Chapter 1118

"Xiaobai, please don't scare my child, you know, he is only two years old, how can you speak such a vicious mouth?" Suwaiwai looked at Xiaobai, persuading him earnestly.

It's not that she said Xiaobai, why does this woman like to tease Su Xiaoer's feelings so much?

"Baby Su is interesting, cute and handsome. I just fell in love with him. Your baby Su is much cuter than that embryo of the Dream Demon." Xiaobai said and moved closer to Su Waiwai.

Su Waiwai frowned upon hearing the words: "Couldn't you be stimulated by the succubus and come to Su Xiaoer to seek comfort?! Xiaobai, let me tell you, Su Xiaoer doesn't want to be a backup, so don't worry about it." Hit his mind."

"I'll hit his idea. I will give you two ways, mother and child, one is to let Su Xiaoer be my man, and the other is to let Su Xiaoer be my son!" Xiaobai was proud and smiled at Su Xiaoer. Thieves and treacherous eyes.

She rubbed her palms, loving a pink baby like Su Xiaoer.In her dreams, she always wants to take Su Xiaoer home. She has been haunted by her dreams for so many years, and it is hard for her to see each other. A sleep is necessary.

"I'm sorry to tell you, first, Su Xiaoer is still young, so I can't be your man. Second, Su Xiaoer is my son, so I can't be your son. If you really want a child, you can find someone A boy." Su Waiwai looked at Xiaobai apologetically, expressing that he was helpless.

What an international joke, Su Xiaoer is a child she has been pregnant for ten months, has gone through untold hardships, and has raised a child who has not grown up for so long, how could she hand Su Xiaoer into the hands of the devil, Xiaobai? !
"I can't find a man, otherwise I will definitely give birth to a child who is cuter and weirder than Baobao Su." Xiaobai said with a long sigh. Regarding this point, she herself was also a little entangled.

"What's so strange about my second child?!" Su Wai Wai stared at Xiao Bai dissatisfied.

"It's strange everywhere. It's been 100 years. It's still the same virtue, and it can transform into a golden light. If the family is so poor that they can't get rid of it, it must be very valuable to sell!" Xiaobai's beautiful eyes flashed many stars, It seemed that there was a pile of gold coins flashing in front of her eyes at this moment.

"Mother, is it strange that I am like this?" Su Xiaoer looked at Su Waiwai aggrievedly.

He didn't want to grow up, and he didn't know why he turned into a little golden beast after transforming...

"Listen to Xiaobai's nonsense. She is a weirdo who can't get it herself, so she says that thing is weird. Su Xiaoer is the cutest child in the world, more normal than any child. Xiaoer, you go back to the Last Dream Space to hide first." Hide away, I'll drive away your little sister Bai." Su Waiwai said softly to Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer heard the words and felt reasonable, "Mother, take care, I really can't take it anymore, let Xiaosan help mother drive away Xiaobai sister."

After exhorting, Su Xiaoer returned to the Realm of Remnant, still feeling more secure in a place without Xiaobai.

That side of Xiaobai came back to his senses, and found that Su Xiaoer was nowhere to be seen, so he pulled Su Wai Wai and said, "Wai Wai, if you find another one, give it to me, Baby Su. If I come to take him, he will definitely be fine." Grow up quickly."

"It's just you?! Forget it. Let Xiaoer and you meet, I would rather he never grow up in this life. If you want a child, you can have one yourself, and you can find a man yourself. I'm looking for another man? What kind of Luo Ji are you?!" Su Waiwai shook off Xiaobai's hand, she really couldn't understand the structure of Xiaobai's brain.

(End of this chapter)

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