Chapter 661 Promise One Thing
The yellow sand is long, and Jiang Mo has been trekking in the Shura battlefield for a whole day. Even with the guidance of the bloody token, it is not easy to find the location of the sacrificial ceremony.

"Hey, brother, it's not easy to meet in the battlefield, let's go together!" A middle-aged man's voice came.

Jiang Mo stood still, then turned around, and saw a group of five people appearing behind him. The middle-aged man who spoke was very tall, with a ferocious green dragon tattoo on his bare arm.

Among the five people, there is also a woman with a very strong figure, that woman is wearing a deerskin dress, fair skin, a pair of long legs, round and slender, very moving.

The remaining three people all had indifferent faces, as if they were not close to strangers.

Jiang Mo smiled slightly, who can appear in the depths of the Asura battlefield, who is not a ruthless person who can stand on his own. Like this kind of five people walking together, each of them may not be strong alone, but basically they all have some kind of strength. Combination martial arts cannot be underestimated.

"Walking together? Sorry, I'm used to fighting alone." Jiang Mo shook his head, politely rejecting the middle-aged man's proposal.

"Brother Biao, seeing how young this person is, he dares to venture into the depths of the Shura battlefield alone. He must have some brain problems. Why do we need to bring a oil bottle?"

A young man with a stern face said.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man called Biao glared at the young man and said, "I don't need you to teach me what I do."

Seeing Brother Biao's serious face, the young man couldn't help but retreat in embarrassment.

"This young man, the depths of the Shura battlefield are no worse than the outside world. It is indeed dangerous to go alone. Why don't you go with us?" The girl in a deerskin dress moved her slender and round legs Come on, pursed her red lips and said.

The leaders, Brother Biao and Yue'er, have much more experience than that young man, so they naturally understand that people can't be judged by their appearance, and those who can get here have no choice but to be a strong person alone, or to go together, which one is there? Really weak?
"Little brother, let me tell you the truth. Recently, we found out that the demon clan is going to hold a sacrificial ceremony. It is said that we will use the monks of our human race as sacrifices and blood to sacrifice to the demon god. Although our strength is not He's very strong, but he has to do something. We can't let the Yaozu gang slaughter our compatriots wantonly." The middle-aged strong man said righteousness, but Jiang Mo didn't see any sense of justice in his eyes.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows, pretending to be surprised.

Jiang Mo put on a very angry look on his face, but he also observed that the expressions of those people were very flat, and there was even a look of eagerness to try.

They thought it was a lie to save the monks of the human race, and their real purpose was to get a piece of the pie while taking advantage of the sacrifice ceremony of the monster race.

Jiang Mo didn't bother to expose them, as long as he could successfully rescue the group of elder disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, and then take the great fortune that the big yellow cat talked about, Jiang Mo's goal would be achieved.

In this world, people die for money, birds die for food, nothing can escape the word profit.

"Well, we found out that the sacrifice ceremony of the monster clan will be held in these two days. According to the information we just got, the location of the sacrifice ceremony seems to be near here. We thought, one more person is always more points Strength, that's why I found my little brother to come and walk with you." The middle-aged strong man Dayi said awe-inspiringly.

"Oh, that's it." Jiang Mo deliberately pretended to be suddenly enlightened. In fact, it was very difficult for him to find the location of the sacrificial ceremony. If the five people knew the exact location, it would save Jiang Mo time.

However, if Brother Nabiao and Yue'er thought that Jiang Mo was a rookie who could be easily used, then they would all suffer a big loss.

"How is it? Is little brother interested in walking with us?" Yue'er's voice was very pleasant, and she looked very charming when she smiled. The children seem to have unreasonable thoughts.

"Of course, since the two of you are so gracious to invite me, if I still refuse, it will be too rude." Jiang Mo smiled and said.

"Since this is the case, that would be great. In this way, the six of us can take care of each other."

Yue'er's laughter was clear and sweet, like a lark.

With the addition of Jiang Mo, the lineup of six people in this group is also very large, as long as they don't meet monks above Wu Zong, they can almost walk sideways.

Half an hour later, a small tribe with a radius of about five miles appeared in front of the six people.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man stopped, and the girl in a buckskin skirt named Yue'er slowly approached the middle-aged man, and the two whispered something.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man took out a parchment map and looked at it seriously.

"Little brother, according to the information we got, the sacrificial ceremony is here." Looking carefully at the map for a while, the middle-aged strong man said seriously to Jiang Mo.

"Then what do you think, what should you do?"

Jiang Mo folded his arms across his chest. In this small tribe, there was not even the aura of a strong Wuzong. If it was said that this was the place where the monster clan sacrificed, Jiang Mo couldn't believe it.

But the middle-aged strong man still swears, he thinks this is here, and his expression is serious, as if he is facing a big enemy, which makes Jiang Mo feel funny.

"Little brother, the five of us know some combined attack techniques. In terms of the ability to fight alone, we may not be as good as a three-star martial emperor. If you are willing, little brother, the five of us can sweep the formation for you, as long as we can get in." , you can obtain the treasures in the sacrificial ceremony!" The middle-aged strong man said seriously.

Jiang Mo shrugged. This kind of trick of using him as cannon fodder is really too low-level. I am afraid that a ten-year-old child can recognize the tricks in it.

Although there were no strong men in this small tribe, Jiang Mo didn't want to be teased like this.

He said: "Your Excellency may have overestimated my strength. If I rush in, I'm afraid I will be the first to be killed on the spot!"

"Tch, Brother Biao, I told you earlier that this guy is an obvious coward. It is useless to call him here." The stern-faced young monk snorted coldly.

The middle-aged strong man called Brother Biao frowned unobtrusively.

The reason why they came here was not to look for some sacrificial ceremony, but that brother Biao's nephew was arrested here, saying that he was going to be escorted to the Yaozu to be enjoyed by a certain Yaozu's adult.

This is the last resort to call people to rush here.

At this time, Yue'er walked up to Jiang Mo, with a gentle smile on her charming face, she said: "If the young man is willing to take the lead, Yue'er is willing to promise anything to the young man afterward."

(End of this chapter)

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