Chapter 430 Strength Progress
"What the hell is this?" Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows and glanced at the giant boulder monster, his muscles tensed unconsciously, and the flow of Yuanli also quietly accelerated.

Judging from the aura emanating from the boulder monster, it already possesses a strength not weaker than that of the Seven Star Martial Lord.

Boom, boom, boom.

Just as Jiang Mo was thinking, the giant boulder was already rushing towards here with dull steps.

Jiang Mo looked serious, not daring to be negligent, clenched his fists, and directly bombarded the giant rock monster.

The giant boulder's iron arm, which was made entirely of gray rocks, collided with Jiang Mo. Suddenly, a ripple of energy visible to the naked eye quickly spread out.

Jiang Mo was shaken out of a distance of more than ten meters, but the giant boulder man just stopped for a moment, and then rushed towards Jiang Mo again.

"This guy, what a powerful force!" Jiang Mo secretly sighed, the secret art of moving mountains had already been urged to the second floor by him, bursting out with six times the strength of the physical body.

The two made a hard bang again, and at this time, even the incomparably strong River Underworld Palace was shaken violently.

Jiang Mo retreated a distance of seven or eight meters this time, and the giant boulder also took two steps back.

"This big guy's strength is too strong. It's hard for me to gain the upper hand just by competing with it." Jiang Mo thought quickly in his heart, and said, "The only thing I can do is rely on the advantage of speed."

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo paused slightly, then stepped out to the left, and circled behind the giant boulder monster like lightning.

Until now, the giant boulder hadn't reacted yet, Jiang Mo stepped on the ground with his toes, and with the help of that recoil force, he jumped up and appeared behind the head of the giant boulder.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Mo punched out directly, hitting the giant boulder monster's head.

However, Jiang Mo's punch with all his strength just knocked off a stone the size of an adult's fist from the head of the giant boulder monster, and it had little effect on it at all.

"What a hard head!" Jiang Mo twitched his lips, and retreated sharply, because at this time, the giant rock monster had turned around, and a pair of gray pupils locked on to Jiang Mo.

Its rocky arm swung out directly, and at the moment it was swung out, the stones disintegrated and combined, and turned into a long stone whip, which was drawn towards Jiang Mo.

When the stone whip was drawn, there was a clear and crisp sound, and Jiang Mo's expression turned aside. He didn't expect that the boulder monster had such tricks.

Jiang Mo stomped slightly with his left foot, and his figure flashed out to the right, narrowly dodging the stone whip.

The moment he dodged, the stone whip hit the ground, leaving a deep mark on the solid ground.

Before Jiang Mo could breathe a sigh of relief, the stone whip tore through the air again and enveloped Jiang Mo.

At this moment, on the first floor of Cangming Palace, Guardian Canshan sat there, holding a bronze mirror in his right hand, watching the battle reflected in it with great interest.

"Since this kid's speed is so fast, this match will only be worth watching if his opponent's speed is increased a little bit." Protector Can Shan smiled and pointed to a spot on the bronze mirror.

Just after Canshan Protector clicked down, the speed of the giant boulder monster in the second floor of the Nether Palace suddenly increased by a few points!

Pop, pop, pop!

All of a sudden, the sound of the whipping of the stone whip echoed continuously throughout the second floor of Hades Palace.

Jiang Mo dodged under the storm in embarrassment. Occasionally, a stone whip was whipped on his body, causing his flesh to burst open and excruciating pain.

"It's not the way to go on like this, we have to find a way to suppress this big guy!" Jiang Mo said secretly, and immediately the ancient sword of Heaven's Punishment flew out and fell into his palm.

In the next moment, the ancient sword was directly slashed out, and with a sharp sword light, it collided with the stone whip.


At the moment of the collision, a large amount of sparks suddenly flew out. Jiang Mo's Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword was only resisted for a moment, and then was swung away by the stone whip.

Another stone whip hit his shoulder, and Jiang Mo grinned in pain. He took a deep breath and increased his speed to the extreme. In a flash, he appeared directly above the head of the boulder monster.

"The aurora is like lightning!" Jiang Mo shouted, and immediately the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword pierced the gray pupils of the boulder monster like a flash of lightning.

Just as the tip of the sword was about to approach, there was a buzzing sound from the top of its head, and the stones around the boulder monster quickly disintegrated, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a stone shield covering its pupils .

With the sound of metal clashing, Jiang Mo's arm suddenly felt numb, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword was directly blocked.

At the same time, the very threatening stone whip came through the air again, making Jiang Mo's face tremble.

"Damn it!" Jiang Mo slammed the head of the giant boulder monster hard with his foot, and retreated violently.

His methods seemed to have no effect on this giant boulder monster.

"Even if I face the Seven Star Martial Lord, I might not be in such a mess. It's just that the defense of this giant boulder monster is too abnormal!" Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart.

However, after thinking about it again, although this giant boulder monster is very powerful, it is a rare opportunity to hone Jiang Mo.

With this in mind, Jiang Mo rushed out again. Relying on this giant boulder monster, his fighting skills may be improved to a higher level.

Time passed slowly in this second layer of Hades, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past half a month, Jiang Mo has been very calm and calm in the face of the giant rock monster from the beginning, and he does not know what kind of painful process he has gone through.

Now, he has adapted to the attack speed of the boulder monster, as well as the abnormal defense ability.

Bang, bang, bang!

After fighting for more than ten moves in a row, Jiang Mo jumped up, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword turned into a dazzling sword light, and slashed at the giant boulder monster.

Under the pressure of the sword light, the giant stone monster's eyes flashed gray, and the soles of his feet were chopped on the ground, making a dull sound.

Then, the stone whip in its hand shortened, and the stones in it disintegrated, covered the stone whip, and turned into a wide stone knife!

After the stone knife was condensed, the monster boulder slashed down directly, and forcibly defended with the looting sword light.

Immediately, an ear-piercing metallic roar instantly spread throughout the entire second floor of Hades.

At the same time, circle after circle of energy ripples, like water waves, quickly spread out.

Under this fierce confrontation, Jiang Mo's figure stood firmly in place, and he was no longer in the embarrassment he had been in before.

"This kid, he's progressing very fast. In just half a month, he was able to fight that big guy head-on without losing the wind!"

Guardian Canshan nodded with a smile, and immediately put away the bronze mirror. The moment the bronze mirror was put away, the giant stone monster on the second floor of the underworld also slowly disappeared.

"One month is up again, it's time to test the progress of strength!"

Jiang Mo raised his head, looked at the vortex at the passage connecting the first floor of the Hades Palace to the second floor of the Hades Palace, and said slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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