Chapter 499 Shocking the audience
The arena not only has its own fighters, but also monks from outside to challenge.

Different from those cultivators, outside monks are very free and are not restricted by the arena. If they defeat the fighters in the arena, they can get a large reward.

If they are defeated, they will have no loss, because their battles have attracted popularity to the arena, which is the most important part of the arena.

After the disguise, Jiang Mo not only changed his appearance, but also restrained his aura a lot. Unless the strength is far stronger than Jiang Mo, it is difficult for ordinary people to perceive Jiang Mo's true strength.

"What's your name?" The person in charge of registration asked without looking up.

"Mo Jiang." Jiang Mo gave himself a random name.

"Affiliation?" the man continued to ask.

"Alone." Jiang Mo said lightly.

"Do you know the rules of the arena?" The man raised his head and glanced at Jiang Mo.

"I know." Jiang Mo nodded.

"Life and death are determined, wealth and honor are in the sky, who is the fighter you want to challenge?" the man asked.

"Shiman." Jiang Mo said directly without too much nonsense.

Hearing this, the man was surprised at first, and then secretly sneered in his heart, Shiman is very strong, if he can defeat him, he can take this opportunity to make a name for himself, but if he doesn't know himself, it will only increase in value in the arena. Just a corpse.

These words were all in the heart of the person in charge of the registration, and he didn't tell Jiang Mo. He just nodded and said to Jiang Mo: "Your battle with the stone man will be arranged in the third round later. Now you You can go get ready."

After speaking, Jiang Mo received a battle card, and immediately stepped into the preparation area.

In the arena, the battle was still going on. After tearing Yao Gan apart with his bare hands, the stone man used his hands to directly dismember two fourth-order desolate beasts and an eight-star Martial Lord.

The bloody scene shocked many people.

Ordinary people living in the Nether Realm rarely see such bloody scenes. They don't know that fierce fighting similar to today's is a common occurrence in that wild and bitter cold place.

It wasn't that the stone man was cruel, but because of the environment.

"I've seen the strength of that big guy before, and no one would dare to challenge him again." In the pavilion, the envoy of the Wuji Temple glanced indifferently at the blood that stained the ground in the arena. , and fragmented corpses.

Hearing this, the middle-aged steward smiled and said, "Just now there is news from my subordinates that there is a lone strong man named Mo Jiang who wants to challenge Shiman. I guess he wants to take this opportunity to earn some fame."

"Hehe, people die for money, and birds die for food. This is an eternal truth. If you want to be famous, you have to have that life to enjoy it! I want to see, this guy named Mo Jiang is really capable , It's still a straw bag!" The envoy brushed off his sleeves, and his eyes fell into the arena again.

On the arena, the three-foot-high towering giant shadow stood there like a giant pillar. The blood in his hands had not yet dried up. When he tore apart his opponent, the blood that spurted out stained his body, making him look hideous terrible.

Seeing his ferocity, even the fighters raised by the arena did not dare to fight again, they would rather be executed by the arena than be torn apart by that stone man with bare hands.

"Grandpa, I was watching with great interest. Why did you stop suddenly? Doesn't anyone dare to fight this big guy?" Many spectators became a little impatient and shouted loudly. There was a commotion in the stands .

"We spent a lot of money. I didn't expect to watch so many battles. It's really disappointing!"

"Your arena is too deceitful, no, I have to refund the money, I won't watch it!"

There was a burst of noise, which made the manager of the arena frown. He had no choice but to face nearly ten thousand spectators, and said with a smile: "Everyone wait a moment, the fighters we arranged will appear soon, please Take it easy, everyone."

The reason why the arena earns money every day is because of its good reputation, and there is an endless stream of spectators who come here every day. But if the signboard is smashed today, the business in the future may plummet.

While the manager was waiting anxiously, Jiang Mo finally stepped out leisurely with the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword on his back. Looking at that appearance, he seemed to be traveling in mountains and rivers, rather than facing a statue that could tear people apart with his bare hands. Horror monster.

"Challenger, Mo Jiang!" Following the waiter's high-pitched words, the anxious spectators on the stage also fell silent, and all their eyes turned to the thin figure strolling in the courtyard in unison.

"Looking at this guy's appearance, is he very relaxed? Could it be that he has the strength to defeat that stone man?"

"This person doesn't seem to be very old. If there is no sect training behind him, how can he be the opponent of that stone man with the strength of at most the level of a Martial Lord. It is estimated that another one will come up to die!"

"It doesn't matter whether he is stunned or really powerful, anyway, it has nothing to do with me. I'm here just for fun."

The accumulative voices of the discussion made people's eardrums buzz, but Jiang Mo automatically blocked these disturbances.

After he approached the stone man, he took a little look at it and felt that the strength of the latter was about between the two-star martial king and the three-star martial king. If he untied the chain on his feet, he might be able to fight with the four-star martial king for a while, but in the end Absolutely lose.

It probably cost a lot to get such a strong man in the arena.

When Jiang Mo looked at the stone man, the stone man was also looking at Jiang Mo. The barren land where the stone man lived was extremely harsh, which also cultivated their innate keen sense of danger.

It was this weak human being who seemed to be able to kill a large area with a slap in front of him, which gave Shi Man a feeling of extreme danger. Even facing the beasts in the wild, Shi Man did not have such a strong feeling.



Before the battle, the stone man beat his chest fiercely, and let out a deep roar from his throat, and the thick iron chain under his feet was driven, making a rattling sound.

"What's wrong with this beast?" On the stage, the arena manager looked at this scene in puzzlement. Since Shi Man was brought to the arena, he had never behaved abnormally today.

When the manager was surprised and the emotions of the spectators were mobilized, Jiang Mo had already moved. He lightly stepped on the ground with his toes, and his body shot out like an arrow.

The extremely fast speed caused the air to be torn apart, making a sharp whistling sound, and the series of afterimages behind him were superimposed together, as if forming a clone.

When nearly [-] spectators were shocked by this move, the emissary of the Wuji Temple in the pavilion narrowed his eyes into a straight line.

"Based on this speed, this kid is already qualified to enter my Wuji Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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