Chapter 669 The Handwriting of the Big Yellow Cat

That woman has a graceful body, and at the same time exudes a noble and icy aura from all over her body. Combined with her powerful force of origin, it will make many young and handsome people fascinated and have a strong desire to conquer.

"Welcome to Goddess!"

The big demon king standing above the void immediately bowed his body after seeing the woman, his voice full of awe.

Immediately afterwards, the tens of thousands of monsters all knelt down, even the great demon king of the thunder monster department was so respectful, one could imagine how terrifying the identity of this woman was.

The moment he bowed his head, the face of the big demon king of the Thunder Demon Department changed a little, and he muttered to himself why the Lord God did not show up today, but only sent the Goddess to come.

Feeling puzzled in his heart, the Great Demon King of the Thunder Demon Department did not dare to question this, even though he knew very well in his heart that the Goddess was just the attendant of the Lord God, so he, the Thunder Demon King, could offend him.

He clearly remembered that about 30 years ago, there was a demon king who was disrespectful to the goddess sent by the gods, which directly caused that monster clan to be wiped out from the Shura battlefield by the gods. go.

The purple dress and gown further set off the nobility of that goddess, like a celestial maiden descending from the earth, not eating fireworks in the world, I saw her lightly moving her lotus steps, as if teleporting, appearing in the sky above the sacrificial ceremony.

At first, Jiang Mo didn't pay much attention to it, but when the woman was within a hundred feet of his head, Jiang Mo's body couldn't help shaking violently.

On the side, the big yellow cat who claimed to be the Immortal, after seeing this scene, had a strange look on his furry face.

It secretly said in its heart: "This kid can remain calm and composed when facing the strong Wu Zong, but why does he become so excited when he sees a mere servant of the gods? Besides, what kind of **** gods are not worthy of this Appellation. Could it be that this kid was attracted by the beauty of that girl?"

Jiang Mo naturally didn't know what the big yellow cat beside him was thinking. He looked up into the sky with his dark eyes, and his eyes fell on the Goddess, and he couldn't look away.

His eyes were a little hot, but more shocking.

"Ling'er..." He murmured softly, looking at the face he missed so much, after a moment he came back to his senses, he suddenly realized, if it was Linger, why would she appear here?
"Boy, don't be stupid. Even if the doll is just a servant of the so-called gods, it is not accessible to you now." The big yellow cat walked up to Jiang Mo and scratched Jiang Mo with its cat paw, making the latter even more Is to wake up.

After regaining his sanity, Jiang Mo shook his head vigorously, just now recovering from the absence just now.

Although the so-called Goddess is very similar to Ling'er in appearance, her demeanor and temperament are completely different.

"Maybe it's the illusion of the monster race?" Jiang Mo suppressed his inner curiosity forcibly, and secretly restrained his breath so as not to attract the other party's attention.

You know, even if you don't talk about the strength of the Goddess, even the Thunder Demon King is a terrifying existence comparable to the strong Wu Zong, and it is not something that Jiang Mo can compete with.

"Is the priest ready?" The Goddess asked indifferently as she glanced down at the demon boy whose body had swelled and expanded.

"Master Goddess, my Thunder Demon Department is ready." The Thunder Demon King replied respectfully.

"it is good."

After the goddess uttered a word, Su Bai's hands began to change rapidly, forming dazzling handprints. This fell into the eyes of Jiang Mo, an expert in formation mages, so he could naturally see that the other party had some skills.

At this time, the surrounding heaven and earth energy, like boiling water, began to boil violently, and during the tumbling, some energy ripples could be seen escaping.

Following her actions, the bodies of the eight demon boys were suddenly pierced by dazzling white beams of light, and after a short while, there was a hint of scarlet in the white beams of light!

This may be formed by the gathering of the pure energy of countless human monks, and it has become what it looks like at this time.

"The opportunity has come, you and I will cooperate with each other for a while. After the female doll completes the sacrifice, I will attack her. At this time, she will be absent-minded for a short time, and you will snatch her spirit storage. The eight demon boys , is my blood food."

The big yellow cat stretched and said lightly.

Jiang Mo was taken aback. There were at least two Wu Zong powerhouses present, as well as a large number of Wu Emperor powerhouses. What's the difference between going so rashly and courting death?
The big yellow cat seemed to see through Jiang Mo's thoughts. It curled its lips and said, "Don't worry, since I dare to make a move, I have full confidence. Wealth and wealth are in danger, and how can we gain strength if we don't take a gamble?" ?”

After finishing speaking, it ignored Jiang Mo's opinion, and disappeared into the crowd as soon as it moved.

Jiang Mo sighed helplessly. Since this guy is from the Immortal King's Tomb of the No.20 Eighth Heaven, he must have some means to save his life, right?
The big yellow cat quickly moved through the crowd like a fleeting image. Those monsters just felt a gust of wind blowing by them, and they didn't notice the existence of the big yellow cat at all.

If the Thunder Demon King focused his attention on this place, he might be able to notice the strangeness here. The fluctuations in the origin force on the ground were extremely different from those in the past, and even formed a faint origin force vortex.

These are all the masterpieces of the big yellow cat, and a huge formation is rapidly condensing outside the sacrificial ceremony with a radius of hundreds of feet!
The Thunder Demon King's attention is all on the sacrifice of the Goddess. If there is a mistake in the sacrifice ceremony held in the Thunder Demon Department, he, the Thunder Demon King, will suffer a great disaster!
And the Goddess focused on the sacrifice itself, she believed that no one would dare to make trouble here.

At this time, the eight dazzling beams of light had completely turned into a blood-red color, and a strong bloody aura radiated overwhelmingly, and even more astonishing power gathered in it, which was the life force of nearly ten thousand human monks!

Booming, the terrifying sound of thunder mixed with the sound of wind and rain, engulfed it, and the eight blood-colored beams of light became more intense, like nine blood-colored dragons, soaring into the sky, roaring endlessly!
Seeing this scene, the Goddess moved lightly with lotus steps, and slowly walked towards the center of the eight blood-colored beams of light. When she stood still, she made a move with both hands, and the endless blood-colored energy was directed towards her graceful body. In, gather and go.

"Hey, this immortal made your sacrifice come to naught."

A slightly mocking voice came out, and among the monsters, the furry paws of the big yellow cat gently pressed down on the ground, and then Jiang Mo was shocked to realize that the power between the heaven and the earth began to gather suddenly !
 Tang Tang is finally back, and luckily you are all still here~ From today until the end of the month, there will be one change every day, because Tang Tang needs a few days to sort out his thoughts, and starting next month, there will be at least three changes every day!

(End of this chapter)

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