Chapter 1122 Two Little Greens
"It's not your turn to worry about it. It's important for us to go find Xiaoqing!" Su Waiwai said as he took Su Xiaoer's hand, turning Xiaosan into a little mouse. The family of three walked through the streets and alleys of the capital, While eating delicious food, while looking for Xiaoqing's whereabouts.

Xiaosan turned into a little mouse, didn't eat any delicious food, and complained: "I haven't found Xiaoqing yet, but the master and the little master are eating so happily, don't you worry about him at all?"

"That's right, because I didn't find it, it takes more effort. In other words, you can find Xiaoqing only after you have eaten and drank enough." Su Waiwai said as he gnawed a mouthful of duck wings, which were delicious and spicy. She likes the taste.

She wanted to take another bite, when suddenly she saw a shadow of a beast flashing by at the end of the alley, which looked very much like Xiaoqing.

"Xiao Qing?!" Su Wai Wai jumped up and rushed over subconsciously.

Su Xiaoer and Xiaosan started at the same time, chasing after Su Waiwai.

I saw Su Waiwai galloping forward, Su Xiao's legs were short, he couldn't run Su Waiwai, there was nothing he could do, so he simply threw out his broken sword and flew with it.

Everyone felt the wind blowing over their heads, they looked up and saw a child carved in pink and jade flying over their heads, and soon disappeared.

For a while, the street became noisy, everyone was talking about seeing Xiantong.

Xiaosan, who turned into a little mouse, was stepped on and dizzy by everyone, "The little master is too flamboyant. He is holding a sword by himself, but let me run down the ground, and made me so inconspicuous..."

While resenting, he struggled under the feet of the crowd, finally got out of the restraints of the crowd, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after he was relieved, he suddenly found Xiaoqing standing not far in front of him, looking at him.

Xiaosan was stunned for a moment, then walked a few steps towards Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing also moved her body and took a few steps forward.

Xiaosan didn't believe in evil, so she tried to take two more steps, and Xiaoqing followed suit.

Xiaosan looked around subconsciously, there was no Su and Xiaoer above her head, and there was no Su Waiwai in front of her, it was strange, where did the mother and son go? !
Xiaoqing is in front, but something is wrong, should he catch up?
"Xiaoqing, come here!" Xiaosan suddenly yelled loudly.

Su Xiaoer, who was chasing Su crookedly, turned to look in Xiaosan's direction when he heard the sound.

Could Xiaoqing be in front of Xiaosan?But there is only one wall in front of Xiaosan.

Su Waiwai, who was chasing Xiaoqing, also heard Xiaosan's yell, she paused, and turned to look in Xiaosan's direction.

"It's strange, isn't Xiaoqing in front of me?" Su Wai Wai murmured in bewilderment.

If so, why did Xiaosan call Xiaoqing in another direction?

"Mother, there is something strange about this matter, maybe someone wants to break us up on purpose!" Su Xiaoer's voice awakened Su Waiwai's thoughts.

Su Waiwai looked at Xiaoqing in front of him, who was not far ahead, if they weren't close, they didn't know how long they would have to wait to find Xiaoqing again.

Even if this is a trap, she has to jump into it to know how deep the well is, isn't it? !

"Little Er and Xiao San, come here!" Su Wai Wai Wai Chu stood motionless on the spot, turned around and shouted at Xiao San and Su Xiao Er.

Su Xiaoer and Xiaosan rushed towards Su Waiwai in a hurry, and soon arrived in front of her.

Su Wai Wai lowered her voice and said, "You all enter the Realm of Lost Dreams, and I will continue chasing Xiao Qing."

Su Xiaoer looked in the direction Su Waiwai pointed, shook his head and replied: "Mother, I didn't see Xiaoqing, are you sure you want to chase after me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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