Chapter 652
When the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword was drawn out again, it made an excited clanging sound. It seemed that it had gotten used to the feeling of drinking blood!
The middle-aged woman, who was originally going forward, found that Jiang Mo was holding a sword, and she gave off an invincible aura, just like a sword fairy.

But the leader is very kind to her. Now that the leader is dead, she naturally wants to avenge the leader!
The middle-aged woman flicked the dust whisk in her hand, and thousands of silk threads were entwined towards Jiang Mo like a spider's thread.

Jiang Mo glanced at the dust whisk spider silk, and saw a flash of sword light, and the dust whisk spider silk fell down one after another and was cut off by a sword.

The middle-aged woman was shocked when she saw this scene. The whisk silk was made of 500-year-old ice silkworms, even harder than the armor of a ninth-level real weapon, but it was cut off by Jiang Mo's sword , This shows how sharp his sword is.

However, what surprised her was still behind, Jiang Mo slashed out with one sword after another, and the power of each sword was several times stronger than before, almost showing a trend of increasing!

The middle-aged woman became more and more frightened. This kind of kendo realm can only be achieved by master-level monks. She was once lucky enough to meet two kendo masters. His sword intent soared into the sky.

As it is today, the layers are progressive, without any reduction!
However, it was too late for the middle-aged woman to sigh, that dazzling sword light easily harvested her life away.

In this world of mortals, everything comes and goes so fast, it seems that all fates have long been predestined and written on ancient stone tablets!
Killing the stubborn middle-aged woman with a single sword, Jiang Mo didn't linger, wanting to rush out of the demon king's cave.

Because, there is really nothing worthy of his nostalgia in it.

"You bastards, since you want to force the old man to death, then the old man will fight to the death with you. If the old man dies, no one will feel better today!"

Hearing a hysterical roar of anger, Jiang Mo felt that the entire Demon King's cave seemed to tremble, and the energy of heaven and earth was boiling at this moment.

"It's the fluctuation of the formation, moreover, it's an extremely terrifying formation!"

Jiang Mo instantly felt the dharma seals all over the cave, such a terrifying number that even Jiang Mo felt his scalp tingling.

Once this terrifying formation is activated, even the Eight-Star Martial Emperor may not be able to retreat completely.

With this in mind, Jiang Mo's figure leaped out, towards the direction where the angry roar came from.

It is indeed the red-haired master, surrounded by a group of human monks, facing each other with swords, it is a great insult to the master of formation who has always been aloof.

In front of people, formation masters of this level are all respected, only he bosses others around, when has he ever suffered such embarrassment!
"Old miscellaneous hair, just now you set up formations for those monsters and killed many of our brothers. Today, what is wrong with asking you to apologize?" a monk King Kong said angrily, and died in the nine beast killing formation A monk has his own brother.

"Apologize? The old man told you mediots today to experience the anger of the formation master!" the red-haired master said defiantly.

When the voice fell, a fiery red light erupted from his palm, and he immediately slapped it fiercely towards a certain place in the void.

I saw a red light passing by, like a long rainbow, passing through the air.

In the next moment, the ear-shattering roar was heard again, and countless dharma seals were seen floating in front of everyone, and each dharma seal seemed to have reached the critical edge.

As long as there is any stimulation from foreign objects, it will burst open.

Even Jiang Mo couldn't help but get dizzy at the thought of thousands of seals exploding at the same time!
"These idiots actually choose to provoke a seventh-order formation master, and they are still forced to this extent! It is simply desperate!"

After Jiang Mo yelled and cursed, he knew that there was no room for redemption. If an arrogant formation mage got angry, even tens of thousands of monks might be enraged!

Therefore, in Tianwu Continent, there has been an old saying that it is better to mess with ten martial arts masters than one formation master!
Jiang Mo's eyes were sharp, and soon he caught a trace of fury from the eyes of the red-haired master.

"No, this guy is going to die with those monks!"

After realizing this scene, Jiang Mo couldn't care about anything else. He tried his best to activate the wings of Yuanli, and even summoned the Chilian Snake. He rode on the Chilian Snake, crashed into the hole, and flew directly into the sky. go.

When Jiang Mo fled hundreds of feet away, those human monks realized what the red-haired master was going to do next.

"No, this old guy wants to drag us all to die together!"

"Stop him quickly!"

"Can't let him succeed!"

Although they kept saying this, those human monks ran faster than each other, because when the red-haired master made the seal, a wave of destruction enveloped them.

At the juncture of life and death, no one would care about the evil deeds done by one person. All they can think of is to save their lives as soon as possible.

"If you want to run away, hehe, then you have to run away too. The old man risked his life to make you pay for your stupid words and deeds!"

The red-haired master risked his life to punish others!

The formation started like thunder, and the monk who escaped first was hit immediately, falling straight down like a big bird.

Seeing his blood-stained face, everyone couldn't help but feel a sinking heart. Even the four-star Martial Emperor couldn't escape. One can imagine how terrifying the formation of the red-haired old ghost is.

This was just the beginning, more monks rushed out, but the blood-colored seal erupted with a hundred-foot rainbow light, sweeping everyone into it.

The terrifying power of the formation raged, and almost all the monks were crushed into a cloud of blood mist at this moment, and they didn't even utter a scream.

Although the power of this formation is extremely powerful, the consumption of the red-haired master is also extremely huge. In order to use this formation, he almost overdraws all his vitality.


Seeing those disrespectful monks turn into blood mist, the red-haired master spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath slowly languished.

This formation used up all of its energy, otherwise, with its strength, it would not be able to kill so many monks in an instant.

Jiang Mo's figure had already risen to the sky, and he looked at the blood mist below with some lingering fear.

The formation formed by a seventh-order formation master risked his life, even if it was Jiang Mo, as long as he was contaminated, he would be extremely embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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