Chapter 616 Linger

When that cold voice came, Scorpion Dragon's whole body froze immediately, as if a terrifying breath descended.

After Jiang Mo heard the familiar voice, the long-awaited figure instantly appeared in his mind.

Along with the cold voice falling slowly, the temperature in this piece of heaven and earth suddenly dropped a lot. As the space squirmed, a beautiful girl in a blue dress slowly walked out of the void.

"'s really Linger..."

Looking at the girl whose appearance has hardly changed except for her temperament, Jiang Mo felt in a daze for a moment.


Ling'er moved lightly with lotus steps, walking in the void, while her dress was fluttering, she came to Jiang Mo in a few breaths.

"Master, I'm sorry, Ling'er is late..."

Looking at the bloodstains all over Jiang Mo's body, some tears appeared in Ling'er's eyes like autumn water.

At this moment, Jiang Mo looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, his chest was heaving, and he even forgot the serious injury he received.

He stretched out his hand to hold the girl's pretty face, which made Dong Xuanjie's handsome young man yearn for him, and was unable to speak for a moment.

After the girl walked out, the space squirmed again, and a white-haired old servant followed closely behind, tearing apart the space and stepping out of it.

"Who exactly are you?"

Until now, Xie Longzi had just recovered from the shock. The girl in the blue skirt gave him an extremely terrifying feeling, and the old servant in the white robe was even more powerful, not weaker than him at all.

"Master Wu Zun, what is the identity of this woman?" Xie Longzi muttered to himself.

"Master, how about leaving that person to Ling'er?" Ling'er said softly, no one in the Gu family had ever been lucky enough to see such a young girl's posture.

The white-haired old servant was also extremely shocked. In the Gu clan, Ling'er, who could be called the most beautiful girl in the sky, even Gu Xinlou was not entitled to receive such preferential treatment.

Jiang Mo nodded and said, "Xionglongzi is a strong Wu Zun, so it's not easy to deal with."

"Don't worry young master, someone took action for Ling'er." Ling'er blinked her beautiful eyes and said to the white-haired old servant: "Old Yang, this person hurt young master, I want you to save his life."

From the beginning to the end, no one paid any attention to Xie Longzi, which made him very embarrassed.

"Little girl, no matter which big family's daughter you are, if you want to keep me, it depends on whether you have the ability." Scorpion laughed back angrily.

In the Eastern Profound Realm, apart from the four major clans, there was no force that could make him fearful, and now being ignored made the Scorpion very furious.

"Miss, don't worry, the old servant will definitely not disappoint the lady."

The white-haired old servant stroked his beard, and immediately stretched out his palm, directly suppressing Scorpion Dragon, with an incomparably terrifying power.

Ling'er leaned against Jiang Mo, looking at the latter's injury, she couldn't stop shedding tears, and murmured, "It would have been better if Ling'er had come earlier, it's all because those old fellows in the clan stopped me..."

Jiang Mo chuckled, feeling extremely emotional for a moment. He gently stroked Linger's soft and beautiful hair, smelled the faint fragrance from Linger's body, and felt extremely peaceful.

The teenager and the girl sat leaning against each other, and the two powerful Wu Zun were already firmly defending each other. The power of the two fighting could be called earth-shattering!
"Scorpion dragon devours the sky!"

Under the suppression of the white-haired old servant, Xie Longzi has been at a disadvantage, and has almost no power to fight back.

In this way, after a while, Xie Longzi suddenly shouted violently, and behind him appeared a purple phantom about a thousand feet in length.

That is the beast of the scorpion dragon's martial veins - the nine-clawed scorpion dragon!

The moment the purple scorpion dragon phantom appeared, even the sky and the earth became dark in an instant, and the gloomy sky seemed extremely depressing.

The next moment, the Scorpion Dragon suddenly rose up, gathered with the nine-clawed Scorpion Dragon, turned into a stream of majestic light, and charged fiercely towards the white-haired old servant.

Where it passed, even the space was cracked, and black space cracks appeared one after another, making people frightened.

But the white-haired old servant was unmoved, he saw all the energy of heaven and earth gathered towards him, and immediately squeezed it with his big dry hand, and suppressed it towards the shadow of the purple scorpion dragon.

"Datian Town Demon Hand!"

A huge and boundless hand of Yuanli suppressed the shadow of the purple scorpion dragon, and a huge handprint with a radius of thousands of feet suddenly appeared on the ground below.

The two terrifying forces collided, and the big hand directly smashed down the purple scorpion dragon shadow, and the scorpion dragon connected to it also spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Young Master, don't worry, Mr. Yang is a three-star Martial Lord, it shouldn't be difficult to suppress that person."

Ling'er explained aloud from the side.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo smiled. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Old Yang's strength was so strong that it was definitely not something that Xie Longzi could compete with.

However, he was a little surprised that Ling'er was able to mobilize a strong person in Wu Zunjing, so her status in the Gu clan can be imagined!

"Girl, what are you doing now?" Jiang Mo asked, turning his head.

Ling'er pursed her red lips, but she didn't answer Jiang Mo directly, "Master, you might as well make a guess!"

"At least you have the realm of Emperor Wu?" Seeing Ling'er's playful appearance, Jiang Mo stretched out his finger, scratched Ling'er's pretty Qiong's nose lightly, and said with a smile.

When he left, Jiang Mo knew that Ling'er, who had awakened the Ice Phoenix Martial Vein, had even stronger cultivation talent than himself.

Coupled with the dedicated training of the Gu family, it is not difficult to reach the state of Martial Emperor.

"That's not right, Ling'er had already entered the realm of Wu Zong half a month ago."

Ling'er smiled sweetly, her beautiful face and beautiful smile are enough to make Baihua lose color.

Hearing Ling'er's calm words, Jiang Mo couldn't help being surprised even though he was prepared.

In just four or five years, Ling'er has actually advanced to the realm of Wu Zong. This speed of cultivation is too fast, isn't it?

"Not bad, girl, you are better than me."

Jiang Mo stretched out his arms and took the girl's soft and delicate body into his arms, with a distressed look on his face.

He knew that no matter how talented he was, if he wanted to achieve such a level of cultivation, he would have to put in much more hardship than ordinary people.

"Hee hee..." Hearing the young master's praise, the girl who was usually praised and envied countless times but remained indifferent, now showed joy in her pretty face.

Jiang Mo stopped talking, just quietly hugged the girl in his arms, thinking how much he would be like this for the rest of his life!

After the white-haired old servant suppressed the scorpion dragon with his palm, he used the method of space confinement to try to catch him in front of Ling'er.

But that scorpion dragon son was also ruthless enough, once he pointed at the strange acupuncture points all over his body, a purple mist suddenly swept over him, and he escaped with his life...

(End of this chapter)

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