Chapter 700 Tribal Realm
"What's your name?" Jiang Mo looked at the simple and honest boy in front of him seriously, and asked aloud.

"Originally I didn't have a name, but later the patriarch's grandfather gave me a name called Lin Bing." The simple and honest boy scratched his head. At this moment, the boy who was willing to give up everything to protect his sister before he went, is completely different. two people.

Jiang Mo nodded, and said softly, "Lin Bing, good name. Then, your sister should be called Lin Yun?"

"Well, the little girl's name is Lin Yun." The delicate girl pursed her lips and said shyly.

Jiang Mo didn't say too many words of thanks. The cultivation resources he bestowed on Lin Bing might not be available even with the power of the entire clan of this small tribe.

"If you want to protect your sister and stop being bullied by those villains in the future, you should practice hard." Jiang Mo patted Lin Bing on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

"Definitely!" Lin Bing nodded heavily.

After pausing for a while, Jiang Mo said slowly again: "If you don't find me troublesome, maybe I will stay here for a while longer."

In the past few days, Jiang Mo felt that his mind could calm down instead.

As usual, he was always on the verge of a life-and-death fight, and his nerves were always tense. Although his strength improved rapidly, his whole body was in a state of killing.

This will inevitably affect martial arts cultivation.

Although the energy of heaven and earth in this remote tribe is not as abundant as that of the outside world, it is like a person who is used to eating big fish and meat, and it is not a bad thing to eat light vegetarian food once in a while.

"My lord, you can stay here. I'll prepare food for you." Lin Yunqiao blushed. Obviously, she was very happy that the handsome young man in black was able to stay here.

Jiang Mo nodded and said to Lin Bing, "Go and practice. If you don't understand anything, you can come and ask me."

The simple and honest boy nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice. Even if the boy in the mountain is not active in his mind, he should understand that a great master like Jiang Mo with unfathomable martial arts cultivation is not something that can be met just by meeting, and even more so. Let alone let it guide yourself?

After both siblings had left, Jiang Mo lay on the wooden bed again, countless memories flashed in his mind.

There is the scene when she was framed by Xingshuang, the joy after being reborn, the difficulties made by those powerful guys in the family, and Linger's perseverance towards her.

Jiang Mo thought about it seriously, what is the purpose of reliving his life?
Was it to personally kill the woman he loved so much, or to reach the pinnacle of martial arts and look down on all the heroes in the world?

Maybe not, just for the ability to protect those you love and those who love yourself.

This continent is too big, there are too many things that he cannot change, but there are also some things that he can achieve through hard work.

Isn't it a blessing to be able to rely on one's own hands to let the people around you live happily?

In the end, Jiang Mo's memories were fixed on that beautiful figure. The girl had a gentle smile on her face, like the melodious voice of a lark, which made Jiang Mo feel at ease.

"Master, it's time to eat."

"Master, stop practicing.

"Look at you, sweat is all over your forehead."


Jiang Mo slowly clenched his fists, and muttered to himself: "Ling'er, after I have the strength of Wu Zun and defeat that scorpion dragon son, I will definitely go to the Gu clan to find you."

After thinking of the silly girl who never left him, a smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Mo's mouth, and then fell asleep.

On the second day, Jiang Mo went up the mountain alone, picked up the machete of a simple and honest boy, and came back after cutting a large bundle of firewood.

It was like this on the third day, and it will be like this for the next few months.

Neither the honest boy nor his sister knew why Mr. Jiang Mo did this.

The simple work of chopping wood should be done by Lin Bing, who has plenty of strength.

Jiang Mo didn't explain, because the siblings wouldn't understand if they had said so, but there is no doubt that Jiang Mo's cultivation base is still improving, even faster than in places with abundant vitality in the outside world. Get some minutes.

The big yellow cat also seems to like the environment here very much, so I don't know where it is hiding.

Jiang Mo didn't bother to look for it either. There seemed to be nothing in this small tribe that could pose any threat to the big yellow cat that escaped from the fairy king's tomb.

A few months ago, the young man in brocade clothes came home with a short leg and a broken hand. His father, that is, the elder in the tribe, saw this situation and was immediately furious.

Later, he was stopped by a young man in brocade clothes, and he told the old man in Chinese clothes that the young man in black who was taken in by his sister and brother Lin by the stream was so powerful that he could kill three Martial Lords with one blow.

Hearing this, the old man in Chinese clothes instantly calmed down. To be able to kill three Martial King powerhouses with one blow, it must be at least the strength of the Martial King class!

The father and son had to smash their teeth and swallow the blood in their stomachs.

The remote tribes also have disputes, which are not as peaceful as they seem from the outside world.

About a year later, the old man in Chinese clothes appeared in the tribe's most solemn meeting hall.

This level of discussion may not necessarily be held once in decades.

But once it is held, it will inevitably be a major event of life and death for the tribe.

As the third elder of the tribe, the old man in Chinese clothes is naturally qualified to appear here.

"The Wild Monsters have started to harass the border of my tribe again." The old patriarch's beard and hair were all white, and as soon as his words fell, the entire meeting hall fell into a heavy atmosphere.

"According to the news sent back by the scouts, this time, the Wild Monster Department is no longer a test, but has a large number of troops hoarding near the border of our clan. There are signs of a large-scale invasion!"

The old patriarch's words were no less than a blockbuster, which made all the elders here gasp.

The barbarian tribe has always been strong and strong, and the reason why they have not attacked here is because they are afraid of the strength of the old patriarch, the one-star Wuwang.

But now it is uncharacteristically, planning to invade on a large scale, what is the reason for this?

No one can think clearly.

However, one thing is certain is that their overall strength must be stronger than before, otherwise, they would not have made such a move.

"Elders, what do you think?" the old patriarch asked.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to mound. The terrain here is dangerous, easy to defend but difficult to attack, as long as we stick to it." An elder said.

"What is the defense doing? As long as those savages dare to come, we will kill every single one of them." Some radical elders also said angrily.


All of a sudden, in the meeting hall, all the elders expressed their opinions.

The old patriarch frowned. He had a hunch that this time the conflict would be several times more intense than before!
Even if one is not handled well, the whole clan is in danger of being destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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