Chapter 655: Ben Xian?

Jiang Mo frowned slightly. The speed of the yellow streamer just now was too fast, so that Jiang Mo couldn't see clearly what it was.

At this time, the formation that Jiang Mo arranged outside the cave two months ago suddenly fluctuated, as if someone had forcibly broken in.

"Go here and have a look, that beast seems to have run into the cave!" A young man's voice came in.

Soon, a group of five people appeared in front of Jiang Mo aggressively.

"Hey boy, did you see a yellow-skinned animal running into the cave?" A tall man with long arms shouted to Jiang Mo.

The other few people looked unfriendly, and several of them had swords on their waists, and it seemed that their strength was not weak.

"Boy, our brother Hao is talking to you, are you fucking deaf? Can't you hear?"

Another short man pointed at Jiang Mo and screamed.

Jiang Mo frowned, looked coldly at the group of uninvited guests who suddenly broke in, and said, "Didn't your parents teach you the most basic upbringing?"

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, the atmosphere in the entire cave suddenly froze. The young men with fierce looks were taken aback for a moment, then laughed and said, "It's really ridiculous, a guy who hasn't even grown his hair yet. , actually talked about education with us!"

"In my opinion, you're tired of work, aren't you?" The short man jumped up and threw his fist at Jiang Mo.

Seeing the short man approaching with a punch, Jiang Mo didn't move, standing there steadfastly.

Seeing this scene, the other young men laughed out loud, "So this kid is a fool, no wonder he would say such stupid words!"

"I estimate that this guy is probably a wild species, who was thrown into this cave when he was just born!"

"Bazi, are you stupid? If he was thrown here right after he was born, who did he learn to speak from?"

"Hahaha, I forgot about that!"

A few people talked to each other, but no one took Jiang Mo seriously.

And that short man had already swung his fist, his fists fluttering, and he looked quite powerful.

Jiang Mo, who had been watching with cold eyes, moved when the man who was as tall as an ape said the word 'wild species'.

His body was like lightning, and he moved sideways in an instant. No one could see how he moved. The ape-like man flew upside down, like a kite with a broken string, blood mixed with internal organs , gushing out.

Jiang Mo's punch shattered all the teeth of the ape-like man, and even half of his face collapsed!


That powerful force poured into his body, shattering his internal organs. This punch almost killed the ape man!
Misfortune comes from the mouth, it is this kind of people!

Until now, everyone hadn't realized what was going on, especially the man who punched Jiang Mo. He clearly saw himself punching Jiang Mo in the face.

But how did the latter find time to blow his body away with one punch?

After three breaths, he realized that what he hit was just an afterimage!

"Afterimage! This guy's speed is fast enough, can he condense an afterimage?"

The little man was extremely shocked. Thinking of this, cold sweat instantly flowed down his back and wet his clothes.

If the monk he faced just now wanted to attack him, this short man would not have much room to fight back!

"You... You actually got hurt. Do you know how powerful the forces behind us are? How can you provoke them?"

A man with a sword looked relatively calm, but his trembling legs had already betrayed his heart.

"Powerful?" Jiang Mo sneered. He himself had never been a good man and a faithful woman. These people broke in without saying anything, and dared to speak insultingly to him.

If I hadn't withdrawn from the state of cultivation, I'm afraid it must be a very dangerous situation to meet these people!
As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Mo felt violent. He clenched his right fist and punched the person who spoke. The air was compressed into a huge arc, and the sound of an explosion resounded endlessly.

After one punch, the man with the sword turned into a cloud of blood mist. Seeing this scene, several people around him didn't dare to provoke Jiang Mo anymore, knowing that they had encountered an iron plate.

Immediately smear the soles of the feet with oil, planning to run away.

However, how could Jiang Mo, who was murderous, let them leave smoothly?

I saw a flash of sword light, and the fleeing figures froze in an instant.

Without exception, they all lowered their heads and looked at their own necks. There was a line of blood spreading slowly, and immediately blood shot out from it. They hurriedly covered it with their hands, but they couldn't cover it at all. The hot blood Emerging from their fingers, these people struggled for a moment before falling to the ground.

Jiang Mo didn't even look at these people. He didn't need to think about it, but he knew that this kind of people were nothing more than bullying people. If what he met today was not Jiang Mo, but a monk who was weaker than them, then the other party would definitely be punished. These people beheaded.

There is no doubt about this!

Jiang Mo put away the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword and was about to leave the cave, but at this moment the yellow streamer appeared in front of Jiang Mo again.

Shua, Shua, Shua!

After a few flashes, the corpses that Jiang Mo had just beheaded were swallowed by the yellow streamer.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately he shook his big hand, forming a barrier of Yuanli in the cave.

Just as the Yuanli barrier had just formed, there was a muffled sound.

The yellow streamer was blocked by the Yuanli barrier and fell headlong.

Jiang Mo was not in a hurry. After the yellow streamer was blocked, Jiang Mo realized that it was actually a big fat cat with very bright fur.

The big yellow cat stood up slowly, shook its head, and didn't panic because of the Yuanli barrier.

Even though Jiang Mo exuded martial arts cultivation, the big yellow cat just raised its eyelids, looking calm.

Just like an old monster that has lived for thousands of years.

Immediately afterwards, the big yellow cat walked towards Jiang Mo faintly, its azure blue pupils reflected the cyan brilliance, looking mysterious and unusual.

Jiang Mo, who had never had such a fear even in the face of the strong Wu Zong, suddenly tensed up, as if standing in front of him was not a cat, but a mighty power who reached heaven and earth!
"Young man, you don't have to be nervous. This immortal has already had his bones broken, and his strength is less than one ten-thousandth of what he used to be, so there is no threat to you."

The big yellow cat actually spit out human words. It stuck out its tongue, licked the blood stains left at the corner of its mouth, and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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