Chapter 475
The iron tower rumbled and trembled non-stop, but in the end the violent power finally dissipated, and the roaring and trembling iron tower also returned to calm.

Those Cangmingwei who were watching from the outside were all dumbfounded, looking at the lit spars on the eighth and ninth floors, talking a lot.

"I don't know which of the five of them made this movement, but it's really surprising!"

"Bao Buqi is that Dong Linjun who wields the gun. That guy's marksmanship is extremely overbearing. It's not surprising that he can make such a noise."

"I think it looks like Ji Xiantian with superb swordsmanship, don't underestimate this guy!"

"You know, Tianjiao who can cut off the head of a strong King Wu with a single sword, which one is simple?"

People's attention was focused on Dong Linjun and Ji Xiantian. As for Jiang Mo and Yu Ximeng, who were not well-known monks, they were automatically ignored.

On the eighth floor, the flame storm spread out and raged for nearly ten breaths before subsiding.

A passage nearly three feet in size was blasted out of the wall, which was slightly larger than the passages blasted by Dong Linjun and Ji Xiantian before combined.

Moreover, what's even more rare is that Jiang Mo's face did not show the paleness that Dong Linjun and Ji Xiantian had before.

The power of words and spirits is very mysterious, and it can penetrate the barrier of the restriction. Jiang Mo didn't feel much pressure.

Seeing that Jiang Mo also blasted open the passage, Wang Xu and Yu Ximeng couldn't sit still, and they all used the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

The folding fan in Wang Xu's hand spread out, and suddenly a huge arc of crescent moon shot out, crashing down on the solid wall.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the wall was opened a zhang, and as the gravel splashed, Wang Xu moved and flew over.

Yu Ximeng's soft red lips parted slightly, as if a Sanskrit sound came out, her slender fingers changed one after another, raindrops fell on the eighth-story iron tower, and transformed into a tall horse.

The horse stepped on the flames with four hooves, bathed in the flames that shot up to the sky, and rushed towards the other wall while looking up to the sky and roaring.

The galloping momentum of the galloping horse was only a little weaker than that of Jiang Mo. After neighing, it also smashed into the wall into a passage about two feet in size.

Her soft and delicate body was like a fluttering butterfly, while twisting, she floated into the passage.

Jiang Mo wanted to step up to Yu Ximeng and Yu Ximeng. When he appeared on the ninth floor of the iron tower, what he saw was the scene of Dong Linjun and Ji Xiantian fighting fiercely.

The sharp sword light and the domineering gun shadow collided with each other without giving way.

Dong Linjun's male and female eyebrows were all furious, and his marksmanship was extremely domineering, and the entire space was filled with countless purple spear shadows.

Ji Xiantian is also not weak in momentum, the three-foot green spear is like a fish swimming in his hands, every time he flicks, he can always avoid the sharp edge of the spear, and when he collides with the spear occasionally, there will be a shocking explosion.

And that Cangming Golden Token hangs steadily at the highest point, and no one has touched it yet.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo breathed a sigh of relief, stepped on the ground with his feet, and rushed out. With the help of that powerful recoil force, he rushed towards the Cangming Golden Token.

In the main hall, Bai Sha's deputy palace lord twisted a few strands of black silk with his jade fingers, lightly playing with them, and said with a smile: "It seems that Dong Linjun and Ji Xiantian have lost both sides in the fight, but that little guy named Jiang Mo is cheaper."

Deputy Palace Master Bai's memory has always been good, Guardian Canshan only told her once that the five Heavenly Talents of Cangming Palace were all remembered by Vice Palace Master Bai.

The iron tower on the ninth floor was already exposed to the air, and even the Cang Ming Wei guards outside the tower could clearly see the fighting above.

The two Dong Linjun, who were in the midst of a fierce battle, suddenly caught a glimpse of a thin figure gliding towards Cangming Jinling, and they immediately became furious.

"You dare, kid!" Ji Xiantian yelled loudly, and the deafening sound swept across, causing Jiang Mo's chest to churn with blood.

"If you dare to get involved in the Cangming Golden Token, I will skin you and tighten your tendons!" Dong Linjun raised his eyebrows even more, and the spear rolled up with great power, violently attacking Jiang Mo's back.

According to his estimation, Jiang Mo was only using his strength to pick up the Cangming Token. In mid-air, his speed would inevitably weaken, and if he was unable to dodge the sudden blow, he would definitely end up seriously injured.

Then, the competition for Cangming Jinling still belongs to him and Ji Xiantian.

Not everyone is qualified to take the position of Golden Robe Cangming Envoy.

But just when the purple gun light was about to hit Jiang Mo's back, there was a sudden change!
Jiang Mo didn't pay attention to Dong Linjun's verbal threat at all. The simple and heavy ancient sword of heavenly punishment flew out from behind him, and directly slashed out with force, colliding with the long spear, making a deafening roar.

"This kid actually knows how to control the sword!" This scene made Ji Xiantian frowned, and immediately he held the three-foot green sword and walked towards Jiang Mo.

But at this time, there was a clatter behind Jiang Mo, and a pair of black wings stretched out.

The black wings fluttered suddenly, and Jiang Mo's speed suddenly increased by a few points, and he appeared directly beside the Cangming Golden Token.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Mo took off the token that everyone had coveted for a long time, and immediately landed down.

This process was just a flash in the air, except for a few people, no one saw it clearly.

"Yuanli turned into wings? Martial Emperor strong!"

Not only the Cangmingwei outside the tower, but also Dong Linjun, Ji Xiantian, Wang Xu and Yu Ximeng who had just rushed to the ninth floor, including the Vice Palace Master Bai in the main hall, all of them changed their expressions suddenly.

However, after all, Vice Palace Master Bai's strength was superb, and his vision was far beyond human comparison. He was only surprised for a moment before regaining his composure.

Even from a distance away from the illusory image, Deputy Palace Master Bai could see that the pair of black wings on Jiang Mo's back were not transformed by Yuan force, but some kind of rare flying martial arts.

"This kid can even acquire flying martial arts skills. I really don't know if he is supported by a force that is more transcendent than Cangming Palace." The corners of the White Vice Palace Master's lips curled up slightly.

After winning the Cangming Golden Order, Dong Linjun and others also recovered from the shock. If Jiang Mo really had the strength of the Martial Emperor, how could he compete with them for the position of the Golden Robe Cangming Envoy?Just go directly to that Cangming protector!
At this moment, Jiang Mo was surrounded by four people, forming corners, surrounded in the middle.

"Hand over the Cangming Golden Order, and I will let you go safely!" Dong Linjun slammed his spear hard on the ground, and everyone felt their feet tremble.

"Hehe, it's really funny. Could it be that the Cangming Token was obtained by someone with strength?" Jiang Mo glanced at Dong Linjun indifferently, not paying attention to it at all.

If you really want to make a move, just let the horse come over. At the same level, Jiang Mo has never been afraid of anyone!

In the main hall, Guardian Can Shan moved to announce the result, but was stopped by Vice Palace Master Bai.

"I want to see if Jiang Mo really has the courage to challenge the four arrogances!"

(End of this chapter)

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