Chapter 606
Bai Youyou, who was originally panting and panting, turned very red in her pretty face after hearing Jiang Mo's helpless words.

She nodded, winking like silk, and hardly dared to look at Jiang Mo.

I had to say softly: "Junior brother Jiang Mo, can you go faster?"

"This kind of thing can't be done quickly, if those toxins remain in your body, something serious will happen!" Jiang Mo shook his head.

Bai Youyou stopped talking and let Jiang Mo detoxify her.

Even though the numbness was unbearable, she gritted her teeth tightly, and her delicate earlobes were translucently red.

Just like that, after about a stick of incense, the traces of purple scorpion poison have been forced out of Bai Youyou's body.

Jiang Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Senior Sister Bai, the poison has been removed, you can put on your clothes now."

After speaking, Jiang Mo withdrew his gaze, no longer yearning for the beautiful scenery.

Not only did Bai Youyou's pretty face turn red with embarrassment, but even the snow-white twin peaks were blushed when Jiang Mo detoxified her.

"It's really... not only being seen by this guy, but also being touched..." Bai Youyou gritted her silver teeth lightly, and she didn't know what it was like. When she was in the Holy Martial Sword School, which one of those young and handsome people saw her and couldn't help but admire her, Now, by mistake, Jiang Mo has taken advantage of it.

After Bai Youyou got dressed, Jiang Mo handed over a pill and said, "Eat it, it will make you recover faster."

Bai Youyou didn't refuse, took the longan-sized pill, and stuffed it directly into Cherry's small mouth.

After learning the lesson from the first time, now Bai Youyou is almost inseparable from Jiang Mo, for fear of being attacked by some desolate beast hiding in the dark again.

However, after the two walked away for about half an hour, they didn't find anything of value.

In desperation, he had no choice but to withdraw from the eyes of the ice bat basalt beast.

"Senior Sister Bai, wait for me here, I'll go and pick that bead off!" Jiang Mo said, tilting his head.

However, Bai Youyou was a little worried, so she walked over with Jiang Mo.

Even with a distance of several feet, the cold air emanating from the blue beads was still astonishing.

As soon as Jiang Mo reached out, his palms were covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"It's such a strong cold power, it's worthy of being left by a seventh-order desolate beast!" Jiang Mo exclaimed, and without any hesitation, he put his hand on the bead and pulled it off with force.

But just when the blue bead left the tortoise shell, the bottom of the sea suddenly churned, as if a tsunami had occurred, and the rolling sound waves swept away.

"Senior Sister Bai, let's go!" Jiang Mo shouted, and immediately grabbed Bai Youyou's jade hand, and quickly swept up.

Huge waves rolled on the bottom of the sea, and huge ravines spread out from the bottom of the sea. The desolate beasts inside, no matter how strong or weak, their strength seemed too insignificant in the face of this natural disaster.

The two fled upwards all the way, Bai Youyou obviously hadn't recovered from the shock, her pretty face turned pale, she had never encountered such a dangerous situation before.

"Junior Brother Jiang Mo, what happened just now?"

After leaving the bottom of the sea, Bai Youyou asked with lingering fear.

"I don't know, it's probably because of the bead!" Jiang Mo took out the blue bead.

As soon as it was taken out, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly.

"I've never seen this thing before, maybe it's a very precious treasure!" Bai Youyou said.

Jiang Mo nodded, looked into the distance, and said, "It's getting late, we should go back."

Under the suppression of those disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, the natives on Manji Islet did not change. After seeing Jiang Mo and Bai Youyou coming out, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Even they were aware of the shock at the bottom of the sea just now.

"Manji Islet has always been a subsidiary force of the Holy Martial Sword Sect. If there is any rebellion reported to the Holy Martial Sword Sect in the future, there will be no need for this Manji Islet to exist."

Before leaving, Jiang Mo said plainly, but from his eyes, the natives of Manji Island clearly saw seriousness.

While speaking, Jiang Mo threw out some pills that were not very high-grade, and gave them to the injured natives of Manji Island.

Then he ordered to the white-haired old man, "These medicines can treat their injuries, I hope you can take care of yourself in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo no longer hesitated, and walked away slowly with Bai Youyou and other disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect.

After he left, the old man held the elixirs he had given in both hands, and distributed bottles of them to the natives of Manji Island. There was a look of gratitude in the cloudy eyes of the old man...

A group of people returned to the sect smoothly.

After entering the sect, many disciples surrounded the sect, waiting for their return.

"Junior Brother Jiang Mo and Senior Sister Bai are finally back!"

"Back then, when we were on Manji Islet, Junior Brother Jiang Mo took back Senior Brother Zhang He's body from those guys in Tianming Pavilion, which severely discouraged them."

"It's more than just frustrating them! Those guys were all killed by Junior Brother Jiang Mo in the end!"

"If it weren't for Junior Brother Jiang Mo, we would definitely not be able to return to the sect alive. Please, Junior Brother Jiang Mo, accept our worship!"

A series of reverent voices came to his ears, and Jiang Mo had no choice but to respond with a smile, "Brothers are here, we are from the same sect. We are in the same sect. Is there any reason to stand by and watch?"

Although Jiang Mo is now a disciple of the Inner Sect, he is still called Junior Brother because he entered the sect the latest.

"It seems that Junior Brother Jiang Mo is also very popular in the Outer Sect!" Bai Youyou said with a sweet smile.

Jiang Mo shrugged, "No way."

After finally squeezing out the farewell crowd, Jiang Mo actually saw the suzerain with his hands behind him.

And, looking at it like this, it was obvious that he had been waiting for a long time.

"Lord Sovereign, do you have something to do with your disciple?" Jiang Mo asked, cupping his fists.

"Jiang Mo, don't worry about the affairs of the sect from now on. Besides, I've already said hello to the mission hall, and I won't give you any more missions." Su Lang said lightly.

"Why?" Jiang Mo didn't understand.

Su Lang turned around slowly, seeing that his expression was a little tired.

He said: "During this period of time, the entire Dongxuan world has not been peaceful. Moreover, my Holy Martial Sword Sect is even more precarious. I don't know how many forces affiliated to my Holy Martial Sword Sect have rebelled. According to the existing news, behind this There should be other forces such as Tianming Pavilion, Hongmen and other forces intervening, if it is not handled properly, Shengwujianzong will be in a dangerous situation."

Looking at Su Lang's very sad expression, Jiang Mo's heart sank slightly, even this suzerain who had already stepped into the threshold of Wu Zun was so anxious, presumably things must be difficult.

"May I ask my lord, what can Jiang Mo do?"

Jiang Mo cupped his fists and asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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