Chapter 1120 The Witch's Poisonous Plan

"Waiwai, I've been thinking about it all night, and I still don't think it's right. We can't do this kind of immoral thing, really can't." Xiaobai walked up to Su Waiwai and expressed his thoughts with a tired face. .

She can't do it, let alone be strong on a man, even thinking about it doesn't suit her temperament.

Su Waiwai laughed muffled when she heard the words, straightened Xiaobai's face, looked left and right: "You haven't been thinking about this all night, have you?"

"What you said is so terrible, can I not think clearly?" Xiaobai's face was slightly embarrassed, it was all caused by this woman, Suwaiwai, who said such an evil thought for no reason, causing her to have nightmares all night.

"I thought you were very open-minded, but it turns out that you are not as good as me. You know, Su Xiaoer only existed when I forced Su Xiaoer and his father back then. If you didn't strengthen the succubus, it would be impossible for Xiaobai to appear. Think about it again, how can you get a tiger cub if you don’t enter the tiger’s den? Anyway, there is still time, think slowly, don’t worry!”

As soon as Su Wai Wai finished speaking, Xiao San ran up to her and said, "Master, it's not good, Boss Meng seems to be dying soon."

Su Waiwai looked at Xiaobai immediately, and Xiaobai blinked her beautiful eyes innocently: "Don't worry, I won't die, at most it will hurt a little. I'll go and undo the witchcraft on him!"

Thinking that she might force the succubus in the future, she felt that she shouldn't treat others too badly now.

Xiaobai went to the succubus who had been in pain all night, and undid the witchcraft on him without even thinking about it.

The Dream Demon didn't expect Xiaobai, a female devil, to be so talkative. He grabbed Xiaobai's skirt and asked in a cold voice, "Tell me, are you thinking of poisonous schemes against me again?!"

"How can I, don't think so badly of me, okay?" Xiao Bai returned with an innocent smile.

She put her plain white hand on the succulent's jaw, looked left and right.Well, it turns out that this man is pretty good-looking, his eyes are his eyes, his nose is his nose, and his thin lips are very good-looking. I don't know if it's particularly delicious to kiss.

Xiaobai was a little distracted, her beautiful eyes kept staring at his thin lips.

The dream demon was terrified by Xiaobai's look, he slapped Xiaobai's unruly hand away, and retreated a long way: "What do you want to do?!"

"What can I do? Look at your eyes. I see you being tortured so pitifully. I kindly relieved you of the witchcraft. You don't know how to be grateful, but you still think of me like this. You really shouldn't." Bai cast a contemptuous look at the Dream Demon, and walked away.

The Dream Demon shouted loudly at Xiaobai's back: "It's clear that you cast a witchcraft on me, and you should undo my witchcraft!!"

This dead woman said black and white, but in the end it was his fault? !

Xiaobai stopped walking when he heard this, and turned his eyes with a smile: "You are wrong. If I want that person to die, I will never be kind enough to dispel the witchcraft, so you should thank me."

Perhaps, she should kill the man who has succeeded, the succubus is not too ugly.If she raped him and gave birth to a child, even if she looked like a succubus, she would still be considered Zhou Zheng, so she was not at a loss.

As soon as Xiaoqing's affairs are over, she will kill this man.

"Sister Xiaobai's smile is so sinister!" Seeing Xiaobai's terrifying smile, Su Xiaoer whispered to Su.

Su Waiwai smiled secretly in her heart, she only said that she did not waste her efforts to facilitate a marriage, she likes to do good deeds so much, God should treat her better and find Xiaoqing as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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