Chapter 443 Dark Dragon Language—Speaking Spirit!
The black tortoise shell only blocked it for a moment, and then it burst into pieces.

Jiang Mo shook his body in a hurry, and ran forward desperately.

Gradually, Jiang Mo only felt that the surrounding river became colder and colder, and the surroundings seemed to become darker.

The river seems to be getting narrower and narrower, making people feel like they have entered a cage.

Behind him, the river demon who seemed to exist in nothingness, still followed closely.

Jiang Mo could only do his best to squeeze the remaining traces of strength in his muscles and bones. He had already used up the elixir, and the only thing he could rely on to escape at this moment was his strong survival instinct.

The situation that Ji Weisheng encountered before is now being played out similarly to Jiang Mo.

In the Styx River filled with powerful river monsters, not to mention Jiang Mo, even the Guardian of the Canshan Mountain may encounter such a situation.

The river became narrower and narrower, the light was completely blocked, and a cold and terrifying feeling spread from the bottom of Jiang Mo's heart.

At this moment, curved ancient stone pillars extended from the bottom of the river below, and the curved parts at the top were distributed irregularly.

Jiang Mo didn't care about so many, so he could only swipe into this passage-like place.

The moment he darted in, something seemed to move in his body!
At the same time, the urgent pressure from behind disappeared suddenly, which made Jiang Mo a little surprised.

He looked back, and saw that invisible river demon stayed outside the passage lined with stone pillars, and did not chase in.

Although its size cannot be seen, it can be seen from the tumbling river water how huge it is!

"It seems that there seems to be something it is afraid of here!" Jiang Mo secretly said in his heart, secretly adding caution.

There were soldiers chasing outside, so as a last resort, Jiang Mo bit the bullet and continued to plunder inside. After all, there were rumors that there were many secret treasures in this Styx, maybe he could try his luck too!

As Jiang Mo moved forward, a stone door-like thing appeared in front of Jiang Mo, suspended under it, leaving an adult-sized passage.

Seeing Jiang Mo enter, outside the passage, the river monster suddenly let out strange screams, as if something terrible happened!

"Since it's here, it's safe. Anyway, there's that big guy outside, so it's better to go in and try your luck." Jiang Mo ignored the cry of the river monster and went in directly.

The moment Jiang Mo entered, the face of the guardian of Canshan, who was several miles away, suddenly changed.

"Could something happen to that kid Jiang Mo?" Looking at the jade tablet in his hand that suddenly lost its light, Guardian Canshan frowned.

In the jade cards given to Jiang Mo and the others back then, there was a trace of vitality left, which echoed with the guardian of Canshan Mountain.

If the connection is cut off, the Canshan Guardian can sense it here.

"This kid's talent is not weak, and he may not be able to become an existence of the Cangming Dharma Protector, so we can't let him fall here!"

Thinking of this, Guardian Canshan moved his body and rushed towards the position before the connection was severed.

At this moment, at the passage where Jiang Mo was.

After entering, the place became much brighter, and there were still many curved stone pillars on the upper part, but compared to the outside, it was much denser.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Mo couldn't help approaching those stone pillars to take a closer look.

Arriving here, it is already very close to the depths of the Styx River. It is somewhat impossible to say that these stone pillars were made by humans.

After approaching, Jiang Mo found that there were some strange characters engraved on each of the stone pillars, like ghostly drawn symbols, which were extremely difficult to recognize.

"What are these things?" Jiang Mo frowned, thinking quickly.

He looked down carefully along the stone pillars, and finally, when he saw the third stone pillar, he recognized a word.

"Rain!" At first, it was nothing to recognize a word, but Jiang Mo was inexplicably excited at the moment, with an ecstatic look on his face.

This is a type of text that exists deep in Jiang Mo's memory. Back then, he had read a very old classic, and the text recorded on it was of this type.

This kind of writing has a heart-stirring name—Dragon Language!

However, because this kind of writing is too obscure, and hundreds of years have passed, it is difficult for Jiang Mo to recall all of them for a while.

However, Jiang Mo believed that as long as he was given enough time, he would be able to recognize these words slowly.

In Tianwu Continent, the Dragon Clan is at the top of the food chain among the barren beast races!

But the Dragon Clan does not have only one lineage, but is divided into three, six, and nine classes according to the division of blood.

And the Purple Gold Emperor Dragon Martial Vein awakened in Jiang Mo's body, even among the Dragon Clan, is also an existence with extremely high bloodlines.

According to Jiang Mo's memory, each branch of the dragon clan has its own dragon language.

Each type of dragon language corresponds to a different secret technique.

"I don't know which branch of the dragon clan this kind of dragon language belongs to, and what kind of secret technique it will have?" Jiang Mo suppressed the excitement in his heart, and secretly said.

For the next half month, Jiang Mo was immersed in the words carved on the stone pillar.

Gradually, combining his intermittent memories, he recognized some words.

Combining these information, Jiang Mo roughly knew the origin of the dragon language.

"The lineage of Minglong, the bloodline is among the dragons, enough to be ranked in the third class!"

"The secret technique contained in the dragon language is the spirit of speech!"

"Only by mastering the dragon language of the underworld dragon can you release the underworld dragon's language!"

"Its power is so strong that it can burn mountains and boil seas, turning the world upside down!"

These are all Jiang Mo's interpretation of the words on the stone pillar in his mind. Although the last sentence is a bit exaggerated, Jiang Mo also knows that its power must be comparable to human martial arts!

"I didn't expect it to be from the Dark Dragon lineage." Jiang Mo sighed secretly.

While Jiang Mo was muttering to himself, he suddenly had an idea, as if he had discovered some connection.

"The lineage of the underworld dragon, the underworld river, and the underworld realm? Could it be that there is something to do with it?" Thinking of this, Jiang Mo stood where he was, and looked carefully at the slightly curved stone pillars around him again.

Combined with the river winding around like a horned dragon, Jiang Mo seemed to understand something.

"Could it be that this place was transformed from the corpse of a dark dragon, and was finally named Styx?" Jiang Mo boldly guessed.

The slightly curved stone pillar is the skeleton of the underworld dragon, and the dragon language characters engraved on it are the underworld dragon's bones.

The facts are just as Jiang Mo guessed. A thousand years ago, a dark dragon with a cultivation level of seven ranks traveled here. Somehow, he offended a strong human race and was besieged by many strong men of the Wuzong rank. here.

With his body, it turned into this endless river of Styx...

(End of this chapter)

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