Chapter 671 Space Teleportation

"Boy, let me stop, otherwise, after I can catch you, I will make your life worse than death!" A general of the monster clan swung his sword to cut through the fire curtain, and said sternly.

Jiang Mo didn't pay any attention to such threatening words, and all the demon boys were collected in the Zichen space. Since the big yellow cat created such a good opportunity for him, he couldn't waste it.


"Damn it, tear this kid into pieces!"

Seeing that Jiang Mo didn't take himself seriously, those monster soldiers immediately burst into flames and rushed forward, trying to chop Jiang Mo into a pulp.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo curled his lips slightly, and immediately the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword appeared in his right hand. The terrifying fluctuations in the sword energy immediately tore through the air, making a whistling sound, and collided with all the monster soldiers.


A series of cracks visible to the naked eye quickly spread, and Jiang Mo fought against the siege of dozens of monster soldiers with his own strength, and did not lose the wind. This scene made many monsters feel extremely shocked!
"Aurora is like electricity!"

Jiang Mo let out a soft drink, and in a flash of his figure, countless bright sword shadows emerged, enveloping those monster soldiers.

At this moment, there was a strange scream from below, and the big yellow cat was hit again, and its figure was a little embarrassed.

"Boy, move faster, I can't hold on anymore."

After the exchange of spiritual thoughts, the big yellow cat's palms were facing upwards, and under its furry paws, there were complicated and mysterious rune fluctuations, and the big purple net floating in the sky began to close.

Accompanied by the muffled sound of thunder, after a while, the Thunder Demon King and the Goddess both found that the big purple net that had absorbed all the power of the priest disappeared.

At the same time, the thin figure in mid-air quickly rushed towards the big yellow cat with a majestic sword power.

"A mere Martial Emperor dares to be presumptuous in front of the Goddess." The Thunder Demon King snorted coldly, and the huge purple-gold thunder hammer suddenly burst into bright golden light, and smashed down on Jiang Mo in an arc.

Like the explosion of firecrackers, it resounded endlessly, and the air exploded under such a domineering attack.

Jiang Mo staggered, but with the help of the ghost shadow fan's footsteps and his own speed, he barely avoided this tyrannical attack.

"Boy, let's go, so we won't be entangled with these guys."

After Jiang Mo and the big yellow cat converged, a strong light burst out from the center of the big yellow cat's paws, followed by a strange force, wrapping Jiang Mo and the big yellow cat together , sent elsewhere.

"Quick, stop them..." Before the goddess could finish her words, the figures of Jiang Mo and the big yellow cat disappeared in place, making it too late for the thunder hammer that the Thunder Demon King held in midair to fall.

The goddess took a deep breath, and when she realized that there was no smell of Jiang Mo and the big yellow cat in this place, her complexion became extremely cold.

"Hehe, what a thunder demon tribe, I have been performing sacrifices for Lord God for so many years, and this situation has never occurred in any demon tribe." The goddess looked at the Thunder demon king with a sneer, and said: "Now, but They all made wedding clothes for others."

"In my opinion, there is no need for the Thunder Demon to exist from now on, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the majesty of the Thunder Demon King no longer existed, and he immediately knelt on the ground and said sincerely: "Please allow a little more time, Lord Goddess, the Thunder Demon King will use the strength of the entire tribe to find One person and one cat, regain the power of sacrifice."

The words of the goddess represent the will of the gods and spirits. Even if the Thunder Demon King had a hundred courage, he would never dare to take this matter lightly.

"Okay, I'll go to other tribes to complete the sacrifice first. As for this person and one cat, you can give me an explanation within ten days. At that time, I will return to the Spiritual Mansion to return to my life. The power of sacrifice. I am afraid that a tribe will disappear forever in this Shura battlefield." After the goddess finished speaking, she stopped staying too long, and her graceful body moved lightly, and disappeared in a few flashes. In the field of vision of the monsters.

After the goddess left, Lei Yaowang's face turned from respectful to livid, and his voice was as cold as Jiuyou, and said: "Who is in charge of the investigation of today's sacrificial ceremony?"

"Reporting to Lord Demon King, he is the last general." A thin and thin monster from the Yao clan stood up, knowing that he had caused a catastrophe, he didn't dare to look at the Thunder Demon King at all.

"good very good!"

The Thunder Demon King was worried and had nowhere to vent his anger. After the thin and weak monster stood up, he was greeted by the Thunder Demon King's Purple Gold Thunder Hammer, which was directly blasted into a cloud of blood mist.

"As the general who is responsible for the investigation and guarding the safety of the sacrificial ceremony, he would let the strong people of the race mix in. This is the result of ineffective guarding."

The Thunder Demon King said with a cold face, and the other generals of the monster clan saw this scene, and they were all silent, and no one dared to speak out.

"Proceed with this king's order, and the entire Thunder Demon tribe will be sealed off for a thousand miles, not letting even a single fly go. If within ten days, that person and cat cannot be found, all related monster generals will be executed!"

Following the Thunder Demon King's order, all the generals of the Demon Clan were terrified, and hurriedly led their subordinates towards the outside.

At this moment, the entire Thunder Monster Department is like ants on a hot pot. If the outside world knows that Jiang Mo has turned the entire Thunder Monster Department on their backs with the power of one person and one cat, his jaw will drop in shock.

"Boy, this king doesn't believe it. Here, you can still escape from this king's grasp!"

After everyone left, the Thunder Demon King's face sank like water. Thinking of the wrath of the god's lord, even with the Thunder Demon King's concentration, he couldn't help being terrified.

About eight hundred miles away from the sacrificial square, the space suddenly began to twist like water waves, and then a person and a cat came out of that undulating space.

"Is this the space tearing of Wu Zun?"

Seeing that there were no monsters around, Jiang Mo couldn't help asking.

"No, if Benxian returns to Wuzun's strength, why should I be so embarrassed." The big yellow cat shook his head, then licked the blood on his paw, and said: "This is the space teleportation technique, which I have never seen before." No.20 I learned it from the Immortal King's Tomb in the Eighth Heaven. It just consumes too much energy, and the previous method of transferring flowers and trees used almost two-thirds of the essence of this immortal!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo touched the big cat's head. In fact, he also consumed a lot in the battle just now. It seems that it is not an easy task to escape from the territory of the Thunder Demon Department.

When Jiang Mo shook his head and sighed, the yellow sand under his feet began to spread to both sides, revealing a dark and deep hole the size of a person appeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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