Chapter 917 The Ending (4)
"Will you help me clear the way?"

Hanba only asks once.

If Yechen disagrees, she has no way to force Yechen.

It just looked at Yechen's reluctance to part with this child.

But Yechen was silent for a long time, before he raised his head and said, "Do you really think that this child is my hope?"

"At least the deity is clear, you admit that he is your flesh and blood, if a zombie can admit family affection..."

"You want to say that I'm no longer a zombie, too?"

Yechen interrupted him.

He listens too much.

Ever since Baili Wuxun, he has been said that he is not a pure-blooded zombie at all, and he has no awareness of being a zombie.

Now that Hanba said it again, so what, his ears were almost calloused!

"But what's wrong? Didn't the deity tell you before? What was said in the cave is the deity's true words."

Yechen was taken aback!
Hanba actually told him...

What's wrong with being like this? !


If she's still here...

There's nothing wrong with being like this.

"So what do you mean? Do you want to give me hope, or take me to destruction?"

Yechen's question was very sharp.

What is the drought to him.

Hope, or destruction.

"Whether hope or destruction actually comes from your own heart. If you have hope in your heart, how can there be destruction? If you only want to destroy, what is the point of hope?"


It's ridiculous.

The moment she took Yuan'er away, everything in this world was meaningless to him.

Should he have hope?

Even if that hope is simply an illusory phantom?
But actually...

No matter what, it still exists...

Looking at the Hanba in front of him, he couldn't control the impossible wish - to return her to him.

"If there is really no hope, go and destroy, and destroy those who have destroyed you."

Hanba knew that it was impossible for him to bring up hope.

She couldn't promise to let Su Liyuan come back intact, Han Ba ​​couldn't do this.

Now that the last hope of his life is gone, then...

Why not destroy this world that has no attachment to him?

"Let's go."

Finally, Yechen agreed.

Han Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and came to Yechen.

"No, now is not the time."

"Then when do you want to?"

"When you become invincible!"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, only to see a burst of power from Han Yan's body suddenly, and the next second, there was a sudden "pop" on Ye Chen's chest.

"Palace Master!!!"

Yunying was taken aback by this sudden move, and shouted anxiously.

In the next second, Ye Chen suddenly felt a powerful force pouring into his body.


It hurts!

Yechen couldn't stand the pain!

But it was obvious that Hanba was helping him!
As for how much to cross, Yechen didn't know.

I only know that this power is extremely cruel, as if forcing him to advance.

Promoted to Venerable!
how is this possible……

It takes at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years of practice to reach the rank of venerable...

He has never expected this level in his life, and Hanba...

Can she make a chaotic forcibly advanced to be a venerable? !

"You can rest assured to accept this power. Without full confidence, this deity will not easily initiate this chaos!"

Han Yan said with confidence, and the ferocious power frantically merged with the power in Yechen's body!
(End of this chapter)

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