Chapter 1002 Su Baobao with Human Face and Beast Body (3)

Po Meng fell heavily to the ground with a loud "bang". She even heard the sound of her own bones breaking, and she couldn't move for a while.

She looked at Su Xiaoer who looked like a god in horror, and a chill spread from her toes to her whole body.

She was only afraid of one person in her life, even Ye Qing, the ghost king who ruled the ghost domain, was never afraid, but only that person, she was afraid from the bottom of her heart.On Su Xiaoer's body, she saw the shadow of that person.

If there were doubts before, at this moment, she has no doubt that Su Xiaoer is the seed of that person!
When Su Waiwai got off the Naihe Bridge, Su Xiaoer stepped hard on the Naihe Bridge.

After his kick, the Naihe Bridge collapsed, submerged in the sea of ​​flames, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Son, how did you become like this?!" Su Waiwai flew up to Su Xiaoer, inspecting her precious son's whole body.

Fortunately, nothing is worn or damaged, everything is fine.

It's just that this guy is golden all over, which makes her seem to scrape off the gold from him and sell it for money.

"Mom, am I ugly now?" Su Xiaoer looked at his body, and felt weird, let alone his mother?

"No, it's so pretty, I just think it's a pity that you don't sell your gold." Su Waiwai said, and then pulled Su Xiaoer around, looking at her little baby with staring eyes. .

It looks really valuable, but it's a pity that you can't sell it just for looking at it.

Just as she was looking at her precious son in a daze, the broken sword in Su Xiao's second hand flew out.

Su Wai Wai looked back, and it turned out that it was Po Meng who wanted to run away, but was stabbed in the thigh by Can Jian.

Po Meng wailed like ghosts and howled like wolves, trying to relieve Su's mother and son's grievances.

"Baby, I will be miserable without you this time, and I must be a pile of bones!" Su Waiwai felt that her son was very capable, and kissed the little guy's face one after another.

Su Xiaoer narrowed his eyes with a smile, and couldn't close his mouth with joy.

When Xiaosan and Xiaoqing came out, they saw Su Xiaoer smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

"Why didn't I get excited at all when the master kissed me?" Xiaosan asked puzzled.

He really couldn't understand why the little guy was so excited every time Su Wai Wai kissed Su Xiao Er.

Su Waiwai also kissed him before, but he didn't feel it at all anyway.

No one answered Xiaosan's question, Su's mother and son all surrounded Po Meng, and each of them mercilessly rewarded her with a few kicks.Su Wai Wai was the most ruthless, kicking Po Meng's injured leg, causing Po Meng to gasp in pain.

Seeing this, Xiao San also stepped forward to join in the fun. He approached Granny Meng with a smile and said: "The Su family is very vicious, only I am the kindest, and I am the kindest spirit beast in the world. Actually, I have one thing to think about." Ask Granny Meng."

Granny Meng didn't dare to respond easily, she always felt that this extremely ugly spirit beast in front of her was not easy to provoke, and he was the most ruthless one.

"You had a strange expression when you saw the little master, do you know his father's background?!" Xiao San went straight to the point, and this was exactly what he wanted to ask.

Granny Meng looked at Su Xiaoer, but said nothing.

"I said before that I am the kindest person in the Su family, and I will soon let you know how kind I am." After Xiaosan finished speaking, she suddenly slapped Can Jian with her palm.The broken sword pierced into Po Meng's thigh, causing Po Meng to let out a miserable cry.

"Tell me the answer." Xiaosan put her hand on the hilt of her sword, intending to stir Granny Meng's wound with the sword...

(End of this chapter)

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