Chapter 436 go all out
Hearing what Guardian Can Shan said, Lu Liang couldn't help shaking his face, and said with a sneer, "Lord Guardian, since the test is over, I still won't try it."

Lu Liang knew very well in his heart that not to mention now, even if he rested for a few more hours, he might not be able to pass the fifth round.

The other training members also laughed in a low voice, obviously the laughter was aimed at Lu Liang.

"The inspection is over? Who told you?" Jiang Mo raised his head, and glanced at Lu Liang indifferently with his dark eyes.

As soon as Jiang Mo said this, the surrounding immediately fell into a commotion again.

"Could it be that Jiang Mo will continue to challenge the fifth round?"

"This kind of metamorphosis, the strength is really unfathomable!"

"Judging from his state of just passing the fourth round, he does have the strength to challenge the fifth round!"

"I didn't expect such a monster to come to our training camp this time!"

Lu Liang couldn't help but sneered and said, "Do you really think the fifth round is that easy? I advise you, it's better not to be ashamed!"

He could say that because he didn't want Jiang Mo to surpass him too much. In that case, Lu Liang's face would be a little better.

"Hehe, I don't need to bother you if you don't lose face." Jiang Mo glanced at Lu Liang, then turned to look at Canshan Guardian, clasped his fists and said, "Master Guardian, I request to challenge the fifth round."

Jiang Mo did still have some strength left. He had fought with the monster boulder for half a month in the second floor of the Underworld, and both his sword skills and his strength had increased tremendously.

And this armored stone statue has some similarities with the giant stone monster in terms of fighting methods.

According to Jiang Mo's estimation, the two should be designed by the same person to test the strength of the training camp members.

Now he really wants to see how powerful his sword skills will be when he matches the group of armored stone statues.

"Okay, since you have such an idea, I naturally have no reason to stop it." Guardian Canshan waved his big hand, and immediately the field was shaken again. With the rumbling sound, the 25 armored stone statues suddenly vibrated from below out.

The people around looked at the scene in shock, a little horrified.

"The aura exuded by this fifth armor stone statue is several times stronger than before!"

"I wonder if Jiang Mo can break through now?"

"Anyway, it looks very tricky. If it were me, I'm afraid I don't even have the courage to fight!" Everyone discussed in a low voice.

Jiang Mo licked his lips, and his eyes showed a fiery fighting intent. These 25 armored stone statues combined together may not be weaker than the giant stone monster on the second floor of the Underworld.

Even Jiang Mo had to go all out!

"Come on!" After a low shout, Jiang Mo's figure moved, and he flew out in an instant.

When rushing out, Jiang Mo clenched his fists tightly, and immediately blasted out directly.

At this moment, the shocking power erupted from the no-frills punch, the air was blasted, and a circle of air arc appeared, crashing towards the armored stone statue.

A muffled sound sounded, and after the punch was dropped, the armored stone statue immediately raised its stone shield to block it, and circles of energy ripples spread, causing the ground under its feet to tremble slightly.

Regarding the effect of this punch, Jiang Mo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because the stone armor statue was only slightly shaken, and then dissipated that force.

"Tch, let me just say that this kid wants to challenge the fifth round, but he is just hitting himself with an egg and humiliating himself!" Seeing that Jiang Mo's attack failed, Lu Liang burst out laughing, his voice was extremely piercing.

"Before entering the training camp, I still thought you were a rare genius. Today, it seems that you are just a narrow-minded person!" Ji Weisheng also looked at the field with both eyes. When Lu Liang's sneer sounded, she raised her eyebrows It just wrinkled up.

"Ji Weisheng, could it be that you have joined forces with that kid once, and you have developed a good impression of him? How dare you insult me ​​like this?" Lu Liang suddenly turned around, looking at Ji Weisheng with anger.

"At least he is much stronger than you, not only in strength, but also in mind." Ji Weisheng glanced at Lu Liang, then turned his head away and stopped looking at him.

"Hmph, wait and see, if you don't have a stick of incense, that kid will lose. I'll see what else you have to say." Lu Liang gritted his teeth and made a clucking sound.

In the arena, while the two were talking, Jiang Mo had tried to test the 25 armored stone statues several times.

At this time, Jiang Mo had already stepped aside abruptly.

"These 25 armored stone statues not only have a slight increase in strength, but also have a very tacit understanding between each other's shots, as if they have been discussed in advance." Jiang Mo's eyes flickered, and the next moment, he urged the power of divine sense to move towards that place. The group of armor stone statues covered and disappeared.

A moment later, he withdrew the power of his divine sense with a solemn expression.

As he expected, there is still an array connection between the fifth round of armor and stone statues, and according to Jiang Mo's estimation, this time the array has reached at least level five. Under their rapid movement, Jiang Mo cannot So easy to crack.

"It seems that we can only use the Devil May Cry Sword Technique!" Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and immediately swung the ancient Tianxing sword out, and the shadows of the swords filled the air, hitting the group of armored stone statues, bursting out bursts of dazzling sparks.

"Aurora is like electricity!"

"Changhong pierces the sun!"

"Thousands of Miles Yujian!"

"Slash mountains and rivers!"

Swish, swish, swish...

Jiang Mo used the first four moves of the Devil May Cry Sword Technique consecutively.

In an instant, the entire Nether Palace at the bottom of the river was filled with fierce sword energy, shuttled among the armored stone statue, and bombarded the armored stone statue backward step by step.

Under his swift and fierce attack, the 25 armored stone statues were in a mess for a moment, but soon, with the flash of the central elemental force, they quickly adjusted them to a seemingly mysterious position.

What Jiang Mo wanted was for them to be out of position at this moment, so how could he let go of such a great opportunity?
He chopped the sole of his foot heavily on the ground, and with a muffled sound, his figure instantly rose from the ground.

At the same time, Jiang Mo raised the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword above his head, and a round of terrifying power suddenly spread from his whole body.

This situation caused the expressions of the people around him to change drastically.

"Pierce the sky!" Jiang Mo growled, the light on the ancient sword surged, and the secret technique of moving mountains was directly urged to the second floor by him, bursting out with six times the brute force of the physical body!
In the next moment, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword came crashing down with an extremely dazzling sword glow.

Before the sword light arrived, cracks appeared on the ground, and there seemed to be some faint voices in the field, and the formation connecting the 25 armored stone statues was quietly broken.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword finally slashed on the 25 armored stone statues with unparalleled power.

In an instant, violent energy impacts swept across the field like a storm...

(End of this chapter)

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