."

"Yes." The man grinned in pain, then took out a fist-sized black bottle from his arms, and slowly uncorked the bottle.

After the cork was pulled out, a wisp of gray-black smoke rose from the black bottle.

The gray-black smoke rose higher and higher, drifting towards Jiang Mo's location.

Faintly, one could see a vicious beast with only a head and a face, but no body, wriggling in the black mist and making creepy noises.

This is the soul-devouring beast specially raised by the Wuji Temple. The one they brought has reached the fourth level and can absorb the martial veins of the strong Wujun. It is extremely strange!
ka ka ka ---
In the midair, the black mist shrouded the light, dimming the light. The sound of teeth chewing hard objects came from the sky above his head, making Jiang Mo raise his head uncontrollably.

"Soul-devouring beast!" Jiang Mo couldn't help frowning as he watched the weird shape wriggling in the black cloud.

He has also seen the records of this kind of wild beast from ancient books before, it is said that it can absorb the martial arts of people, it is very scary!
Just as Jiang Mo was thinking, the cyan flame curtain around him suddenly began to fluctuate violently, trembling non-stop, as if it might shatter at any time!
"This soul-devouring beast is really weird!" Jiang Mo secretly exclaimed.

He could feel that the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame and Martial Meridian in his body seemed to be pulled by some kind, and that pulling force seemed to come from the place where the Soul-devouring Beast was in mid-air.

However, this is only the Eight Desolation Burning Flame Martial Meridian, as for the Devouring Martial Meridian, and the mysterious Zijin Emperor Dragon Martial Meridian, they have not been affected at all.

With the ability of this fourth-order soul-devouring beast, even if Jiang Mo took the initiative to release the Devouring Martial Meridian and the Zijin Emperor Dragon Martial Meridian, this Soul-devouring Beast would not be able to affect the two Martial Meridians even half of it!
Jiang Mo secretly released the power of spiritual thoughts, forming an invisible barrier in mid-air, blocking the pulling force from the soul-devouring beast.

With the tyranny of his fourth-level spiritual power, it is really not difficult to do this.

After the soul-devouring beast was blocked, it let out a dizzying roar, and while the black cloud squirmed, it moved quickly towards Jiang Mo's position.

As the distance between the two drew closer, Jiang Mo suddenly felt that the traction force suddenly became much stronger, as if even the invisible barrier blocking the midair was about to be crushed!
On the outskirts of Cangshan Mountain, there was a middle-aged man in ordinary clothes running at an extremely fast and constant speed, and suddenly his running figure stopped.

The wind pressure brought by the rapid running swayed the thick ancient trees around.

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky ten miles away. Among the black clouds squirming, a monster shape that he was very familiar with appeared!
"That's the Soul-devouring Beast!" Accompanied by the intermittent roar of the strange beast, the middle-aged man was already quite sure.

"In this Cangshan Mountain, there are people from the Wuji Temple! How interesting!"

After a secret passage, the middle-aged man turned around and ran quickly towards the place shrouded in black clouds.

At this time, the spiritual barrier set up by Jiang Mo was shattered, and the Soul-devouring Beast began to release its traction force crazily, trying to pull out Jiang Mo's Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame and Martial Meridian.

There were snakes, crocodiles and desolate beasts under Jiang Mo's feet that were constantly attacking, and there were soul-devouring beasts affecting his martial arteries above him. For a while, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Since this soul-devouring beast is looking for death, it can't be blamed on me!" Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and immediately Yuanli oscillated in his chest, and a strange force slowly brewed in his body.

"Slaying Monster Yin!"

The next moment, Jiang Mo opened his mouth, and a strange howling sound that seemed to be able to pierce the soul suddenly swept out, and bombarded the Soul-devouring Beast that was rushing towards it!

(End of this chapter)

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