Chapter 631
On the way back to the Jiang Mansion, the elders of the family were very pleased. With Jiang Mo, a strong Martial Emperor, sitting in the family, it would not be difficult to rise in the future.

As for the younger generation, they were all excited, and the scene of Jiang Mo killing the adult elephant with one punch just now left a deep impression on them.

All the juniors in the family secretly vowed in their hearts to strive to become a powerful monk like Jiang Mo and guard the family.

"Qing'er, do you want to practice martial arts?"

During the period of time in Jiang's residence, Jiang Mo had nothing to do. He always liked to tease the little girl with braids and big watery eyes.

"Think about it! Qing'er also wants to become a powerful monk like cousin Jiang Mo!" Qing'er blinked her big eyes and said crisply.

"Look what this is?" Jiang Mo smiled, and handed Qing'er a light blue scroll.

"Yanyu swordsmanship..." Qing'er held the light blue scroll in his plump hands, his face was full of excitement, and said fondly, "Thank you cousin Jiang Mo, Qing'er is going to practice this! "

"Okay, then I'll teach Qing'er."

One big and one small figures are practicing Yan Yu's swordsmanship in the Jiang Mansion's martial arts arena. Qing'er is very smart, and Jiang Mo only needs to watch a little bit, and she can understand that her progress is very fast.


"Father, the child will leave Fenglei Town tomorrow." In the quiet room, Jiang Mo said.

"Well, let's go. In the small Fenglei Town, Mo'er, you can't even use your fists. Don't worry about father and family affairs. Now my dantian has recovered. I think I will be able to restore my previous cultivation soon."

Jiang Qingshan said in relief.

The father and son had a long talk overnight. Before leaving, Jiang Mo left tens of millions of gold coins and several volumes of high-level cultivation techniques, and then went to the Green Snake Gang.

On the way at night, the wind was clear and cool, and Jiang Mo summoned the Chilian Snake. At this time, the Chilian Snake's wings were very thick, dark red like blood, and the sound of wind and thunder rang out between the flaps, which was very terrifying .

"Today we will start a killing spree!"

Sitting cross-legged on Chilian Snake's body, Jiang Mo exuded murderous intent. At the beginning, his father's dantian was destroyed by the Green Snake Gang, and he suffered so many years of pain. Now, it's time to pay back!

Chi Lian Snake seemed to understand Jiang Mo's meaning, and immediately roared, shaking the local overlords among the wild beasts in the mountain forest below, lying on the ground, trembling, not daring to move.

After flying for about three hours, one man and one beast appeared outside the gate of the Green Snake Gang.

Jiang Mo didn't deliberately hide his aura, especially the fierce aura exuded from Chi Lian Snake's body, so that the guards guarding the gate saw this terrifying scene at a glance!
When he saw Jiang Mo, the guard wanted to reprimand him, but when he noticed that the huge wild beast seemed to be as big as the entire Green Snake Gang, the guard was dumbfounded.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The guard scrambled back to the gang and shouted: "Guild Master, Green Snake Gang Master, it's bad, something is wrong!"

In the dead of night, only a few guards were left to take turns to watch the night. Under the shout of this man, almost all the strong members of the Green Snake Gang were alarmed.

"Chen Kui, what the hell are you making such a fuss about? The sky is falling! If you wake up the leader of the Green Snake Gang, you'll have something to eat!" A bald man came out of the room cursing.

The same is true of many strong people in the gang.

Jiang Mo was not in a hurry to act, and it was even more straightforward to act after everyone gathered together.

"Vice leader, it's not the little one who is yelling, but outside the door... outside the door..." The guard named Chen Kui stammered, and for a moment, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

"Outside the door, what's going on outside the door? You bastard said it!" the bald man shouted.

"You'll find out when you go and have a look." Chen Kui pointed to the door with a ghostly expression on his face.

The bald man walked outside the door with a group of his men. When he saw Jiang Mo and the huge red snake, he was shocked and his eyes widened!

However, he seemed to be much calmer than Chen Kui, pointing at Jiang Mo and said, "Who are you? You came to my Green Snake Gang late at night, are you looking for death?"

"Call out everyone in your Green Snake Gang, I'm going to kill people tonight!" Jiang Mo said calmly, his voice without any warmth.

Hearing this, the bald man calmed down. He chuckled and said, "Boy, you don't even have full hair yet, and you dare to kill others like others. Since you're playing around like this, I'm going to ask you to come here today." Back!"

After finishing speaking, the men beside him threw a big knife, and the bald man caught it and slashed at Jiang Mo.

This person can become the deputy leader of the Green Snake Gang, and his strength is not weak. Compared with Zhao Qingyi, he is even stronger. When he slashed out with a knife, he could almost see bright flames rising into the sky.

"Hold the tiger back to the mountain!"

The loud shout fell, and the sword light roared towards Jiang Mo immediately.

"Xiao Chi, I leave it to you!"

Jiang Mo turned his head and patted Chi Lian Snake's head. Xiao Chi was his name for Chi Lian Snake.


Chilian Snake could understand Jiang Mo's words, and immediately let out an excited roar and rushed out.

In an instant, the surrounding air was crushed, and the saber slashed on the hard scales of the Scarlet Snake, only a large number of sparks were blown out, and it was not injured at all.

"How is it possible? My Hugo Going Back to the Mountain can kill even a [-]-star Martial King, so how could it not be able to deal with a mere desolate beast? Could it be that... this beast is a fifth-order desolate beast?"

The bald man's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately swung his knife to slash out again, a violent wave of energy swept away, and a huge golden body of the Martial King appeared behind him!
"The barbaric bull opened the mountain!"

He shouted loudly, all the strength of the golden body of the Martial King was poured into his body, and he fought against the Chilian Snake again.

However, Chi Lian Snake just flicked the giant tail slightly, and sent the bald man flying, even breaking the golden body of King Wu behind him.

Just kidding, with the current strength of Chi Lian Snake, even the Nine Star Martial King is not afraid, let alone this little deputy leader?
"Oh my god! The fifth-order desolate beast!"

"It's too scary, hurry up and notify the Green Snake Sect Master!"

Seeing this scene, those gangsters fled faster than rabbits. Although they did evil, they knew better than anyone else that this huge wild beast was definitely not something they could compete with.

Chi Lian Snake didn't give them this chance, opened his mouth wide, and suddenly the violent suction burst out, directly sucking in many gang members with low strength.

As for the deputy leader whose strength reached the level of King Wu, Chilian Snake didn't waste it, and swallowed it in one gulp, turning his flesh and blood into his own power.

"It's so courageous! All the unreasonable things have been spread on my Green Snake Gang!"

After the voice fell, a woman with an extremely enchanting body and a charming face came out of the Green Snake Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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