Chapter 612 The Hope of the Holy Martial Sword Sect

Scorpion Dragon's stick contained the full blow of the two-star Martial Venerable. In an instant, the space was turbulent, and waves of energy rippled out.

Jiang Mo's face was terrified, but Su Lang smiled slightly, not too much panic, but a touch of relief.

"It's okay, let him come!" Su Lang smiled, and the black Kongji sword was thrown out of his hand in an instant, facing the wooden staff directly.

The Ming Zhen Staff, which was originally invincible, could not be stored at this moment.

The golden token symbolizing the order of the suzerain finally fell into Jiang Mo's hands.

But Jiang Mo could clearly see traces of blood spilling from Su Lang's mouth.

"Sovereign..." Jiang Mo hurriedly shouted.

Su Lang waved his hand, his face became serious, and asked: "Do you remember what I said just now?"

"The disciple keeps it in mind!"

Jiang Mo nodded heavily and said seriously.

The black light on the Kongji sword became more and more intense, even if the strength of Scorpion Dragon Zi, who had already reached the level of two-star Wuzun, could not break through that layer of defense no matter how hard he tried.

"Sovereign..." Jiang Mo was a little shocked. He could see that Su Lang seemed to be overdrawing his life and making a final confession.

"Jiang Mo hurried to the Sword Monument Square! There is a copy of Great Fortune left for you!"

Just when Jiang Mo was distracted, Su Lang's voice reached his ears.

Jiang Mo didn't dare to neglect, shook the black wings on his back, and rushed towards the sword stele square. The monks of the thirteen sects who intercepted him along the way were all turned into blood mist by him.

Just as Jiang Mo arrived at the Sword Monument Square, a white beam of light shot up into the sky, enveloping Jiang Mo.

At this moment, Jiang Mo only felt the overwhelming perception of swordsmanship rushing to his mind.

That feeling is like a person who has been hungry for three days and three nights and is suddenly presented with a table of fine wine and food. The ecstasy can hardly be described in words.

"Could this be the great good fortune that the sect master bestowed on me? It turned out that he transferred all the insights from the sword tablet to me!"

Jiang Mo suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and bowed to Su Lang, "I thank the suzerain for the gift!"

The scorpion dragon son was still unable to break through the barrier of the empty sword, and became angry from embarrassment, attacking frantically, causing the entire space to fall into turmoil.

But at this time, the blood at the corner of Su Lang's mouth became thicker and thicker, and finally he sprayed blood.

"Hey, Su Lang, I think that even if you pass on the suzerain position to that kid, he still can't do without the Holy Martial Sword Sect!"

Scorpion Dragon said with a grin.

"Hmph, if I can't even think of these things, then I've been the suzerain for so many years in vain!"

Su Lang seemed to be returning to the light, the Kongji sword flew back and merged with it, and in an instant, the human and sword merged into one, and the black brilliance was brilliant!
A milky white torrent that could not be described in words suddenly swept across the sky and poured directly into Jiang Mo's body.

Jiang Mo stood on the spot without moving. He felt a familiar aura from the Yuanli torrent. Since Su Lang had passed on the suzerain position to him, he would not harm him again.

"Jiang Mo, this is the condensation of my whole life's cultivation. You are so good at refining, it is enough to make your cultivation leap forward! From now on... the burden of revival of the Holy Martial Sword Sect will be entrusted to you..."

With the words of confessing a will, the torrent of Yuanli flowed into Jiang Mo's body and stored it gently, without any effect on his meridians.


"Junior Brother Jiang Mo, please strengthen my Holy Martial Sword Sect!"

"The revival of my Holy Martial Sword Sect depends entirely on Junior Brother Jiang Mo..."

Seeing this scene, countless disciples and elders of the Holy Martial Sword Sect felt extremely sad. In such a large sect, even the suzerain was dismissed, and only one disciple had the hope of escaping!

"This guy, Su Lang, actually passed on his cultivation all his life to that kid!"

Xie Longzi looked at this scene in horror, even if Su Lang was alive or dead, if Jiang Mo escaped, another sword master would be born in the future, this is really a thorn in the flesh for Xie Longzi!

"In any case, kill that kid!"

Scorpion Dragon's eyes were gloomy, and the ghost-shocking staff let out howling ghosts and howling wolves. He slammed down on Jiang Mo, and another purple fierce ghost phantom attacked and killed him.

"Scorpion Dragon, do you really think that this seat has disappeared?"

The sword energy of the entire Saint Martial Sword Sect gathered and turned into a phantom, and the appearance of that phantom was undoubtedly Su Lang.

I saw that Su Lang Xuying slapped Xie Longzi and nearly [-] monks from the thirteen sects below, and in an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth fell, and the sun and the moon were darkened!
"This is... this is Wu Zunjin! Unexpectedly, the old guy Su Lang even cultivated Wu Zunjin!"

Scorpion Dragon's complexion changed drastically, and he tried his best to resist the blow.


The storm of destruction swept across in an instant, and that palm almost turned half of the monks of the thirteen sects into a pulp.

And Xie Longzi didn't get there, the Ming Zhen staff broke into two pieces directly, he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his breath became much weaker.

"It's a pity, this Wu Zunjin, even if I exhaust my life's power, I can only use it once, otherwise, I will kill that old man Scorpion Dragon on the spot!"

Looking at the scorpion dragon who is still alive, Su Lang shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, Su Lang, how will you protect the future suzerain of your Holy Martial Sword Sect!"

Apparently, Xie Longzi also saw that Su Lang was at the end of his rope, so he immediately grinned.

The phantom in the sky stopped talking that day, and his figure became weaker and weaker. He said, "Jiang Mo, I will send you away from Shengwu Jianzong!"

Seeing this scene, Xie Longzi originally wanted to stop him, but he hesitated when he thought of Su Lang's dying counterattack just now.

While he was hesitating, Su Lang split his hands in the sky and instantly tore a crack in space. The crack is not big, but it is not difficult to pass through one person.

"Jiang Mo, hurry up, I won't last long." Su Lang's voice became weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo moved, flew towards the space crack, bowed to Su Lang and the entire Shengwu Sword Sect, and said, "As long as Jiang Mo doesn't die for a day, revival of the Shengwu Sword Sect will be the top priority to kill The old dog scorpion dragon son is his own duty!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo no longer hesitated, turned around and stepped into the space crack.

Scorpion Dragon finally came to his senses, and threw the ghost-shocking staff directly, blasting into the crack in space. Everyone saw the crack in space fluctuate slowly, and finally dissipated invisibly.

And Jiang Mo's figure also disappeared in this world.

"Su Lang, you are quite willing! You lost your life cultivation, aren't you afraid that the old man will completely crush the Holy Martial Sword Sect?" Xie Longzi sneered.

Su Lang ignored him, but leaned down to look at the thousands of disciples and elders of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, and asked: "Are there any monks in my Holy Martial Sword Sect who are afraid of death?"


The loud voice shook the nine heavens!
"As long as that little guy is alive, there is hope for the revival of the Holy Martial Sword Sect!"

Su Lang looked up to the sky and screamed, the huge phantom exploded, and even Scorpion Dragon was swept in...

(End of this chapter)

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