Fengtian Longdi

Chapter 60 The Test of the Martial Arts Academy

Chapter 60 The Test of the Martial Arts Academy
For three days, Jiang Mo had been staying in Zichen's ring, opening up the Feitian Vein.

Although it has not been fully opened up, at least one tenth of it has been completed, and the rest can only be opened up slowly after entering Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

"Today is the day to follow instructor Xiao Wu to enter Yunchui Martial Dao Academy. It's time for me to leave."

There was nothing to clean up, but Ling'er was reluctant to part with Jiang Mo, her eyes were always red.

"Ling'er, don't worry, when I gain a firm foothold in Tianshield City, I will definitely take you over." Jiang Mo looked at Ling'er and said seriously.

Yunchui Martial Arts Institute is located in Tianshield City, which is the capital of Yunchui Empire.

"But, young master... If Ling'er doesn't follow you, who will serve you, woo..." Ling'er's tears were streaming down, crying like pear blossoms with rain.


It took Jiang Mo a long time to coax Linger well.

Immediately afterwards, he went to the east courtyard to say hello to Jiang Mushen, and asked Jiang Mushen to take care of Ling'er and stop being bullied by Jiang Shenghai.

After doing all this, Jiang Mo left with peace of mind.

At the intersection of Fenglei Town, Teacher Xiao Wu, Yun Yan'er, and Yun Qingyang are already waiting there.

Jiang Han didn't say hello to the clansmen, and walked straight to Xiao Wu's chariot with a cold face.

"Grandpa, Ling'er, you go back. When I become stronger, I will be back soon." Jiang Mo waved to his clansmen to see him off.

Jiang Lili was also among them, watching this young man whom he once regarded as a waste, but now he needs to look up to.

She felt an indescribable bitterness in her heart, "If I hadn't been so mean at the beginning, my relationship with Brother Jiang Mo wouldn't be so stiff now."

Jiang Lili sighed in her heart, she watched Jiang Mo leave, and the chariot gradually disappeared from sight.

The tall figure, after turning around, left behind a lonely figure.


Instructor Xiao Wu's chariot is very big, it is more than enough for five people.

In front of the chariot were three tame wild beasts pulling the chariot, which was very stable.

Jiang Han sat on the sidelines alone, not intending to talk to anyone.

With beautiful eyes, Yun Yan'er stared at Jiang Mo curiously. This thin young man was the only man in Fenglei Town who interested her.

"Let's go to the gathering point hundreds of miles away, where the other mentors and selected disciples will meet. Then we will go to Yunchui Martial Dao Academy together." Instructor Xiao Wu broke the dullness.

"Although you both have good talents, after entering the Martial Arts Academy, you must restrain your arrogance, because there are many talented disciples there, and they all have talents that are not weaker than yours."

Jiang Mo naturally knew that Teacher Xiao Wu was reminding them out of goodwill to avoid unnecessary suffering.

"Thank you, Teacher Xiao Wu, for the reminder." Jiang Mo clasped his fists together.

Instructor Xiao Wu nodded, and then said some precautions after entering the Martial Arts Academy.

The speed of the desolate beast was very fast. It took less than half a day to reach the gathering point after a journey of nearly a hundred miles.

This is a simple house, dilapidated, and Jiang Mo suspects that it can't even shelter from wind and rain.

Jiang Mo glanced at it, and there was a vast forest around here, and no one lived there.

If you want to come to this gathering point, it should be repaired by the disciples of Yunchui Martial Dao Academy.

After arriving, instructor Xiao Wu got out of the car first and led the four young people to the gathering point.

There have been many people staying there, some young faces, and some middle-aged people with deep breaths.

"Teacher Ruoyun, you guys came early enough." Instructor Xiao Wu said to a mature and charming mentor.

"Teacher Xiao Wu, you are the last batch. We are all waiting for you!" Instructor Ruoyun's voice is gentle and sounds very pleasant.

She walked towards the direction where Jiang Mo and the two were, and said, "Is this the disciple that Teacher Xiao Wu recruited? It looks very good."

"Haha, that is." Instructor Xiao Wu laughed loudly.

"I don't know if it can be compared to the pair of sisters I recruited this time." Teacher Ruoyun covered her mouth and smiled.

It has to be said that this mentor Ruoyun is really attractive, like a ripe peach, not only some male disciples are attracted by her, even several mentors look at her.

"The disciples I recruit will definitely not be bad. You know, this little guy killed a second-order desolate beast!" Instructor Xiao Wu pointed to Jiang Mo, and he was very proud in his words.

"Then I want to take a look at this little guy. It's really amazing to be able to kill a second-order desolate beast alone at this age. Even compared with those juniors in the Martial Arts Academy, it's not much different." If Instructor Yun raised his head, sizing up Jiang Mo with his eyes like autumn water.

"The disciple is just a fluke." Jiang Mo smiled at Tutor Ruoyun.

"Hehe...the little guy is quite humble." Instructor Ruoyun teased.

At this time, the pair of sisters recruited by Ruoyun's mentor also came over, looking at Jiang Mo with great interest.

When they saw Jiang Mo's eyes as black as ink, the sisters looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes.

"Teacher Ruoyun, we are not bad. When we pass through the periphery of Heifengling later, I will show you the strength of our sisters." The younger sister seemed to be more bold and direct.

When they passed Heifeng Ridge, the faces of the two mentors became serious.

This vast forest is the famous Heifeng Ridge. Only through this boundless Heifeng Ridge can one reach Tianshield City and enter Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

"Everyone come here." Instructor Xiao Wu shouted to other instructors and disciples.

Soon, everyone gathered together.

"The first test for you at the Martial Arts Institute is to pass the periphery of Heifeng Ridge." Instructor Xiao Wu stood there with a serious face and explained the rules.

"This test requires you to complete it together. Even if you encounter any trouble, we will not intervene."

"There is one more thing I must remind you, that is, even the periphery of Heifeng Ridge is extremely dangerous and may be life-threatening. If you want to quit now, there is still time. I am definitely not joking." He recalled that when he died in the The disciples in Heifeng Ridge had serious expressions on their faces.

Instructor Xiao Wu glanced at the crowd, there were about thirty or so newly recruited disciples.

If they can't pass this level, there is no need to report to Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

"I'll give you three minutes to think about it. If you are willing to take the risk, you can enter Heifeng Ridge. If you don't, you can go back home immediately." Instructor Xiao Wu said.

Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and from his spiritual sense perception, there were indeed powerful desolate beasts in this Black Wind Ridge.

But now that he's here, he won't go back.

The journey of martial arts is full of dangers. If you can't overcome these obstacles, it will be difficult to achieve success in the journey of martial arts.

The pair of sisters were eager to give it a try, and they didn't show any sign of shrinking back.

Jiang Han was expressionless, as if what was waiting in front of him was nothing important.

3 minutes, quickly passed.

At this time, several teenagers from other towns raised their hands, signaling to quit.

Teacher Xiao Wu naturally nodded in agreement.

"Is anyone else quitting?" Instructor Xiao Wu asked loudly again.

This time, no one left.

"Since you haven't retreated, let's move forward bravely! We will wait for you in front!" After speaking, instructor Xiao Wu and a dozen people all entered the Black Wind Ridge.

With their speed, it is naturally not difficult to pass through the periphery of Heifeng Ridge, and these newly recruited disciples cannot catch up with them.

They can only rely on themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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