Fengtian Longdi

Chapter 64 Bronze Courtyard Gate

Chapter 64 Bronze Courtyard Gate
A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Mo and other 20 people passed through Heifeng Ridge and came to the middle ground.

"Teacher Xiao Wu, this..." Jiang Mo saw the bloodthirsty demon ape on the ground at a glance, and asked.

"These two beasts came here, and I killed them easily." Instructor Xiao Wu said lightly.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo sighed in his heart, he worked so hard to cripple the eyes of the bloodthirsty demon ape, and mentor Xiao Wu beheaded them as easily as killing a chicken and a sheep.

"Aren't these the two desolate beasts that attacked us? Why are they here?" Liu Fei's temper was relatively straightforward, and she exclaimed when she saw the two demonic apes lying in a pool of blood that had been dead for a long time.

"What? You mean, these two beasts attacked you?" Instructor Ruoyun stepped forward, slightly frowning, and asked.

"Yes, Teacher Ruoyun, if Jiang Mo hadn't blinded one of the demon apes, I'm afraid none of us would be able to get out of Heifengling!"

Liu Fei's words were not exaggerating, not to mention two second-tier desolate beasts, or even one second-tier desolate beast, they couldn't possibly handle it.

"Jiang Mo, is what Liu Fei said true? You did the eyes of this bloodthirsty demon ape?" Instructor Xiao Wu asked. He didn't know that Jiang Mo's martial vein was the flame martial vein.

"That's right, Teacher Xiao Wu, that's exactly what the disciple did." During the fierce battle with the bloodthirsty demon ape, six people saw it, and Jiang Mo knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only report the truth.

It was said that those disciples who followed Wei Baichi believed that Jiang Mo really had the strength to repel the second-order desolate beasts.

When they thought of this, their hearts were even more shocked. It turned out that Jiang Mo, who had always been quiet, was the real strong man.

"Okay, good!" Instructor Xiao Wu was very excited, he used two good ones in a row.

As for the good news, he didn't tell Jiang Mo.

He had his own plan in mind, and after he entered the Martial Dao Academy, he would introduce Jiang Mo to the Alchemy Department of Pill Hall to practice.

If Jiang Mo succeeds in his studies in the future, he will naturally remember the favor of Teacher Xiao Wu.

Instructor Xiao Wu felt that it was worthwhile for a prospective pharmacist to owe him a favor.

But instructor Xiao Wu didn't know that the current Jiang Mo was already a first-rank pharmacist.

"It's getting late, let's hurry to Tianshield City now!" Instructor Xiao Wu waved his hand.

Hearing this, Instructor Ruoyun nodded, and she took out a jade flute and put it to her lips.

I saw Tutor Ruoyun's red lips slightly parted, and melodious music came from the jade flute.


About 5 minutes later, several loud eagle cries came from the sky above Heifeng Ridge.

After the hawk crowed, the strong wind above the head suddenly rolled up, blowing the giant trees to sway from side to side.

Immediately afterwards, the dark eagle wings covered the sky like dark clouds and stopped above the crowd.

The disciples who had just experienced fierce battles suddenly tensed up as if they were facing a formidable enemy when they saw these huge eagles.

"Don't be nervous, those are fourth-order desolate beasts, griffin beasts, they are desolate beasts raised by the academy." Instructor Xiao Wu explained.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo was also extremely shocked, "How powerful is the Yunchui Martial Arts Academy if you can tame even a fourth-order desolate beast?"

The two sisters Liu Yan and Liu Fei on the side also looked up at the strong griffins in the sky with shock in their eyes.

"If anyone can tame a griffin and use it as a mount for me in the future, I will marry him!" Liu Fei joked.

"Then you won't be able to get married." Sister Liu Yan teased.


The originally tense atmosphere became much more relaxed due to the presence of the two sisters.

After Tutor Ruoyun made another musical sound with the jade flute, the griffin slowly descended from the air.

After lowering their stature, everyone was even more shocked. They found that this griffin had a head like a lion and a body like a wild elephant, which was even bigger than the bloodthirsty ape that had just been beheaded.

"There are four griffins in total. Let's go up in batches." Instructor Xiao Wu took Jiang Mo up first.

The rest of the mentors followed suit, and soon, the body of the griffin was full of mentors and disciples.

After everyone was seated, the Griffon beast had no one to direct it, so it flapped its huge wings, whipped up a strong wind, and lifted them up.

The swiftly surging air passed over everyone, making the robes rattle.

With a cry, the four griffin beasts swept up into the sky and flew towards the direction of Tianshield City.

When passing through the depths of Heifeng Ridge, a bird whose strength is comparable to that of a human warrior, flew up to the sky, trying to stop everyone.

It was directly blasted into blood foam by Xiao Wu's tutor and everyone.

At this point, these disciples realized how weak they are in front of real masters.

This also strengthened their martial arts heart.


Heifengling is about two thousand miles away from Tianshield City. On the back of the griffin beast, the group rushed to Tianshield City in less than half a day.

At the outskirts of Tianshield City, Instructor Ruoyun ordered the Griffon to stop.

Tianshield City is the capital of Yunchui Empire, and no one or wild beast is allowed to fly over Tianshield City.

Anyone who dares to violate it will be severely punished by the powerful empire.

Even the instructors of Yunchui Martial Arts Institute dare not make exceptions.

"Don't underestimate this Skyshield City. In the outer city alone, there are no less than three defensive spirit arrays and one attack spirit array. If foreign enemies invade, as long as the attack spirit array is activated, even a strong Martial King can instantly Kill!" Instructor Xiao Wu introduced to his disciples.

Of course, instructor Xiao Wu did not elaborate on the defense news of Tianshield City, because it involved imperial secrets, and he was not qualified to know.

But these alone are enough to surprise those disciples who came to Tianshield City for the first time.

Except for Jiang Mo, everyone looked at the city curiously.

The streets are all paved with blue stone slabs, very spacious enough to accommodate eight beast carts.

On both sides of the road, there are shops selling various items, which are dazzling.

Some sell pills, some sell weapons, and there are restaurants and so on.

Compared with Fenglei Town, it is more than a hundred times more prosperous.

Here, as long as you have enough gold coins, you can buy what you need.

On the road, all kinds of warriors in strange clothes shuttled back and forth. There were mercenaries in armor, and some held heavy swords and walked on the street with tamed wild beasts.

"Yunchui Martial Arts Academy is at the junction of the outer city and the inner city, on a mountain. I'll take you there to report." Instructor Xiao Wu said.

Everyone just glanced at this bustling Tianshield City hastily, and then left with some regrets.

As if knowing everyone's thoughts, Instructor Ruoyun comforted, "After you enter Yunchui Martial Arts Academy and choose a suitable department, you will have time to come here."

Hearing this, everyone smiled happily.

Under the leadership of instructor Xiao Wu, everyone gradually walked to a remote street.

There were no pedestrians on this street, and it was very deserted, with only a few shops open.

Just when Jiang Mo wondered if he was going in the wrong direction, Instructor Xiao Wu went straight to a round stone arch and stopped.

Next, he took out a piece of jade from his bosom and lightly put it in the air.

Immediately, the jade seemed to be inspired by some kind of power, and complex spirit lines emerged, extending to various nodes in the air.

At this moment, Jiang Mo felt that there was a slight fluctuation in the vitality of the world. Although it was very weak, Jiang Mo accurately captured the fluctuation.

"Could it be that the entrance of Yunchui Martial Dao Academy is also a formation?" Jiang Mo thought to himself.

The next moment, a series of ripples centered on that piece of jade and spread around, like water waves.

Immediately afterwards, before everyone's eyes, a huge courtyard gate made of bronze appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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