Chapter 407 Cang Ming Training Camp

"I'm afraid you already knew that I could pass this so-called assessment, right?" Jiang Mo said, looking at Zuo Jie with a smile.

Whether it is Yu Jie or Chen Ling, they are quite friendly, not as harsh as Guan Shi Huang.

"Hehe, at the beginning, I believed that you had that strength. However, later on, when the surnamed Huang mobilized six war puppets, I was at a loss." Zuo Jie said with a look of relief on his face: "But fortunately, you finally lived up to your expectations!"

Chen Ling also stepped forward and said with admiration, "Brother Jiang Mo, I really didn't expect you to be so strong. Those six war puppets may not be able to withstand a stick of incense if I make a move. "

"Okay, stop flattering you kid. You have been in Cangming Palace for five or six years, right? If you practice hard these years, with your talent, you may be able to become a golden-cloaked Cangmingwei. "Zu Jie scolded with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo couldn't help but smile, he looked at Zuo Jie and said, "Next, where shall we go?"

"Just follow me. I'll take you to register first, and then get some cultivation resources that belong to you." Zuo Jie said and left.

"There are still training resources to receive? Yes, yes." Jiang Mo muttered secretly in his heart, and immediately followed Zuo Jie's pace.

During this time, Zuo Jie introduced the general situation of Cangming Palace to Jiang Mo.

In Cangming Palace, Cangmingwei is only the bottom force, and the Cangming Envoy whose strength reaches the level of Martial King is the mainstay.

According to Zujie, there are nearly a hundred Cangming envoys in Cangming Palace, and each Cangming envoy's subordinates command a large number of silver-robed Cangming guards and golden-robed Cangming guards. guard.

As for the Martial Emperor-level Cangming Protectors, there are nearly ten of them, so the overall strength of Cangming Palace is very strong.

Just when Jiang Mo was secretly feeling emotional, Zuo Jie said quietly, "You boy, practice hard during this time, don't think that everything will be fine if you pass the examination for entering the palace."

"In a place like Cangming Palace, if you don't practice hard, you will be trampled down sooner or later, so you must always work hard!" Zuo Jie warned, teaching earnestly like a brother.

"Well, I know." Jiang Mo nodded solemnly, and said seriously.

Zuo Jie was very satisfied with Jiang Mo's attitude, he said: "After a while, there will be a task issued in the palace, and I will recommend you to participate when the time comes."

"Oh, what mission?" Hearing this, Jiang Mo frowned and asked in surprise.

"Destroying a small sect is not a difficult task." Zuo Jie said casually, "However, the only troublesome thing is that the sect master of that small sect is not weak."

"Then what is his strength?" Jiang Mo asked, destroying a sect is still a small task, I really don't know what task is considered a big task in the eyes of Cangming Palace.

"According to the information we got, that person seems to be a six-star martial king." Zuo Jie said lightly.

"What?" When Jiang Mo heard that the other party was a six-star martial king, Jiang Mo's eyes almost fell out of shock, "You asked me to destroy a sect with a six-star martial king in charge, didn't you tell me to die?"

Startled by Jiang Mo's aggressive reaction, Zuo Jie took two steps aside, gave Jiang Mo a strange look, and said, "I'm not telling you to go alone, why are you so excited?"

"Oh...then if you didn't say it earlier, you would have given me a false alarm." Jiang Mo patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"For this mission, there will be a Cangming Envoy leading the team, and then you just have to perform well. If you perform well, you may have a chance to enter the Cangming training camp!" Jiang Mo noticed that Zujie mentioned Cangming During the training camp, there was a look of yearning on his face.

"Cangming training camp, what is that?"

Jiang Mo was also very curious, what was so great about a place that could make a golden-cloaked Cangmingwei who was at least a Seven Star Martial Lord yearn for.

"That is the place where Cangming Palace specializes in cultivating truly strong people. There, you can get the full training of Cangming Palace. You can squander the endless martial arts training resources, and use the most tragic battlefield to hone your character. !"

"It is said that anyone who can come out of there alive will be a top powerhouse who will be famous in the Cangming Realm in the future!"

Zuo Jie said yearningly, "As far as I know, there is an incumbent elder in Cangming Palace who was originally from Cangming Training Camp."

"And his current age is only 50 years old."

"You have to know that a powerhouse at the Martial Emperor level can only serve as the protector of Cang Ming. What about the elders? What kind of strength should they be?"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded secretly. It seems that the Cangming training camp really has special means to cultivate strong people.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. In short, as long as you work hard, you will be right. The powerful strength you will gain in the future will return everything you have given now."

While talking, the two had already walked to a lobby door, where people came and went, very lively.

Under the guidance of Zuo Jie, Jiang Mo received 100 Yuan stones, as well as some cultivation resources such as medicine pills and martial arts.

This kind of primordial stone contains an extremely large amount of heaven and earth vitality. A piece of primordial stone can be sold for at least 100 gold coins in the outside world. The energy contained in this [-]-yuan primordial stone is comparable to the blood crystals of several fourth-order barren beasts. energy in.

As for those elixirs, they all reached the ranks of fourth-order elixirs, and the elixirs that were very precious in the outside world became the standard equipment for every silver-robed Cangmingwei in Cangming Palace.

As for the golden-cloaked Cang Mingwei, and even the Cang Ming Envoy, the martial arts resources they can receive are even richer.

This also imperceptibly reveals the background of Cangming Palace. With such huge martial arts resources to support, why worry that there are no strong people who want to squeeze their heads to join in?
"Although I don't need these martial arts skills, I got them for free. Don't waste them. It's good to sell them if you have a chance in the future." Jiang Mo casually threw those martial arts skills into Zichen's ring.

Seeing the Zichen ring on Jiang Mo's hand, Zuo Jie was not surprised. This kind of space treasure that can store items is very rare in places like Yunchui Empire and Qingmu Empire, but it is not uncommon in Cangming Realm. worth mentioning.

But if Zuo Jie knew how big the space in Jiang Mo's Zichen ring was, maybe he wouldn't be so calm.

After all, even if it is a treasure of space owned by a Cang Ming Envoy, the space inside it is only about Zhang Xu in size.

"Okay, I've told you everything I need to say. In addition, you have to pay attention to the revenge of that surnamed Huang. Although I am the one who has some grievances with him, what happened today may make him hate you."

"To be honest, that guy's heart is really narrow." Zuo Jie reminded.

"Don't worry, if he doesn't come to provoke me, forget it. If he insists on not opening his eyes, then I can't blame me."

Jiang Mo smiled faintly, and didn't take that steward Huang seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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