Chapter 427

After the number of 'eleven rounds' was reported, the entire Hedi Hades Palace was silent for a moment, and then eager discussions erupted.

"Earlier, Lu Liang and the others only lasted five rounds in the hands of the guardian!"

"This guy's achievements are more than twice that of Lu Liang's!"

"It's terrifying!"

"In the test just now, the Lord Protector took the initiative to attack everywhere. I didn't expect that this guy could still persist for so long in the end."

"Moreover, in the end, the Lord Protector was forced to move out the golden body of King Wu to dissolve the energy aftermath caused by the collision between the two of them."

Everyone was discussing in low voices, looking at Jiang Mo from time to time, full of horror and admiration.

Jiang Mo's outstanding performance also inspired the rest of the training camp members who did not play.

Ji Weisheng also looked at Jiang Mo with a slightly complicated look. If it wasn't for Jiang Mo, maybe she would have passed this test, but she would definitely not be able to persist for eleven rounds.

As far as she knows, every achievement in the training camp will be secretly recorded, and finally put together, and when they are about to graduate from the training camp, these achievements will be made by those real high-level people in Cangming Palace. key to the decision.

If there was anyone present who had any grudges against Jiang Mo, that person was Lu Liang.

He originally thought that with his six-star Martial Lord's strength, it would be the best result if he could last five rounds under Can Shan's guardian.

Will win everyone's admiration and worship!

However, the reality was far from what he expected.

"This kid stole the limelight!" Lu Liangyin slowly clenched his fists in his sleeves, making a creaking sound, and his teeth were unconsciously intertwined, as if anger was brewing.

"If my companion is not too weak, and that kid's companion is too strong, he will definitely not be able to do this. A mere three-star Martial Lord, this time, maybe it's just good luck." Lu Liang can only attribute the reason to companion.

However, Lu Liang didn't notice that from the beginning to the end, Ji Weisheng played no more role in the battle than Lu Liang's companion.

"Jiang Mo, you are not bad! I hope you can show your full strength in the next month's test!" Protector Can Shan took a deep look at Jiang Mo and said in a deep voice.

As soon as Guardian Canshan said this, the atmosphere that had calmed down was raised again.

On the side, Lu Liang, who had a very ugly face, became even more gloomy after hearing what Guardian Can Shan said.

"Did I hear you right? The protector actually said that Jiang Mo hasn't used his full strength yet!"

"I persisted for eleven rounds before using all my strength. If he went all out, would it be okay?"

Jiang Mo didn't care about the crowd's exclamation, he smiled slightly and said, "I will go all out for every test."

Jiang Mo's words were indeed true. Although he still had hidden means that he hadn't used, but that was after the Guardian of the Remnant Mountain urged the power of the Martial King. The offensive was so fierce and fast that Jiang Mo was defeated before he could prepare in time.

He didn't complain about his defeat. After all, the battle experience of Guardian Canshan, coupled with the suppression of martial arts cultivation, made Jiang Mo defeated.

"The test continues, you two, go on." Guardian Canshan's eyes fell on the field again, and he pointed at the two of them casually, and said.

The two of them took a step forward in unison, let out a low shout, and immediately attacked the Guardian of the Remnant Mountain.

In the arena, the river water was tumbling, and the low-pitched clashing sounds came and went one after another.

After half an hour, everyone has accepted a round of tests.

After Jiang Mo's outstanding performance before, the battles of the rest of them were slightly inferior. Most of them barely persisted for three or four rounds before losing.

Among them, there were two people who persisted for six rounds for the first time. They were better than the previous Lu Liang and the two, but compared with Jiang Mo and Jiang Mo, they were still not enough.

Moreover, there were two people who were ruthlessly thrown out by Canshan Guardian again because they failed to persist for three rounds. No one knew whether they would be able to return here intact after three days.

This is the tremendous pressure brought about in the training camp. If one is not careful, he will be thrown out of the Styx River to accept the baptism of the river demon.

"This month's test is over. I hope you can continue to practice diligently, otherwise, those four people outside will be your fate." Guardian Canshan said coldly.

These words were extremely intimidating to Guardian Canshan, causing everyone to nod at the same time.

"Next month, I will test each of you individually. It is still the old rule. Only when you meet my requirements can you avoid punishment!"

The most worrying thing about this sentence is actually the request of Guardian Canshan.No one knows what his standards are. Unknown things are often the most frightening!
"Okay, do you have any questions?" Guardian Can Shan glanced at everyone.

At this moment, Jiang Mo took a step forward, cupped his fists and said, "Master Dharma Protector, I want to apply to enter the second floor of the Hades Palace."

"In the second floor? Do you know that the pressure on the second floor is several times greater than that of the first floor?" Hearing this, Guardian Can Shan was also a little surprised.

The rest of the people were even more astonished. The pressure of the first floor of the underworld made them suffer, and Jiang Mo actually wanted to apply for the second floor?

"Cut, a brat who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, thinks that during the inspection, if he gets a little limelight, he can be arrogant! It's ridiculous!" Hearing Jiang Mo's words, Lu Liang immediately sneered in his heart.

"Master Dharma Protector, I have already considered it clearly. If I want to enter the second floor, please agree with Dharma Protector." Jiang Mo clasped his fists again and said.

He has already considered it very clearly. Although the pressure on the second layer of Hades Palace is huge, it is also of great benefit to his strength improvement.

Moreover, the mountain-moving secret technique he practiced, the greater the water pressure, the more obvious the effect of the practice.

"Okay, since you insist on this, I won't intervene too much. I hope your strength will improve in the second layer of Hades." Guardian Canshan waved his hand, and the rotation speed of the vortex in the middle suddenly weakened. At the same time, a ladder extending downward appeared in front of Jiang Mo's eyes.

"Thank you, Lord Guardian." Jiang Mo clasped his fists together, and immediately took a sufficient amount of primordial stones, and stepped into the stairs.

At the same time as Jiang Mo entered the second floor of the Nether Palace, the vortex of water flow on the top accelerated and rotated again, covering the staircase and returning to its previous appearance...

(End of this chapter)

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