Chapter 628

"Wow, is this the legendary Yuanli Huayi?"

"Cousin Jiang Mo has become a strong Martial Emperor!"

"In our entire Yunchui Empire, there are only a few strong Martial Emperors! Unexpectedly, our Jiang family has one!"

Seeing the pair of green Yuanli wings behind Jiang Mo, many younger generations of the Jiang family exclaimed.

Not to mention these juniors, even the elders like Jiang Qingshan and Jiang Mushen were extremely shocked.

In just a few short years, Jiang Mo has possessed such strength, and the Jiang family will surely become one of the largest families in the Yunchui Empire in the future!

"Mo'er, my father is proud of your achievements!" Jiang Qingshan looked at Jiang Mo with a look of relief on his face.

Jiang Mushen was also full of relief, he said: "From now on, the position of Patriarch of the Jiang family will be handed over to Mo'er. I believe that with Mo'er's leadership, our Jiang family will definitely become stronger and stronger!"

Hearing the words of the old Patriarch, everyone nodded in unison. Indeed, with Jiang Mo's strength and reputation, he is worthy of the position of the Patriarch of the Jiang Family.

Taking this opportunity, some elders of the family also taught their juniors a lesson: "You all learn from Master Jiang Mo, and your goal in the future is to catch up with Master Jiang Mo and contribute to the revitalization of my Jiang family!"

"Understood!" The younger generations of the family all showed strong yearning in their eyes, and they also hoped that one day they could reach the height of Jiang Mo.

Hearing that Jiang Mushen was going to hand over the position of Patriarch to himself, Jiang Mo shook his head helplessly, "Maybe I won't stay here for too long. The main reason why my father's dantian was destroyed was because Wu Ji The holy hall, and the Green Snake Gang. I came this time, on the one hand, to heal my father's dantian, and on the other hand, to avenge my father's death!"

It is only natural for fathers to revenge their sons!
With Jiang Mo's current cultivation base, he also has that strength, and the whole Jiang family is not worried.

"Second brother, you gave birth to a good son!" Jiang Shenghai patted Jiang Qingshan's shoulder and sighed.

A look of pride appeared on Jiang Qingshan's face.

"Okay, there are no tigers hiding in the sparse forest. Since Mo'er has great ambitions, I, an old guy, will be the head of the Jiang family for a few more years." Jiang Mu said with a deep smile.

When it was time for the dinner, no. 30 people from the direct lineage of the clan, big and small, sat together and had a good time.

When Jiang Mo stayed in Fenglei Town for the third day, he heard the faint roar of beasts coming from the east of the town.

"It should be that beast!"

The members of the Jiang family were not too worried. With Jiang Mo, a strong Martial Emperor, sitting in the town, unless the sixth-order desolate beast was born, otherwise, Fenglei Town would not be threatened at all.

Jiang Mushen led the family's hunting team to the east of the town, and Jiang Mo followed. If the animal was too strong, he could help it.

Many residents of the town also followed the hunting team. For a while, the momentum was quite large, with a total of hundreds of people.

The closer you got to the east end of the town, the more clearly you could hear the deafening roar.

Faintly, even the ground under their feet trembled, but thinking of Jiang Mo sitting in charge, everyone in the Jiang Mansion felt at ease.

Deafening sound waves swept over, the surrounding trees swayed left and right, and what appeared in front of everyone was a huge desolate beast.

"It's actually a mountain-shaking elephant. This guy has always been haunting the depths of the wilderness! How could he come out?"

Everyone was terrified. This mountain-shaking elephant was about six feet tall, and its body was extremely huge, like a small mountain. Its breath was blown out, and the dust on the ground was blown away, forming a mist.

"It's the elephant with four patterns shaking the mountain. With the strength of this old man, I can fight him!"

Jiang Mu stroked his beard deeply and said.

The strength of the Mountain Shaking Elephant can be judged by the golden stripes on its back. The Mountain Shaking Elephant with four stripes has the strength of a human warrior, but because it is a desolate beast, its physical strength is extremely tyrannical. Under the same level, few people is its opponent.

"Hunting team, crossbowmen are ready, the old man is blocking this beast head-on, you all assist from the side, shoot the mountain elephant's eyes with crossbow arrows!" Jiang Mushen commanded in an orderly manner.


After finishing speaking, a row of crossbowmen automatically split apart, bent and squatted down, looking for the last chance to shoot!

Jiang Mo didn't intervene either, unless it was a life-and-death situation, otherwise, this was a good training opportunity for the guards of Jiang's residence.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to rely on Jiang Mo to stay in the Jiang Mansion all the time, right?

The mountain-shaking elephant charged towards the crowd with its ground-shaking steps, Jiang Mu gave a deep shout, and slashed down with a knife, the momentum was frightening.

"Grandpa's strength has really improved a lot!"

Seeing Jiang Mushen swinging the knife, Jiang Mo nodded secretly.

That knife directly slashed on the head of Shaking Elephant, but it only produced a large spark, and did not break through the defense of Shaking Elephant.

You must know that the skin of the Shaking Mountain Elephant is comparable to gold and iron, and ordinary weapons cannot break through its defense at all.

Jiang Mushen obviously realized that something was wrong, and immediately stepped on the head of the mountain shaker elephant and jumped out, but the animal's proboscis turned upside down, almost wrapping Jiang Mushen's body around.

After getting out of trouble, Jiang Mushen's back was already wet with sweat. At this time, the crossbowmen shot a rain of arrows one after another, and many of them hit the mountain-shaking elephant's skin, making the sound of gold and iron bombardment.

"Throw iron guns, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mushen charged out again, slashing down with a big knife with astonishing momentum.

And the mountain-shaking elephant charged straight forward, ignoring the arrow rain's attack at all. From the looks of it, if it broke through the encirclement of Jiang Mushen and the hunting team, it might hurt the people behind.

"Bastard, stop for the old man!"

Jiang Mushen unleashed a fierce mountain saber technique, extremely domineering, and the violent vitality raged, directly making the mountain-shaking elephant stop in its tracks.

The javeliners of the hunting team saw the opportunity and threw their iron spears at the mountain-shaking elephant one after another. The strength of the iron spears was much stronger than the rain of arrows shot by the crossbowmen. One of the iron spears stabbed the mountain-shaking elephant in the eye , there are more iron guns, which make it scratch the surface of its skin with a large amount of sparks.


After being stabbed in the eye by the iron spear, blood flowed out immediately, and the mountain shaker elephant became completely enraged. It rushed towards the hunting team, but these people were also agile, and no one was injured or injured.

Jiang Mushen's complexion changed, and the mountain-shaking elephant started to soar, but it was really scary!
He drew his knife and went up again, but this time, Jiang Mushen retreated steadily in the face of the crazy mountain-shaking elephant.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo shook his head, ready to kill the beast.

But suddenly he felt a familiar breath, followed by a long-lost voice, suddenly resounding.

"let me!"

After the words fell, a woman with slender legs came against the wind and stepped on the head of Shaking Mountain Elephant!
(End of this chapter)

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