Chapter 1125 The Immortal Beauty

"Susu, don't interrupt, let's get down to business." Su Waiwai was alerted that she was digressing, and hurriedly changed the subject.

Susu replied: "It's clear that the master is digressing. The man Xue Ruyu likes is Can Jian, who is obsessed with refining swords, and turns a blind eye to Xue Ruyu..."

"This man is so strange. There is such a beautiful woman who likes him, but he is only obsessed with swords. He is an idiot." Su Waiwai couldn't wait to express his opinion again.

Susu felt quite helpless: "Master, do you still want to know about Xue Ruyu?!"

Her master was so curious and liked to interrupt, that she quickly forgot what she was going to say.

"Uh, you continue." Su Wai Wai said with a small face, not daring to interrupt again.

Susu felt relieved to continue.

Roughly a corny story.Many men like Xue Ruyu, but Xue Ruyu only falls in love with Can Jian.She guarded Canjian for many years, but in the end she still didn't get a response from Canjian.

Until one day, Canjian suddenly disappeared after refining the sword, and Xue Ruyu suddenly became disheartened, and when she came out of the sword room again, she suddenly became old.

The strange thing is that she is old, but has an immortal body, and she doesn't even practice.

As time fades away, the deeds about Xue Ruyu are also lost in the barrenness of time and space.

Since then, two puzzles have been left to the world.

One is whether Xue Ruyu is alive or dead; the other is whether Can Jian has feelings for Xue Ruyu.

After so many years, no one remembered Xue Ruyu anymore. If Xue Ruyu hadn't appeared this time, no one would have known the fact that she was still alive.

"The first puzzle has been solved, so there must be no answer to the second one?" Su was stunned for a while before returning to Xue Ruyu, only to see that she was still in a dazed state.

"Hey, are you okay?" Su Wai Wai approached Xue Ruyu and asked in a low voice.

Xue Ruyu opened her beautiful eyes, looked at the little woman in front of her, and said with a smile: "I'm fine. I heard that you can refine beauty pills and casting pills, so I came to you just for this matter .”

Su Wai Wai laughed when she heard the words: "I said that women are the ones who please yourself. It turns out that you also like beauty, and no one can be exempt."

The most beautiful woman ever in the world wants to regain her beauty, so if she likes beauty, is it normal?
"Can you help me make alchemy?" Xue Ruyu lifted her lips and smiled.

Even with all the wrinkles on her face, she still looks damn good when she smiles.

"Since you opened your mouth, I naturally have no reason not to practice. Well, I will break the precept once for you." Su Waiwai quickly made up his mind.

People tried hard to find her to make alchemy, and wanted to get back her beauty, so she had no reason to let him down.

She just couldn't understand why Xue Ruyu had aged and disappeared for so many years, and suddenly wanted to be young again.

"A woman's heart is a sea needle, I'm afraid that's the case?" Xiaosan heard Su Wai Wai's words, and expressed her own opinion.

"I'm thinking, maybe it has something to do with Can Jian. Xue Ruyu is not an ordinary person, so she can't be deduced with common sense. If a woman doesn't have a man she loves, what good is she no matter how beautiful she is?" Xiang Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer's scalp was numb from Su Waiwai's gaze: "What do you want, mother?!"

Su Waiwai smiled: "I suddenly had a strange feeling, maybe Su Xiaoer's broken sword is Xue Ruyu's broken sword..."

Xue Ruyu suddenly took Xiaoqing away, and then asked her to make alchemy, maybe it was because of her man - Canjian. Unfortunately, Su Xiaoer had a Canjian.

(End of this chapter)

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