Chapter 1134 Mother and Child Conceiving a Baby (3)

Su Wai Wai didn't know how long he had been in seclusion, everything was happening naturally.

A gust of air flowed around her body, making her feel drowsy, until the air flow concentrated and hit the five-color fruit in her belly.

The aura gradually gathered around her, and gathered around her in an orderly manner. Not long after, a strong white air flow formed around her...

The movement in the small courtyard of Su's family quickly attracted the attention of all the monks in the Xiuxian Sect.

"Master, Waiwai is going to have a baby, right?!" Mo Xin'er asked Xuansu, staring at the two strong white lights in front of Su's small courtyard.

"This time, it's not just Waiwai who is going to conceive a baby, but Xiaoer is also going to conceive a baby." Xuanwu arrived in time, nodded and laughed with satisfaction: "I am finally going to have two baby-conceiving monks from my cultivation sect, this is a great honor Ah, how long has it been since I cultivated the Immortal Sect and there has been no Infant Brother?!"

"Old man, don't be too happy too early. The monks risk their lives to conceive a baby. Dan Sui's failure to conceive a baby is a minor matter, but if he dies of serious injuries on the spot, it is a major event of losing his life." Xuan Su answered, not daring Expect too much.

"Don't worry, both mother and child are blessed people, and conceiving a baby is a trivial matter. They haven't retreated for a long time, and it's rare in the world to be able to reach the stage of conceiving a baby so quickly. We just need to wait here The result will be fine!" Xuan Wu had great expectations for Su Wai Wai's mother and son.

Su Waiwai, who was in the retreat in that room, practiced very smoothly at the beginning, the body was filled with spiritual energy, and all limbs felt comfortable.

The five-color fruit hadn't moved before, but this time the air flow hit her all over, and suddenly all the spiritual consciousness rolled in the spiritual sea, and they attacked the five-color fruit together.

The five-color fruit was violently impacted, and began to vibrate restlessly in her body. The frequency of the vibration became faster and faster, and the strength became stronger and stronger.

The vibrating force of the five-color fruit made Su Waiwai's original sense of comfort disappear without a trace.

The five-color fruit was tossing in her belly, rushing around, as if trying to break her internal organs.

Su Waiwai ordered the five-color fruit to stop with his thoughts, but the five-color fruit did not hear it, and the shaking became more intense.

"Damn thing, I want to be you!" Su Wai Wai shouted with her mind.

The five-color fruit sang against her, and instead fled around in her body.I don't know how long it took, but Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai's intestines were knotted in pain. He only hoped that when Wu Se Guo was tired, he would stop and rest, and she could also have a rest.

Su Waiwai knew that the process of conceiving a baby was very dangerous, but she didn't expect to endure the pain like being torn apart.This pain was more unbearable than the marrow washing, almost putting her life on the cusp of the storm.

She told herself to grit her teeth and endure, and to persevere no matter what.

The golden elixir is wrapped in the five-color fruit, and when the five-color fruit is released, the golden elixir can be broken and condensed into a baby.

Whenever she couldn't hold on anymore, Su Waiwai would tell herself that Su Xiaoer was waiting for her, that she couldn't be worse than her own son, and lost at the hurdle of conceiving a baby.

Time passed slowly, and Su Waiwai didn't know how long she had persisted until her body returned to calm before she dared to relax and fell asleep drowsily.

Until she woke up naturally, Su Waiwai immediately looked at the five-color fruit that was making trouble in her belly consciously.

I saw a fuzzy five-color baby a few sizes smaller than her not far in front of her, with her eyes closed, her expression peaceful, and the corners of her lips slightly upturned. It looked so interesting...

(End of this chapter)

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