Chapter 603
"How could it be? Even a four-star Martial Emperor might not be able to catch my wild elephant. How could this kid break it with a single strike!" The middle-aged man screamed in disbelief, his eyes full of astonishment.

A hundred meters away, Bai Youyou stared blankly at Jiang Mo's sword slashing posture, and couldn't help being a little dazzled.

How many people in the entire Tianwu Sword Sect can strike such a chic and domineering sword?

For a moment, Bai Youyou's mind faltered.

However, the river of sword energy raging past did not give the middle-aged man much time to think, and it rushed over in an instant.

The sound of sword qi splitting the flesh came out, and this elder, who was not low in the Tianming Pavilion, fell straight backwards.

"Even if you kill can't save the... defeat of Shengwu Jianzong..."

Before dying, the middle-aged man mumbled such a sentence.

Bai Youyou came to Jiang Mo's side, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

She couldn't be more clear about the strength of this middle-aged man. With the cultivation base of the four-star Martial Emperor Dacheng, only a few disciples in the inner sect of the Holy Martial Sword Sect can kill him.

But Jiang Mo did it!
Although Bai Youyou blocked the middle-aged man because of this, Jiang Mo's true strength can be seen from this.


Just when Bai Youyou was shocked, Jiang Mo suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, his figure staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.

Bai Youyou hurriedly supported Jiang Mo, with worried eyes in her beautiful eyes, she asked, "Are you all right?"

Gritting his teeth, he barely stood still. After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang Mo recovered.

"Don't worry, this little injury is fine." Jiang Mo smiled.

Not far away, those monks in Tianming Pavilion have completely fallen into a disadvantage. Six of them were beheaded, and only two were still struggling to support them.

"Senior Sister Bai, is the sect really in a precarious state now? How come there are so many imperial forces joining the rebellious camp?" Jiang Mo asked aloud after a short rest.

"I don't know why, just before January, the momentum of rebellion in various places has sprung up like mushrooms after rain. And there is a trend of intensification. I think this is not an accidental incident, but someone is planning behind it!" Bai Youyou said solemnly .

"Someone planned it?" Jiang Mo was horrified, planning such a force to rebel against Shengwu Jianzong at the same time, how powerful must be the black hand behind the scenes!

"Well." Bai Youyou nodded lightly, and said: "But these are not your worries. Those high-level people in the Zongmen will solve these things. And we just need to wait for the order."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo didn't think about it any more.

"Junior Brother Jiang Mo, I found out that there is a secret hiding place in the depths of Manji Islet. This time, Tianming Pavilion dispatched on a large scale, and even dispatched an elder. I guess it was for this matter. "

After a short pause, Bai Youyou still revealed the secret.

If Jiang Mo hadn't arrived in time, all the disciples of the Shengwu Sword Sect who were present would have died on Manji Island.

"Oh? Secret possession?" Hearing these words, Jiang Mo couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"Besides, I've already found out the general location of that secret cache. It is said that one of them fell with a strength of a seventh-order ice bat basalt beast, full of treasures." Bai Youyou said slowly.

The ice bat basalt beast is not the real ancient beast, but the mixed blood of the legendary ice bat family and the basalt beast.

However, there is a faint trace of Xuanwu's blood flowing in his body, which is very precious.

"It's fine now, so why not go to that hidden treasure to explore and see if you can gain anything." Jiang Mo said, looking into the depths of Manji Islet.

"That's exactly what I mean." Bai Youyou's pretty face showed a beautiful smile, like a lotus flower out of water.

The two rushed over, helped the disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, killed the last two Tianming Pavilion monks, and then plundered towards the depths of Manji Island.

After the disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect knew that Jiang Mo had actually beheaded an elder of the Tianming Pavilion, they couldn't help but grow more in awe of him.

With the rapid flying, the vast dense forest has disappeared behind him, and a huge desert-like land appeared in front of him.

The earth presents two colors, and the blue earth has a strange feeling everywhere.

"I don't know if that is the entrance to the depths of Manji Islet?" Jiang Mo moved towards the blue land with a radius of about ten feet.

"Junior Brother Jiang Mo, be careful, there should be native guards from Manji Islet." Bai Youyou reminded.

Sure enough, not long after Jiang Mo landed, dozens of auras suddenly flashed out. Looking at their attire, one could tell that these people should be natives of Manji Island.

The spears and iron swords in their hands are much more refined than those of the previous group of natives, with a cold light and a faint murderous look leaking out.

"Outsiders, leave quickly, this is my forbidden area on Manji Island, intruders, shoot and kill!"

Among the natives, there was an old man with white beard and hair who could communicate normally with everyone.

His gaze shot at Jiang Mo like lightning, and murderous intent gathered around him.

"Hehe, Manji Island claims to be a vassal of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, and now it joins forces with Tianming Pavilion to betray the Holy Martial Sword Sect. In my opinion, there is no need for this Manji Island to exist anymore!" Gu Jianxie pointed out with a forceful momentum.

"These are all done by those clansmen outside, and we don't know about it. I, Manjiyu, have never surrendered to the Holy Martial Sword Sect, nor have I joined hands with any Tianming Pavilion!" The white-haired old man swore.

However, his flickering eyes revealed the anxiety in his heart.

"Senior Sister Bai, since these words are not willing to surrender. In my opinion, it's better to just kill her and send her disciples to guard here in the future!" Jiang Mo looked at Bai Youyou and said calmly.

When Jiang Mo said this, the rest of the natives couldn't understand, and naturally there was no change, but the white-haired old man stared at Jiang Mo in horror.

"Junior brother Jiang Mo, what you said is very reasonable. Junior brothers and sisters, we will clear up this troublesome matter for the sect today!"

After the words fell, Bai Youyou's eyes froze.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man hurriedly retreated. Wulawala didn't know what he said to the natives, and killing intent burst out in the eyes of the natives.

The spear and iron sword were brandished, and amidst the flickering cold light, a strong murderous aura converged in mid-air, making this space extremely oppressive.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill!"

In the next moment, a fierce battle broke out...

(End of this chapter)

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