Chapter 412 Great Melee (Fourth Change)
At this moment, the head of the Dark Wing Sect looked at the powerful enemy in front of him with a solemn expression.

"You will take a shot to stop those two people in gold robes."

He said to a burly man beside him, this man is the deputy sect master of the Dark Wing Sect, a genuine Nine Star Martial Lord!

"Don't worry, sect master, with me here, those two people will never interfere with you." The burly man nodded.

After the burly man responded, the owner of the Dark Wing Gate turned his head to look at the person on his left, and said, "Third brother, the kid who broke through my Dark Wing Gate's sect-protecting formation later, you take action against him." Capture him. If necessary, he may be used to blackmail the people of Cangming Palace."

The third child mentioned by the master of the Dark Wing Gate had a long face, like a horse's face, which made him look extremely uncomfortable.

"Master, with the strength of my six-star Martial Lord, it's easy to take down that kid!" The horse-faced man glanced at Jiang Mo contemptuously.

"Others, you only need to deal with the remaining nine people from Cangming Palace."

After finishing all the instructions, the head of the Dark Wing Sect shouted loudly to the crowd behind him.


Ye Wuqing couldn't help raising his eyebrows and sneering when he saw how precious everyone in the Dark Wing Sect was.

"It's just a bunch of rabble!"

After the words fell, Ye Wuqing rushed out first, he put his five fingers together, and grabbed the position where the master of the Dark Wing Sect was.

In an instant, the cyan energy swept away, like a strong wind, extremely fierce.

Seeing this situation, the sect master of the Dark Wing Sect also snorted coldly, clenched his fist, and suddenly the thick vitality surged, directly colliding with the blue wind.

A deafening sound resounded through the air, and waves of violent and domineering energy waves, centered on the place where the two attacks collided, raged wildly in all directions.

Such a terrifying confrontation can be described as extremely shocking!
hold head high---
After a little probing, Ye Wuqing and the master of the Dark Wing Sect both stimulated their energy, and condensed two huge phantoms around their bodies.

That is the symbolic means of a strong Martial King—the Golden Body of Martial King!

Ye Wuqing's golden body of Martial King exudes blue light all over his body, it is extremely solid, and no matter in terms of height or solidity, it is stronger than the golden body of Martial King of the Dark Wing Sect master.

Although the two are both six-star martial kings, even in the same realm, there are subtle differences in the strength of martial arts monks. Just judging from the golden body of the martial king is enough to see the strength of the two.

After King Wu's golden body summoned him, Ye Wuqing controlled the cyan phantom several feet high, and immediately slammed his big hand down towards the void in front of him.

Bang, bang, bang.

For a moment, the air was blasted by Ye Wuqing's fierce offensive, and it was oppressed with an unstoppable momentum.

On the other hand, the man in the fine clothes, he can sit on the position of the head of the Dark Wing Sect, so he is naturally not a good person to be with, and his own methods are endless, and he can barely compete with Ye Wuqing.

Following the moves of the Wu Wang powerhouses of the two forces, the rest of the people also made moves one after another.

The burly man leaped out, blocking the front of Zuo Jie and another golden-cloaked Cang Mingwei.

His sturdy body like an iron tower silently displayed terrifying power!
"Let me experience how powerful the so-called golden-cloaked Cangmingwei is!" The burly man was extremely confident in his own strength.

Possessing the strength of the Nine Star Martial Lord, coupled with his strong and powerful physical body, it is almost difficult to find an opponent under the Martial King!

After his words fell, two huge tungsten steel hammers flashed in his hands, and as he waved them, the air burst into bursts of oppressive wind.

"Hmph, the frog in the well!"

Although this burly man was extremely powerful, neither Zujie nor the other golden-cloaked Cangmingwei were too afraid of him.

After all, the two of them experienced life and death trials in Cangming Palace, compared to this burly man, I don't know how many times more!
When the strong fight, those with stronger martial arts cultivation will have some advantages, but they may not be able to have the last laugh.

"Old Xu, do it!"

After the two looked at each other, Qi Qi took the initiative to swipe towards the strong man. Suddenly, three extremely powerful auras of energy were released, which made people look sideways.

At the same time, the remaining ten Cangmingwei plundered among the ordinary disciples in the Dark Wing Gate.

These Cangmingwei who were licking blood on the tip of their knives have experienced countless times of life and death trials. Their ferocity and combat experience are far beyond the comparison of these ordinary disciples in the Dark Wing Sect.

However, despite this, due to the large number of opponents, they barely evened the combat power of the two sides.

Boom, boom, boom...

With the tyrannical aura of Yuanli rising into the sky, the two sides also fell into a melee.

The sound of fierce fighting continued to resound.

On the entire battlefield, several disciples of the Dark Wing Sect often besiege a Cangmingwei, but they are still killed by the Cangmingwei, only to escape in embarrassment.

This was the case with Jiang Mo. A four-star Martial Lord, two three-star Martial Lords, and more than a dozen disciples of the Dark Wing Sect at the level of great martial arts masters swung swords and came towards Jiang Mo.

Facing the siege of these dozen people, Jiang Mo did not appear flustered at all. His figure was like a nimble fish, swimming leisurely among the dozen people.

However, every time Jiang Mo paused, a head would be thrown into the air, and then a headless corpse of a Dark Wing Sect disciple would fall straight down.

Just like that, Jiang Mo only paused for a dozen times. In the entire battle circle, there was only one person left who could stand, and that was the four-star Martial Lord!

Those who were beheaded before, including the two three-star Martial Lords, couldn't even catch Jiang Mo's sword.

"you you!"

The four-star Martial Lord was already sluggish, he had never seen such a terrifying speed, and such a fierce killing method.

Even the sect master of the Dark Wing Gate probably doesn't have such abnormal speed, right?
This four-star Martial Lord no longer had the courage to fight any more. He turned around and wanted to escape from the battlefield.

"Hey..." Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo sighed softly.

Immediately, he slashed out the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, and a bright sword light suddenly struck the back of the four-star Martial Lord like thunder.

Immediately, a bloody gash was torn from the back of that four-star Martial Lord by the sword light. The deep red blood instantly stained his clothes red, and even the white bones could be seen!
However, the four-star Martial Lord's vitality was extremely tenacious, and he did not die immediately. He struggled to crawl far away, trying to stay away from Jiang Mo, the killing god.

After all, this person is a four-star Martial Lord. If he chose to resist Jiang Mo head-on, he might be able to hold on for a while longer and not lose so miserably.

But he chose the most taboo method in the battle.

Jiang Mo sighed again, and slowly raised the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, intending to end this person's life.

"Boy, the method is not bad. In a short period of time, you have killed so many strong men in my Dark Wing Sect one after another?"

As the words fell, the horse-faced man also slowly appeared in front of the four-star Martial Lord...

(End of this chapter)

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