Fengtian Longdi

Chapter 8 My back view, let you look up!

Chapter 8 My back view, let you look up!
"My God, doesn't this guy want to live? Doesn't he know that Jiang Yuntong is already at the fifth level of body training?" Hearing Jiang Mo's words, the crowd talked a lot.

"If I remember correctly, Jiang Mo was at the third level of body training in the last test, and he is not at the same level as Jiang Yuntong at all!"

"Is this guy probably out of his mind?"

The boys and girls of the Jiang family were discussing, but they were not optimistic about Jiang Mo. After all, his strength has hardly improved in the past four years.

"Very well, I think as an elder brother, I need to teach you a lesson, to let you know what it means to respect an elder brother!" Jiang Yuntong gritted his teeth and said.

He is the grandson of the First Elder, and he is usually loved by the First Elder, so he acts extremely arrogantly.

"You still talk a lot of nonsense as usual." Jiang Mo glanced at Jiang Yuntong lightly, the contempt in his eyes barely concealed.

"Bastard, let me teach you a lesson!" Jiang Yuntong yelled, and rushed towards Jiang Mo.

"Huang-level low-level martial arts: Tiger Fist!"

At the same time as rushing out, Jiang Yuntong shouted in a low voice, clenched his fists tightly, like a tiger descending the mountain, his momentum is overwhelming!

"Let's see how Jiang Mo responds." The teenagers watching were waiting to see Jiang Mo's joke.

When Jiang Mo saw Jiang Yuntong rushing towards him, his eyes froze. Although he was obsessed with alchemy and weapon refining in his previous life, he was still a top martial artist. Jiang Yuntong, a guy at the fifth level of body training, is too strong.

He just glanced at it, and found that Jiang Yuntong was full of loopholes. Although the momentum was compelling, the heat was too bad!

Jiang Yuntong's fist rushed straight, hitting Jiang Mo's face.


Jiang Mo made a slight mistake in his footsteps, and stepped aside the attack.The fist came down against Jiang Mo's chest. Jiang Mo's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He raised his elbow and slammed it hard on Jiang Yuntong's arm, making a muffled sound.


Under Jiang Mo's anger, Jiang Yuntong took several steps back before he stabilized his figure.

And Jiang Mo himself was also a little angry and bloody. After all, there was a gap in strength. Although his experience was not comparable to that of Jiang Yuntong, he was at a disadvantage because he only had the fourth level of body training.

You know, the fourth level of body refining has [-] jin of brute force, while the fifth level of body refining has [-] jin of brute force, a full gap of [-] jin of brute force, which is not so easy to make up.

"How is it possible that he actually forced Jiang Yuntong to retreat?" Seeing this scene, the eyes of the teenagers almost fell out of surprise.

"This is just the beginning, and the best is yet to come. Jiang Yuntong has the strength of the fifth level of body training. The difference in strength alone can crush Jiang Mo. A miss is nothing." Some people think that Jiang Yuntong was careless. , let Jiang Mo succeed.

"How is it possible that he can avoid my Tiger Fist?" Only Jiang Yuntong, who was in it, was horrified. You know, he used [-]% of his strength at that time, and he should be able to crush Jiang Mo, but the fact is I suffered a dark loss.

"Bastard, I don't care what tricks you have, I'm going to abolish you now!" Jiang Yuntong became furious, and was forced to retreat by Jiang Mo under the eyes of everyone, which made him very angry.

"Quick battle and quick decision." At this moment, Jiang Mo secretly made up his mind that if the time dragged on, it would be bad for him.

Jiang Yuntong adjusted his posture, clenched his fists tightly, and made a crackling sound, which showed how angry he was.

"Damn the waste!" After the words fell, Jiang Yuntong rushed over again like a cannonball. This time he planned to use the high-level Huang-rank martial art that he had just learned a few days ago, Thunder Palm.


Before anyone arrived, there was already a gust of wind blowing in the venue, dust floating, and a tense atmosphere permeated.

"Jiang Yuntong is about to use the Thunderbolt Palm. A few days ago, I saw him practice in the martial arts arena, and now Jiang Mo is miserable." Someone saw Jiang Yuntong's movements and screamed immediately.

"That is an advanced martial art of the Huang rank, how could Jiang Yuntong perform it?"

"What's the matter, even if you only use the fur, it's enough to defeat Jiang Mo."

In Tianwu Continent, as a means to enhance the combat ability of warriors, martial arts are divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang, and each level is divided into three levels: low level, intermediate level, and high level.

The sky rank is the highest, and the yellow rank is the lowest!
It is extremely rare to obtain high-level martial arts. Generally, only the hermit sects and the Yunchui royal family have advanced martial arts and skills, and they will not be passed on to the outside world.

For example, the highest martial skill of the Jiang family is only at the middle level of the mysterious rank.

This time, under Jiang Yuntong's display of the Ben Lei Palm, there was a faint thunderous sound, which seemed extremely powerful.

"This palm is enough to defeat you!" Jiang Yuntong's eyes were fierce.

"Coincidentally, I thought so too." Jiang Mo said lightly.

When Jiang Yuntong was about to approach him, a ray of purple light bloomed on the ring finger of Jiang Mo's right hand, hidden in the Zichen ring, and the last trace of power was urged out by Jiang Mo.

Although not very strong, it is enough to deal with people below warriors, not to mention that Jiang Yuntong is only at the fifth level of body training...


The next moment, the purple light suddenly bloomed and turned into a ball of light towards Jiang Yuntong, who suddenly flew out as if he had been hit hard.

"Wow!" Seeing this scene, the teenagers onlookers seemed to be choked by their throats, their voices of discussion stopped abruptly, and they stared blankly at Jiang Yuntong who flew upside down more than ten meters away.

"How is it possible? How could Jiang Mo be Jiang Yuntong's opponent? It must be my eyes!"

"Could it be that Jiang Mo's terrifying talent has returned?"

A thought flashed in the minds of the teenagers. Four years ago, Jiang Mo was the most outstanding young generation of the Jiang family. Even the patriarch, Mrs. Jiang, admired him and believed that Jiang Mo would definitely lead the Jiang family to prosperity in the future.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

But now, Jiang Mo suddenly became stronger and defeated Jiang Yuntong, who was on the fifth level of body training. What does this mean?
Seeing Jiang Yuntong flying a few meters away, Jiang Mo himself was a little surprised. He looked at the Zichen ring on his right hand, and found that the last trace of purple glow on it had disappeared.

This means that when facing opponents in the future, he needs to rely entirely on his own strength, and can no longer rely on the power of the Zichen ring.

But these, the younger generation of the Jiang family didn't know, what they saw was Jiang Mo knocking Jiang Yuntong into the air, and they only had one thought in their minds, that is Jiang Mo is very strong now, don't provoke him easily!

Only Jiang Mo knows in his heart that he needs to practice harder to win the awe of others!

Jiang Mo walked slowly in front of Jiang Yuntong, bent down, and looked at Jiang Yuntong. There was no warmth in his dark eyes.

"Four years ago, you were not qualified to be my opponent, but now, my back can still make you look up!"

Jiang Mo's indifferent voice fell, then he got up and left, leaving Jiang Yuntong with his thin and resolute back.

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(End of this chapter)

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