Chapter 1116 Using Violence to Control Violence (6)

As soon as Su Waiwai's family sat down, someone rushed to the dining table like a gust of wind, and crowded aside to sit down rudely.

"Xiaobai, why are you here?" Su Waiwai looked at Xiaobai, a little puzzled.

This woman broke free from the dream of the succubus so quickly? !
"I came here when I smelled the aroma of rice. Baby Su, bring a bowl of rice to my sister." Xiaobai held out the rice bowl to Xiaoer Su with a smile.

Su Xiaoer didn't dare to object, after all, Xiaobai couldn't afford to provoke her now.Once her witchcraft came out, no one dared to neglect her.

"Baby Su is the most obedient. When will he grow up? When he grows up, Baby Su must be the cutest handsome man in the world." Xiaobai took the job, sang a song of praise to Xiaoer Su, and then started eating .

The speed at which she ate was a bit appalling, Su's mother and son were full just by watching.

Not long after, a person stumbled over, wasn't it the succubus?
"Die, dead woman, it hurts to relieve the worms on my body—" The Dream Demon lost his balance and fell directly beside Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai cast a contemptuous look at the Dream Demon, and replied with a sneer: "If you ask me to untie it, I will untie it. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me? Those bugs are good things. They will slowly eat your body and eat you. The viscera still keeps you from dying, and then you can only watch yourself being eaten by it until you are left with only a pile of bones..."

While Xiaobai was describing, Su's mother and son slowed down their eating movements.

It's hard to imagine such a scene. Living like this must be more uncomfortable than dying, right?Let's see what kind of woman the succubus has provoked this time.

"You, you are more perverted than Liu Yue." The Dream Demon resisted the pain, cold sweat broke out on his cheeks, he looked at Su Wai Wai: "We are sworn brothers and sisters, Wai Wai, you must save me."

"I've said it before, this is a grievance between you, you can settle it yourself, don't drag me into the water. I'm only worried about Xiaoqing now!" Su Waiwai finished speaking, walked away with a bowl of food, and gave Meng Mo and Xiao Baitengdi.

Seeing this, Xiaosan and Su Xiaoer followed suit, brought a bowl of food and went to the courtyard to eat.

After eating and drinking, the family sat in the courtyard and waited for the news.

Xia Hou arrived in a hurry an hour later, and Su Waiwai hadn't asked yet, but he knew he was not optimistic by looking at his face.

"So far there is no news about Xiaoqing." When Xia Hou said this, there was no surprise.

"Who was that guy captured?" Su Wai Wai said to himself.

If it is said that she has formed an enemy, then it is understandable, the problem is that Xiaoqing is Su Xiaoer's spirit beast.Xiao Qing seldom appeared in front of the crowd, but when she was cultivating immortals, she was as beautiful as Xiao San and became a star spirit beast.

When dispersing everyone in the capital, she especially told Xiaosan and Xiaoqing to avoid crowds, especially monks.

Some evil cultivators tend to have evil thoughts when they see a spirit beast with a high cultivation level. Xiaosan and Xiaoqing both know this unspoken rule of cultivating immortals, so they have no reason to joke about their own safety.

It seemed that the other party was still coming for her, after inquiring about her, and mastering her actions, he would attack Xiao Qing when he was alone.

Xiao Qing's ability is a bit worse than Xiao San's, and she looks a bit stupid, so she naturally becomes the target of the other party's attack.

If the other party came towards her, there must be more to come, and it was useless for her to worry.

"Xiahou, I want you, an emperor, to be busy for me, a commoner, I really wronged you." Suwaiwai looked at Xiahou, revealing a sweet smile.

(End of this chapter)

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