Chapter 610
That huge river of sword energy seemed to be able to destroy everything, and the phantoms of purple ghosts summoned by Scorpion Dragon were cut off one after another, and there were less than five left still struggling to support them.

In the Waizong Square, Jiang Mo still hadn't made a move. Looking at the majestic sword energy running across the sky, he seemed to have a little understanding!
Su Lang used his sword to cultivate into the realm of the venerable, and the blow he sacrificed with all his strength contained his lifelong understanding of the way of the sword. How could Jiang Mo miss such a good opportunity?

"The suzerain's sword dao realm, I'm afraid it has reached the sixth sword?"

Jiang Mo murmured.

A strong person in this realm already possesses the great power to burn mountains and boil seas, and with a single gesture of his hand, he can cause mountains to collapse and earth to shatter.

The scorpion dragon's eyes flickered, and he was relieved when he saw Wang Xiong and others flying past behind him.

"Jie Pluto Annihilation Formation!"

When the last few purple phantoms were shattered by the river of sword energy, Scorpion Dragon shouted loudly.

The eight people behind him poured their energy into the purple stone one after another, and suddenly there were eight pillars of purple light that soared into the sky, and the roar was extremely terrifying.

After doing this, their movements still did not stop, and each of them bit the tip of their tongue, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, which merged into the purple beam of light, immediately filled the whole world with evil spirits, and the wind howled!
"This old man actually got such a big killer like the Pluto Death Formation!"

Seeing the eight purple beams of light entwined with blood, with Su Lang's concentration, his face couldn't help shaking. Unexpectedly, this kind of evil formation can gather the power of several other people and pour it into a person's body, causing it to explode. Huge combat power.

"Haha, Sect Master Su Lang, you can't think of it. If the old man is not fully prepared, why would he come here to make himself unhappy?" The Pluto Annihilating Formation has been completed, and it slowly rotates like eight pillars that support the sky. Incomparably majestic.

When the huge river of sword energy fell down, a thick and boundless purple beam of light suddenly rose into the sky and collided with the river of sword energy.

All of a sudden, there was continuous roaring and loud noise, and the clouds were scattered, as if the sky was going to collapse and the earth would be shattered!
Boom, boom, boom!

The sword energy raged boundlessly, and the huge purple beam of light intercepted it, and under the crazy collision, it cracked inch by inch, and finally the long river of sword energy that traversed the sky completely dissipated.

"It seems that the suzerain is nothing more than that!"

Pluto's birth-destroying array took the top spot, Xie Longzi laughed loudly and said: "Everyone, lend your strength to this old man to help me kill the enemy!"

As the eye of the formation, Wang Xiong slapped his palms on his chest and spurted another mouthful of blood. Seeing this, the rest of them followed suit one after another, so that all their strength was drawn out, and they gathered together with the Pluto Destroyer Formation, and finally All of them were swallowed by the scorpion dragon son.

Su Lang's eyes froze suddenly, because he felt that the aura of Scorpio Dragon had improved at this moment.

"Two-star Wu Zun!"

After gathering the power of Wang Xiong and others, the aura of the Scorpion Dragon finally stayed in the realm of the two-star Martial Venerable.

And Su Lang is just a one-star warrior.

It seems that there is only a thin line of difference, but the actual gap is very different.

"Su Lang, I think what else are you going to use to fight the old man this time?"

After his breath soared, Scorpion Dragon became extremely confident. He waved down the wand in his hand, and even the space was cracked inch by inch. The dark and deep space cracks spread, as if they could tear everything apart.

But Su Lang is a strong warrior after all, even though his cultivation level is weaker than that of Xielongzi, he never retreated.

He was fluttering on the green hills, holding the Kongji sword, and went straight to meet him. When he slashed out with the sword, he bombarded with the purple wooden staff.

This time in the confrontation, Su Lang no longer had the upper hand, the purple wooden stick suppressed the Kongji sword, the seemingly insignificant suppression was actually the difference in strength between the opposing sides.

Su Lang snorted, staggered back a few steps, the void under his feet trembled like water waves.

When Xie Longzi gained power and was merciless, when he bullied him, the ghost-shocking rod made ghostly cries and wolf howls, faintly making Su Lang unable to fight back at all.

Xie Longzi's aura is as majestic as Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, supported by Wang Xiong and others, he is not worried about the exhaustion of his strength at all.

After hearing a muffled sound, Su Lang's figure was thrown thousands of feet away, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly.

After gathering together with the Pluto Destroying Formation, Scorpion Dragon's strength has risen to an extremely terrifying level.

"Could it be that the sky is going to kill me, the Holy Martial Sword Sect?"

Su Lang looked up to the sky and let out a long cry, which immediately caused the vitality of the whole body to boil, and during the tumbling, radiated a terrifying power that made people palpitate!
"Is this going to be desperate?" Scorpion Longzi smiled coldly, and when he held his big hand, a huge purple brilliance gushed out like a mountain, and fell far away amidst the roar.

"Sword energy rushing to the bullfight—Zi Luo Tianxiang!"

Su Lang raised the Kong Ji Sword, and the black sword light swept across the entire sky, he gave a light shout, and in an instant, it was as if the sky and the earth were cut off by this sword!
The purple brilliance that Xie Longzi swung, although slightly paused under this sword, was still as powerful as a broken bamboo.

That piece of majestic sword energy was magnificent, but he lost to the huge purple brilliance in the end, and was directly suppressed. Su Lang, who was connected with it, sprayed blood, and his figure plummeted again!
At this moment, Jiang Mo finally moved, his figure rushed out, like lightning and thunder, but it was not Xie Longzi and Su Lang, but the eight Wang Xiong who supported the Pluto Destroyer Formation.

"Three Heavens of Sword Dao: Transform Sword Spirit!"

It was the time when the Shengwu Sword Sect lived and died, and at this juncture, Jiang Mo comprehended the profound meaning of the third heaven of swordsmanship!

The distance of hundreds of feet is getting closer in the blink of an eye. At the same time as Jiang Mo growled in his heart, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword was firmly held in his hand.
"Open the gate of heaven with one sword!"

Suddenly, that sword slashed out, although it didn't have the majestic atmosphere of Su Lang's sword slashing Xinghe, but it had an indescribable overbearing force!

The disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect and the thirteen sects were dumbfounded, watching this scene in a daze. A disciple who was destined to be unable to turn the situation around made a frightening strike!
Although Wang Xiong and the others were genuine Wuzong powerhouses, they were all focused on the Pluto Annihilation Formation, and almost all their strength was drawn away.

Where does he have the strength to defend against Jiang Mo's overbearing sword that opens the gate of heaven?

The gorgeous cyan sword light tore through the Hades Miesheng Formation like a bamboo, and in an instant, the power in the formation leaked out, and Wang Xiong and others who were affected immediately spurted a big mouthful of blood.

After a long while, they discovered that the Pluto Annihilating Formation, which could make even Su Lang retreat, was actually cut off by a little-known disciple!

"Boy, today I stripped you alive!"

After reacting, Wang Xiong was furious immediately, enduring the pain of torn meridians in his body, and attacked and killed Jiang Mo frantically!

(End of this chapter)

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