Fengtian Longdi

Chapter 73 Choosing a Martial Arts Department

Chapter 73 Choosing a Martial Arts Department

"What? He actually rejected Senior Sister Nangong's invitation?"

"Did I hear you right? That's Dan Tang!"

"Anyone who can become one of the alchemy disciples will undoubtedly gain a respected status! I don't know how many disciples would want to get in if they squeeze their heads out?"

"Hey, it's a great opportunity. If he doesn't want to go in, he can give me this spot! I'm willing to pay [-] gold coins to buy this spot."

After a moment of silence, the entire Divine Sense Palace fell into an uproar.

The disciples all talked and said that they did not understand Jiang Mo's behavior.

Even Teacher Xiao Wu was stunned.

"Jiang Mo, don't you understand that once you enter the alchemy hall, you will rise to the top, and your future will be limitless!" Instructor Xiao Wu persuaded.

"Mr. Xiao Wu, I appreciate your kindness. However, I have made up my mind." Jiang Mo shook his head and said firmly.

The belief in Jiang Mo's heart is very firm, that is to keep getting stronger!
Once he enters the alchemy hall, it will definitely delay his training time, which is the last thing Jiang Mo wants to see.

At this time, Nan Gongyue also adjusted from the surprise.

She never expected that, in the eyes of others, the opportunity to rise to the top of the sky in one step would be rejected so directly by Jiang Mo.

"Junior brother Jiang Mo, do you have something to hide? If you are willing to tell me, I will do my best to help you." After thinking for a while, Nangongyue said softly.

After all, she still didn't want to give up Jiang Mo, a talent of heaven.

Seeing Nan Gongyue treat Jiang Mo so submissively, begging him to join the alchemy hall, the eyes of these disciples all dropped.

When did Nan Gongyue, the elder sister of Dan Tang who was always high above the sky like a fairy, get so close to a man.

What's more, this man is just a new disciple who has just been admitted to the hospital.

"It's really unfair, how could such a good thing not happen to me!"

"I don't know what kind of incense that guy named Jiang Mo burned in his previous life to attract Senior Sister Nangongyue to beg him humbly."

Outside the Divine Sense Palace, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, but Jiang Mo, who was the person involved, remained indifferent.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your kindness. I really don't want to join. Please, Senior Sister, don't embarrass me." Jiang Mo shook his head slowly.

Teacher Xiao Wu also didn't want Jiang Mo to miss such a good opportunity for nothing.

He then persuaded, "Jiang Mo, maybe you don't know yet, the Dantang's position in our Yunchui Martial Arts Academy is very important. If you can enter it and become a disciple of refining medicine, your future achievements will definitely not Lower than inner court disciples!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mo was slightly surprised.

Each of the disciples in the inner court is a genius who is one in a million.

Being able to enter the inner court means that one's talent is outstanding.

Most of the disciples who graduated from the inner courtyard of Yunchui Martial Arts Academy will become the mainstay of the empire in the future.

Instructor Xiao Wu said that the alchemy disciples in the alchemy hall are not weaker than the disciples in the inner court.

This proves from the side, how noble the status of a medicine refining disciple is.

Jiang Mo only thought for a moment before refusing.

In his heart, martial arts is the right path.

As for the alchemy technique, Jiang Mo was a top alchemist in his previous life, didn't he fall into the hands of his beloved in the end?
If there is no strong strength, alchemy is useless in how to reach the pinnacle!

"Mr. Xiao Wu, you don't need to persuade me. I know what to do." Jiang Mo still shook his head.

The disciples watching felt more and more unfair. Why did Jiang Mo not go when the senior sister of Dantang begged Jiang Mo to become a disciple of refining medicine.

And they can't get in even if they squeeze their heads?

Han Shan, who was dressed in brown, looked very ugly at the moment. Anyway, he also persisted for two sticks of incense in the spiritual testing room, but he was treated as a medicine boy, and he was thrown aside and ignored.

At this moment, Han Shan was very jealous of Jiang Mo.

"Senior Sister Nangong, if Jiang Mo doesn't want to be a disciple of refining medicine, I will." He stood up and said.

"You are not qualified yet." Nan Gongyue rejected Han Shan without thinking.

"Why am I not qualified? Anyway, I persisted for two sticks of incense, why can't you treat everyone equally?" Han Shan was a little annoyed by the ruthless rejection.

He also ignored Nangongyue's identity and shouted directly.

"Han Shan, control your emotions. Your grades are good. But at least, you don't have the qualifications until Jiang Mo expresses his opinion!"

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Yue's beautiful eyes waited for Han Shan, "If you can stay in the divine mind testing room, and persist for three incense sticks, I will also invite you to join the alchemy hall. Can you do it?"

Nan Gongyue's martial arts cultivation base is very strong, and she also has profound attainments in the art of refining medicine.

Naturally, he is proud and arrogant.

Now, being directly rejected by Jiang Mo, he was not in a good mood at all, but Han Shan was still slamming the gun, and Nan Gongyue's pretty face immediately turned cold.

"Okay, okay, I'm not qualified..." Han Shan froze as soon as he heard this.

Not to mention sticking to the time of three sticks of incense, even two sticks of incense, Han Shan is extremely reluctant.

"Jiang Mo, I can assure you that if you enter the Alchemy Hall, you will be able to obtain training resources no worse than anyone else in the Martial Arts Institute in the future. Moreover, there are many masters who can guide you in refining medicine. " Nan Gongyue almost begged.

Mentor Xiao Wu also told her just now that Jiang Mo's awakened martial vein is the flame martial vein.

This is simply a natural alchemist seedling!
If recruited into the alchemy hall, he will definitely grow into a pillar-like existence in the alchemy hall in the future!
Hearing this, Jiang Mo felt slightly amused.

In the previous life, he himself was a top pharmacist in Zhentianwu Continent. In this regard, the entire Yunchui Empire might not be able to find a second person who is more powerful than Jiang Mo.

Although the alchemists of Yunchui Martial Dao Academy are powerful, Jiang Mo never thinks that their attainments in alchemy can surpass him.

Jiang Mo is weak now because his spiritual power is not strong.

Once Jiang Mo's spiritual power grows, his medicine refining technique will once again dominate Tianwu Continent!
"Senior Sister Nangong, I've made up my mind, I won't join Pill Hall!" Jiang Mo knew that Nangongyue would not give up if he didn't say something decisive.

Nangongyue's mind was also very quick, and she naturally heard the determination in Jiang Mo's tone.

Immediately said, "Since Junior Brother Jiang doesn't want to join our alchemy hall, then I won't force it. I just hope that you won't regret it in the future."

"By the way, this is the nourishing pill." Before leaving, Nan Gongyue took out a jade bottle and handed it to Jiang Mo.

Nangongyue was very disappointed. She felt very frustrated that Jiang Mo could not become a disciple of alchemy in Dantang.

"Thank you, sister."

After getting the needed elixir, Jiang Mo stopped staying and prepared to leave.

"Everyone remember, after five days, I will go to Qingyun Peak and choose my martial arts department." Just as Jiang Mo was about to leave, Qin Nian said in charge.

Seeing that Jiang Mo had made up his mind, Teacher Xiao Wu stopped persuading him, shook his head and left.

The others also dispersed.

After Jiang Mo returned to his residence, he entered Zichen's space.

He first opened the jade bottle he got, and after smelling the smell, he judged that the quality of this Yangshen Pill seemed to be pretty good.

Afterwards, he put the Yangshen Pill aside, because he was not in a hurry to break through to the second-level pharmacist right now.

Most importantly, after five days, he will choose the martial arts department.

What Jiang Mo was struggling with was, which martial arts department should he choose?
(PS: Starting today, it will be updated three times a day. If you guys enjoy watching it, please vote for a few recommendations and support Tang Tangha~~~)
 Three times a day, update time: 11:6 am, 10:[-] pm, [-]:[-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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