Chapter 685 Convocation
Leaving the Xuan Yao Department, one person and one cat walked slowly on the yellow sand, and there were countless soldiers from the Xuan Yao Department standing behind them.

"You actually cultivated the power of divine sense, I really didn't expect it." The big yellow cat sighed.

"I know a thing or two." Jiang Mo smiled.

"Why don't you and I make a deal?" Suddenly, the big yellow cat stopped and stared at Jiang Mo.

"Deal?" Jiang Mo was startled, and then touched his nose, feeling a sense of vigilance in his heart.

This big yellow cat has lived for an unknown number of years. It belongs to the kind of old monster that cannibalize people without spitting out bones. If you want to make a deal with it, you must be very energetic.

"Don't worry, I won't cheat you, a brat." The big yellow cat shook his head, and said flatly, "I just took a fancy to your spiritual power."

Seeing that Jiang Mo was still a little worried, the big yellow cat continued, "You can count with your fingers. Have you ever suffered a disadvantage in cooperating with me so many times?"

Jiang Mo smiled and shook his head.

"That's it. You have a strong power of divine sense, and you can help me reopen the door of the No.20 Eighth Heaven's tomb. There are very important things for me. I have to personally Go and get it back!" Having said that, the big yellow cat put away its usual indifference, and on its furry face, there was a dignified look that only humans have.

Something that can make it really care about must be extremely important!

"Didn't you say that there is something terrible there that can seal you, so why go back?" Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I can't feel that guy's aura anymore, but this move is still a bit risky. If you are willing to make this deal with me, no matter what you do in the future, I will do my best to help you. Make this deal with me , You are not bad." The big yellow cat stood in place, with brown eyes, looking into the distance.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Mo nodded. Jiang Mo also wanted to see the No.20 Eighth Heaven above the Nine Heavens with his own eyes, and what it was like.

Seeing that Jiang Mo agreed, the big yellow cat went on to say: "With your seventh-level spiritual power, you still can't help me. When will you reach the ninth-level spiritual power, at least you have to be at the peak of the eighth level. Only then can I help this immortal return to the No.20 Eighth Heaven!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo couldn't help gasping for air. He needed at least the power of the eighth-level peak divine sense to open the door of the fairy tomb.

How terrifying is this No.20 Eighth Heaven's Immortal King's Tomb!
"Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things. You also know that the improvement of the power of spiritual thoughts is different from the cultivation base of martial arts. If there is enough opportunity, you may be able to break through to the eighth level soon. If you don't have that feeling, I am afraid that it will take ten years. Eight years is also difficult to touch the threshold."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo walked forward slowly, followed by the big yellow cat. It has lived for so many years, and it has always been very accurate in seeing people. Since Jiang Mo was selected, it will wait until the power of his divine sense breaks through. one day.

"The Nine Armies Dragon Slaying Formation is a rare opportunity. Whether the Holy Martial Sword Sect can rise again depends on it." Jiang Mo took out the rubbings of the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation from Zichen's ring. To maximize the power of the army, you must gather nine elite divisions, cooperate with each other tacitly, and obey the commander's orders.

Only in this way can we attack the city and pull out the stronghold, and be victorious in every battle!

With this in mind, Jiang Mo used the unique contact method of Shengwu Jianzong to inform Wang Wentao, He Yandong and others of the news. If it is not bad, those elders will also come, and then Jiang Mo will hand over the Nine Armies Dragon Slaying Formation to these people respectively .

Only by training a few powerful iron cavalry that can stand alone can the revival of Shengwu Jianzong be expected.

After the news came out, Jiang Mo sat cross-legged and took out the bronze mirror that contained the power of sacrifice. Immediately, the seal in his hand changed, tearing a trace of the seal again, and the power of sacrifice in the bronze mirror slowly flowed out.

On the other hand, Jiang Mo's eyes were slightly closed, pulling the slightest bit of sacrificial power into his body, the Dayan Tianji Jue was running, and there was a faint roaring sound all over his body.

"Aren't you afraid of attracting the guy from the Thunder Demon Department?" the big yellow cat asked.

"With my current martial arts cultivation, even if I can't beat him, if I want to escape, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop me." Jiang Mo smiled slightly, his expression extremely confident.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo stopped talking and quietly refined the power of the sacrifice.

After the operation of Dayan Tianji Jue, the bloody aura in the sacrificial power was eliminated, and what remained in Jiang Mo's dantian was the pure essence that couldn't be more pure.

Going back and forth like this, the vitality in Jiang Mo's dantian Qihai is accumulating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Mo didn't take the reminder from the big yellow cat just now. If Wang Wentao and the others were called over at that time, he would meet the Thunder Demon King who was in a rage again.

At that time, even if Jiang Mo could escape, Wang Wentao, the future mainstay of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, would have absolutely no chance of surviving, and would most likely be torn to pieces by the Thunder Demon King.

This is something that the current Shengwu Jianzong cannot bear.

Therefore, the power of the seventh-level divine sense was released without reservation, covering a range of thousands of miles.

As long as there is any disturbance, Jiang Mo can't hide it.

It is also impossible for the Thunder Demon King to approach without anyone noticing.

From sunrise to sunset, Jiang Mo's aura permeated the air again. Although he would not be able to advance to the Eight-Star Martial Emperor in one step, he was not far from the Eight-Star Martial Emperor in one step. As long as the timing is right, the breakthrough is just A matter of course.

During the whole day that Jiang Mo waited intently, the Thunder Demon King didn't come, and it wasn't Wang Wentao who came first, but He Yandong.

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

With one hand behind his back, He Yandong bowed slightly to Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo waved his hand and asked, "Why didn't you come together?"

"Wang Wentao has found some news, and with a few powerful elders, he will arrive soon." He Yandong said respectfully.

Sure enough, in less than an hour, Wang Wentao and many elders came one after another.

"What news did you find?" Jiang Mo patted Wang Wentao's shoulder, but he didn't have any airs of suzerainty.

"Reporting to the suzerain, as far as I know, there are quite a few human monks and monster races competing for an important military town, which seems to be called Zhenguiguan!" Wang Wentao continued with a look on his face, "That ghost town is a human race. Once the human race and the monster race break out in a battle, whoever can control the ghost pass is equivalent to holding the other party's throat."

Listening to Wang Wentao's introduction, Jiang Mo also more or less understood the recent battles on the Shura battlefield and the trend of the situation.

After a pause, Jiang Mo turned serious and said, "Today, I summoned you here because I have an important task to entrust to you."

(End of this chapter)

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