Chapter 1128 Kneel down and beg her
Su Waiwai knew what Su Xiaoer was worried about, and subconsciously looked at Xue Ruyu.

Xue Ruyu got up slowly, she was wearing a white dress, she was as beautiful as a white lotus in the snow, fresh as a small flower blooming in the morning.Her black hair hangs down her waist, she walks like a weak willow supporting the wind, not only has a good temperament, but also has a breathless beauty.

"Who of you now dare to say that I am more beautiful than others?" Su Waiwai looked at Xue Ruyu intently, feeling that no woman in the world could compare to Xue Ruyu.

"Of course my mother is prettier than her!" Su Xiaoer replied without hesitation.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan also echoed, and Xiaosan said loudly: "That's right, I also think Master is the most beautiful!"

Su Wai Wai's beauty is not this stunning, but it is a long-lasting beauty, which ordinary people can't see clearly.

Su Wai Wai Wai smiled, unexpectedly, in Xiao San's heart, her not so kind master was actually the most beautiful.

"Miss Su, I want to ask you one thing." Xue Ruyu lightly moved her lotus steps up to Su Waiwai, her flowery lips parted lightly.

Su Xiaoer hastily pulled Su's crooked hand, signaling his mother not to agree easily.

Su Waiwai glanced at Su Xiaoer with downcast eyes, and asked quietly: "I can't decide this matter, you have to ask Xiaoer, he is the master of Can Jian. Perhaps, we should ask Can Jian's meaning .”

She didn't want to play charades, so she directly pointed out the topic.

Xue Ruyu clearly came for Can Jian, and sooner or later they would have to speak out.

Xue Ruyu's beautiful eyes darkened, she shook her head and replied: "You also know that Can Jian doesn't like me, he only likes swords, and in the end, he even sacrificed his body for the sword and turned into Can Jian. I desperately wanted to catch Catch him, but in the end I can't catch anything..."

After waiting for so many years, she finally found Can Jian, but Can Jian found his master, that is Su Wai Wai's son Su Xiao Er.

She took Xiaoqing away, knowing that this would lead Su Waiwai into a trap.

She also wants to become beautiful, so that Can Jian can see her most beautiful side.She waited for a full 1 years, just to see Can Jian again, and to know why he didn't want her.Is she not good enough, or is she not beautiful enough...

"Girl, I think, instead of working hard for a man who doesn't have you in his heart, it's better to live comfortably. You have lived for 1 years, but you have always been attached to a man. If it were me, whoever doesn't like me, I will I don't like him!" Su Wai Wai replied calmly.

She still doesn't understand why there are so many people who like to ask for trouble, and Xue Ruyu in front of her is one of them.

"I just like him. It has become my habit to like him. If I don't like him for a day, I will definitely not be able to live. Miss Su, please give me the broken sword, okay?" Xue Ruyu pleaded, pulling Su crooked arm.

If possible, she is willing to exchange any treasure in the world for Canjian.

"I'll give you whatever you want, as long as you can shout it out, I'll get it." Xue Ruyu said, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing this, the other maidservants in Tsing Yi knelt down in front of Su Wai Wai, and said in unison: "I beg Miss Su to help you!"

Su Wai Wai Rao has a heart of stone, and he doesn't know what to do.She would rather someone fight her than kneel down and beg her like this.

Seeing this, Xue Ruyu also wanted to kneel down, but Su Waiwai hurriedly grabbed her and said, "It's useless for you to beg me for this matter, Su Xiaoer is the owner of Can Jian. Besides, Can Jian has aura, he We can't control who we want to be with. If he wants to see you, he has already come out to see you when he first met you, hasn't he?"

(End of this chapter)

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