Chapter 644 Killed all of them?
"The strength of these two beasts is really too strong!"

The leaders of several top forces exclaimed. After the thousand-legged centipede rushed out, it immediately tore up a human monk and swallowed it.

Seeing this ferocious thousand-legged centipede, the slightly weaker human monks almost lost their souls.

"Damn it, this beast is too tough!" A five-star Martial Emperor was entangled by the thousand-legged centipede. After fighting fiercely for half a stick of incense, scars were torn all over his body, and the thousand-legged centipede's venom ran along The scars entered his body, if it wasn't for the strength of this monk, he might have been eroded to the point of unconsciousness long ago.

When he was completely at a disadvantage and was about to be devoured by the centipede, a dazzling sword light split the centipede into two halves.

As for the octopus tarantula, under the siege of the monks, it didn't make much waves and was strangled to pieces.

However, this does not mean that the human monks have the upper hand. After all, except for the six-star martial emperors and seven-star martial emperors, the rest of the monks are mostly wounded, and there are even more than a dozen strong monks who are in Qianzu. Under the attack of the centipede and the octopus, it turned into a cold corpse.

The red-haired master laughed loudly and shouted: "These guys have some strength, but you will definitely not be able to survive the next round of attacks!"

The old demon king's eyes showed excitement. If he could kill these human monks, he would not only be able to make up for the previous losses, but also make a lot of money.

After all, the cultivation resources carried by any powerhouse of the Martial Emperor rank are astronomical!

After the red-haired master's voice fell, at the center of the Nine Beasts Killing Formation, a giant dark green tree appeared first. The giant tree was like a living giant, with thick branches drawn out, even thicker than a sword. Be sharp.

Even if there were three monks, they were chopped off at the waist!

"Blood tooth tree! It's such a terrifying creature. Unexpectedly, this old ghost can even make a blood tooth tree!"

When Zhao Hu saw the giant tree branch with teeth and claws, his expression turned cold immediately, and even the leaders of the other major forces also had very ugly expressions.

The blood tooth tree not only has a formidable defense, but its attack is also not to be underestimated. The branches that are as sharp as swords all over the sky hit at the same time, even the Seven Star Martial Emperor had to back away.

Not long after the Bloodfang Tree appeared, a giant ape with bulging muscles and black hair jumped down from the Bloodfang Tree, grinning at everyone with a hideous appearance.

"Silver Armed Ape!"

"This is also a terrifying desolate beast that disappeared in the Middle Ages!"

"It is said that it is very cruel and likes to eat human brains!"

"It is even recorded in ancient books that this silver-armed ape likes to tear people's lives in half, and then devour a living heart!"


Speaking of this, many monks backed down. If such a terrifying beast is matched, it is definitely not good news.

After that, four more desolate beasts plundered from the Nine Beast Killing Formation. Without exception, all of them had astonishing auras. Each of them was comparable to the Seven-Star Martial Emperor, which made all the monks of the race look pale. white.

"Nine Beast Killing Array, the Nine Beasts have already gathered, and it is estimated that the most powerful moment of the Nine Beast Killing Array will be next!"

Jiang Mo stood among the crowd and watched the scene calmly. He had already found the last five formation connection nodes.

Moreover, Bahuang Fentianyan merged into it, and he only needed a thought, the terrifying high temperature of Bahuang Fentianyan could instantly melt the nodes of the formation, making the Nine Beasts Killing Formation lose its power.

However, in order to consume some of these so-called human monks, Jiang Mo was not willing to destroy the Nine Beast Killing Formation so early.

After all, once you enter the Demon King's cave at that time, it would be best if you could have less power to compete!
"Brothers, kill these beasts, and the Nine Beast Killing Formation will be defeated. At that time, we will kill the old demon king together, and all the treasures in the cave will be ours!"

Zhao Hu boosted his morale and said, in fact, even he didn't know whether he could break through the Nine Beast Killing Formation!
There was not much time for the human monks to think. The silver-armed ape had already plundered, grabbed an eight-star martial queen, and directly sucked that person's brains in front of everyone. The scene was extremely infiltrating!

"damn it!"

The leaders of several major forces yelled and cursed, and they all slashed at the silver-armed ape, but the silver-armed ape didn't take it seriously, bared its teeth and smiled strangely, and understatement, it dispelled everyone's full blow.

"What a horrible guy!"

The entire Nine Beast Killing Formation showed a one-sided attitude. Under the attack of the six desolate beasts, even Zhao Hu and the others were injured all over. As soon as they met, they were bombarded and killed, and finally became the food of the silver-armed ape!

After the unilateral massacre lasted for about half an hour, there were less than a hundred human monks who had rushed through the poisonous mist of the monster clan in the original thousands.

Even three of the leaders of the top powers were beheaded by wild beasts, and Zhao Hu and others were not much better. They were covered in wounds and were struggling to hold on. Looking at them, I'm afraid they would have been torn to pieces by the ferocious wild beasts!

As for those monks who are weaker and able to survive, most of them are very cunning people. As long as they encounter any one of the six desolate beasts, they will not be able to beat them, and they will run faster than rabbits. Therefore, it can survive temporarily.

But even so, these people all looked panic-stricken, not knowing how long this wave of people could last.

"It's still the master's powerful methods. These human monks were invincible before, but now they have become bereaved dogs! Hahaha, what a joy!"

The old demon king laughed loudly and said that the demon generals beside him were also extremely excited. They had never killed so many human monks at one time. Can be exchanged for huge rewards.

There is an express rule in the Yaozu that as long as more than [-] monks of the tribe are killed at one time, there will be a reward from the Lord Yaohuang. In the eyes of the Yaozu, it is not only a reward, but also a great honor!

"Hehe, that's natural. If the old man makes a move, even if another group of human monks come, the old man will keep them safe and never return!" The red-haired master smiled confidently.

"It's just that I want that little demon girl in the cave! I hope you can remember the original promise!" Having said this, the red-haired master's eyes glowed with impatience.

"Hehe, that's natural. As long as the master can kill these people, it doesn't matter if the little demon girl is given to the master!"

(End of this chapter)

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