Chapter 1102 Ghost Beast (4)

"You beast is the fastest spirit beast in the world! Little San, you are dead!!" Su Yunyun replied triumphantly.

She had heard about Xiaosan, and they said that Su Waiwai was not only good at alchemy, but also had an extremely ugly spirit beast, but although this spirit beast was ugly, it was very capable.

She always felt that the rumors were exaggerated, so she never took the useless spirit beast Sanxiao seriously.

This time, when she saw Xiaosan who was uglier than a little mouse again, she became more determined in her mind.Xiaosan has nothing but ugly looks.Even if his figure can be enlarged or shrunk, this is not a problem.

Xiaosan grinned at Su Yunyun: "Su Yunyun, are you sure I'm dead?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly became smaller again, and he broke free from the ghostly beast's clutches, and ran down to the ground.

Su Yunyun was stunned for a moment, she couldn't believe that Xiaosan had shrunk again, and You Beast couldn't react in time, and watched Xiaosan escape from her palm, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Find it for me quickly, don't let this dead thing have a chance to escape!" Su Yunyun shouted loudly.

You Beast didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly started looking for Xiaosan.

Xiaosan just hid under her feet and remained motionless, turning into a small sand-like thing the size of a grain of dust.If it wasn't for such a change this time, he would not have known that he had such potential and could become so small.

This time, he wants to see how this woman Su Yunyun will find him.

Su Yunyun's master and servants were all looking for Xiaosan, but unfortunately they searched all over the room, but couldn't find Xiaosan.

Unwillingly, Su Yunyun searched again, but still failed to find Xiaosan.

"You let that dead thing escape?!" Su Yunyun was a little discouraged for a moment.

In fact, as Su Yunyun had imagined, Xiaosan quickly escaped from the room and disappeared after a short while.

He rushed all the way back to Su Wai Wai's side, and said in a low voice: "Master, it's terrible, something serious happened."

Su Waiwai heard Xiaosan's voice, looked around, but couldn't see the group: "Where is Sidong XZ, get out!"

With so many tricks all day long, Xiaosan likes to play tricks, and she doesn't want to accompany him.

"Master, I'm here." Xiaosan jumped into Su's crooked palm and roared loudly.

Su Wai Wai looked at the source of the voice, but it was his own palm.

"Little San?" Su Waiwai took a closer look, and finally found a small black spot on the palm of his hand.Because it is too small, I can't see anything.

No way, why did Xiaosan become so small? !

"It's me. Master, it's terrible, that woman Su Yunyun is very bad..." As soon as Xiaosan finished speaking, a giant red-haired beast suddenly jumped in, it was the ghost beast from before.

"It's a ghost beast! Master, make it! It's a spirit beast raised by that woman Su Yunyun, and it's very fast!" As soon as Xiaosan finished speaking, the ghost beast came to Su Waiwai in an instant.

Su Waiwai looked at the ghost beast in front of him, and opened his lips coldly: "So you are the ghost beast!"

Xiao San automatically and consciously rolled to the side. He originally wanted to get bigger, but he felt that he was fine like this, and there was no need to be afraid of anyone discovering his existence.

If he encounters danger in the future, this method is the most appropriate way for him to deal with it!
Xiaosan was thinking of his own wishful thinking, and the ghost beast roared triumphantly at Suwaiwai...

(End of this chapter)

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