Chapter 1113 Using Violence to Control Violence (3)

"With your little ability, you still don't know who will do who!" Xiao Bai said sarcastically, he couldn't stand such an idiot like Meng Mo.

She clearly only knows bad things, she has an unattractive face, and she thinks how capable she is.What's even more ridiculous is that with a bad temper and a bad attitude, everyone can punish this kind of man.

The dream demon was ridiculed by Xiaobai, almost jumped up, and chopped Xiaobai up.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, Su Waiwai hurriedly grabbed Meng Mo and said, "Don't do this, hold on!"

"I can't stand this woman, where did this dead woman come from?!" The dream demon roared loudly at Xiao Bai, blushing with anger.

Recently, he has been bullied by women all the time. Where are the docile women in this world?It's all a bad atmosphere brought out by Su Wai Wai.

Seeing the succubus losing his composure, Xiaobai felt happy, and she made a face at the succubus, "Forget it, I'm a big adult, I don't have the same knowledge as a villain like you, it's an insult to my identity."

Of course, the dream demon was so angry that he lost control of his emotions, and almost rushed to Xiao Bai to fight her.

It took Su Wai Wai a quarter of an hour to mediate before finally stopping a civil strife.

Liu Yue stood far away, as if she didn't feel the conflict here.

Su Waiwai knew that she was in a complicated mood, and after she had stabilized her morale, she said loudly: "Next, we have to deal with a lot of ghost beasts, everyone cheer up!!"

Everyone responded in unison, and then, together with Su Wai Wai, rushed into the villa.

It took a quarter of an hour before the succubi killed a ghost beast. He was very unhappy with the result and decided to take a shortcut.

He lowered his brows and closed his eyes, and cast the dream spell, the scenery around him suddenly slowed down a bit, and Xiao Bai, who was standing not far from the succubus, felt a change in his surroundings, and his movements didn't even feel a pause.

She shook her little head, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, she couldn't use her hands, and a ghost beast in front of her was not far away, but she couldn't raise her hand.

At that moment, she was taken aback, thinking that the ghost beast would quickly rush to her and tear her apart, but unexpectedly, the ghost beast's movements also slowed down, walking towards her unsteadily, without the previous ferocity.

"What's going on here?" Xiaobai asked softly, puzzled.

At this moment, the dream demon suddenly walked up to her, pinched her chin roughly, looked left and right, and said sarcastically: "You are old and disabled, your skin is aged and eighty, it is ugly to death, and your temper is also smelly. Such a woman feels like a waste of air while living."

Xiaobai wanted to slap the Dream Demon's unruly hands away, and fight this poisonous man for another three hundred rounds, but her hands were weak, she could only touch his hands, but she couldn't use her strength.

"I know you're hungry, but I don't like you, and I don't want to be treated lightly by you!" After the Dream Demon finished speaking, he patted Xiao Bai's face twice.

"You dare to belittle my girl, I'll do you!!" Xiaobai was filled with anger and resentment, and wanted to use the witchcraft, but found that he couldn't use his strength, and naturally he couldn't use the witchcraft.

She wanted to torture this man to death so that he would never be reborn.

Next, the Dream Demon was busy molesting Xiaobai while killing the ghost beast.

Xiaobai was very depressed, and found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the clutches of the succubus.

"You don't fall into my hands one day, I will crush you and kick you to hell!!" Xiao Bai yelled loudly to vent his frustration.

On that side, Su Waiwai saw that the situation on the side of the succubus was different, and knew that he was using the dream-entry technique, but poor Xiaobai was also brought into his dream, and it would definitely not be a good day.

(End of this chapter)

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