Chapter 399 Fight! (fourth more)

After seeing that formation, Jiang Mo's pupils shrank suddenly, and he instinctively sensed a sense of ominousness.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo withdrew, no longer fighting with Jia Lang, and prepared to exit the black water swamp.

"Hey, boy, we spent a lot of energy trying to catch you, and even lost one of the fourth-order soul-devouring beasts. Do you think I will let you go easily?" Seeing Jiang Mo trying to escape, then Jia Lang gave a strange laugh, and immediately rushed towards Jiang Mo.

The two pitch-black chains swung violently in his hands, blocking all of Jiang Mo's escape routes and killing him.

At this moment, the four men in black robes respectively poured Yuanli into the foundations, and after receiving the Yuanli, the four foundations burst out with rich brilliance.

All of a sudden, waves of strange energy fluctuations suddenly spread from all directions.

The milky white brilliance surged in all directions, turned into transparent silk threads, and the silk threads were intertwined with each other. In just ten breaths, a huge black water swamp was outlined. spiritual array.

The moment the spirit array took shape, Jiang Mo felt that the surrounding world seemed to be sealed off, as if he was in a cage.

"It turned out to be a spirit formation with the ability to block." Jiang Mo was secretly startled.

In the previous life, apart from refining medicine, Jiang Mo dabbled a lot in strange skills such as refining weapons and formations, so he could see the specialness of this spirit formation at a glance.

"Hehe, you have good eyesight. Even if you have the ability to reach the sky today, it is difficult to escape from my grasp!" Jia Lang waved his hands, two chains blasted the air, and rushed towards Jiang Mo angrily.

"Big words!" Jiang Mo snorted coldly.

"Changhong pierces the sun!"

On the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, a cyan-colored fiery light burst out suddenly, and then he slashed out with a sword, and suddenly a round of sword light, as bright as a scorching sun, suddenly broke away from the tip of the sword and blasted towards the two pitch-black chains.

The black water swamp below was pressed out of a deep pit by the huge sword light, and the black water flowed away in all directions, forming a huge vacuum zone in the middle.

Before the attack comes, momentum is coming!
In the next moment, the two chains collided with the sun-like sword glow.

The sword light burst out suddenly in the chains, instantly bombarding the two chains into countless fragments, and blasted towards the surroundings.

However, the energy carried on the chain was also extremely tyrannical. After the sword glow shattered the chain, it also exhausted its energy and dissipated abruptly.

"Boy, the attack method is not bad!"

Looking at the shattered chains, Jia Lang shrank his pupils slightly. Immediately, he held both hands, and the shattered iron fragments gathered together again, turning into two identical chains.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo's face remained unchanged, but his heart was a little horrified. The strength of the thin man in front of him should not be underestimated!

"You kid, although you are only a two-star Martial Lord, you are worthy of my seven-level power." Jia Lang's expression was fixed, and he held the black chain in both hands, and lashed towards Jiang Mo.

In the sky above this black water swamp, the sound of chains twitching can be heard continuously. The power carried by the chains is extremely tyrannical. Jiang Mo can barely resist. churn.

The black water swamp below was ravaged by the aftermath of the attacks of the two, and the black water splashed all over the sky. Occasionally, snakes, crocodiles, wild beasts that had no time to escape, and monitor lizards living in the black water swamp were bombarded by the aftermath. Bodies kept emerging.

As the battle continued, the strength of Jia Lang's six-star Martial Lord was unreservedly released.

Jiang Mo was extremely embarrassed, and hastily resisted Jia Lang's ferocious attack. Only then did he know that he was fighting with a six-star Martial Lord!
With Jiang Mo's current martial arts cultivation base, even if he tried his best, he could barely draw with a five-star Martial Lord.

If he faced a six-star Martial Lord, he had no chance of winning by half a point, so he could only insist that one point was one point.

"No wonder before leaving, the Palace Master repeatedly told me not to underestimate this kid. I didn't expect this guy to be so difficult!" Jia Lang was also extremely shocked in his heart. With his six-star Martial Lord's strength, he actually fought After so long, he has not been able to take down Jiang Mo, the two-star Martial Lord.

Outside the Blackwater Swamp, the four men in black robes were also looking at the scene in shock. They knew Jia Lang's strength very well.

However, Jiang Mo was able to entangle Jia Lang fiercely for such a long time, which is a bit shocking!
"That kid looks like he's only around 20 years old, right? The strength he possesses is too terrifying!"

"If it is allowed to grow, within 50 years, a superpower at the Martial Emperor level will definitely be born!"

Those four people were secretly shocked in their hearts.

Jiang Mo wanted to break out from other directions, but every time he was imprisoned by the power of the spirit array, he couldn't break through at all.

As a result, the Nirvana Sky Wing cannot be used.

"These people should know my hole cards, so they have been prepared. I am afraid that this sealing spirit array is aimed at my Nirvana Sky Wing!"

Taking advantage of his body skills, Jiang Mo kept pestering Jia Lang, but he knew very well that going on like this was no way out.

After all, his martial arts cultivation was only a two-star Martial Lord, and Jia Lang had already reached a six-star Martial Lord. Jiang Mo was no match for Jia Lang based on his reserve of Yuanli alone.

"Boy, let's see how long you can last!" Jia Lang was also a little angry after failing to win Jiang Mo for a long time. If this matter was reported back to the Wuji Temple, I don't know how many people would laugh at it.

After the words fell, Jia Lang exploded his martial arts cultivation to the extreme. Under his swing, the two dark chains spun rapidly like windmills. From a distance, they looked like two dark storms!
The surrounding air made continuous explosions, and the two chains, like tricky poisonous snakes, blocked all Jiang Mo's escape routes.

"I can only fight!" Jiang Mo gritted his teeth, and the Dayan Tianji Jue was running crazily in his body, sending waves of pure energy to every inch of Jiang Mo's muscles and bones.

At this time, if Jiang Mo felt it carefully, he would be able to find that the meridians, bones, and flesh and skin in his body were all covered with a faint golden light, as if wrapped in holy air!
Under the tremendous pressure of life and death, Jiang Mo mobilized the perfect baptism power he had obtained in Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

"Come on, let me see how strong you are, a six-star Martial Lord!"

Jiang Mo let out a low growl, and immediately held the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and ruthlessly swept into the storm of chains!
 The fourth update, if you have a ticket or something, you can vote for it~~~
(End of this chapter)

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