Chapter 1155

"Forget it, then I don't care about your affairs, and I won't care about them in the future. I don't know good and bad things. I worry about you because I like you. You are so obedient, and you don't look like a man with a heart. I'm afraid you won't be able to find him." It’s only when my wife works hard…”

Su Wai Wai started to chatter, hugged Xiao Ba's neck tightly, feeling very happy.

She is already very happy to have such a special child as Su Xiaoer, but now, there is another one for no reason, sometimes she wakes up laughing in her dreams, right? !
Su Wai Wai babbled for a while, maybe it was too comfortable, and soon fell asleep on Xiao Ba's shoulder.

Xiao Ba couldn't hear Su Wai Wai's voice, so he probably knew that his lazy hostess had fallen asleep.

Thinking of Su Wai Wai treating him as his son, Xiao Ba inexplicably wanted to laugh.

How could anyone raise their own spirit beast as a son? Su Wai Wai was the only one who was so strange, didn't he have such a strange idea?
When Xiao Ba went down the mountain with Su Waiwai on his back and returned to the small courtyard of Su's house, Xiao Qing rushed over when he saw this, and said angrily: "Damn Xiao Ba, didn't you run away from home? Why did you come back so soon?!"

Don't come back after leaving, it will be an eyesore when you come back.

What puzzled him the most was that Xiao Ba's skills were obviously inferior to his and Xiao San's, why in the end, Xiao Ba ran ahead of him and Xiao San in the transformation, which made him very sick.

Originally, he had great brilliance, but now he is better, Xiao Ba has stepped forward and taken away his brilliance.

I only hope that Xiao San can help him get rid of his shame when he comes out of retreat, so that Xiao Ba won't step on their heads.

"I didn't run away from home, I just walked up the mountain with my master. The master is asleep, so don't make too much noise." Xiao Ba deliberately lowered his voice, hugged Su Waiwai carefully, with gentle eyes.

It wasn't until a venomous gaze fixed on Xiao Ba's face that Xiao Ba restrained himself a bit.

If there is no accident, it should be Beiyue Luo who is staring at him viciously in front.

"The master wanted to recognize me as his son just now, but I didn't agree, because I was afraid that the little master would be angry." Xiao Ba increased his volume, and made sure to let his jealous husband Bei Yueluo know that he was never a threat.

Hearing the words, Bei Yueluo felt relieved.

He thought that Xiao Ba wanted to pretend to be a woman with him desperately, but fortunately, this guy has a sense of humor and knows what to do and what not to do!

"Boss Bei will help me carry Master back to the Nomad Space to rest, okay?" Xiao Ba asked, looking in the direction of Bei Yueluo.

Bei Yueluo nodded vigorously, strode up to Xiaoba, snatched Su Waiwai who was sleeping soundly, and took her to the left dream space.

After Bei Yueluo and Suwaiwai left, Xiao Ba felt that the air around him was circulating, allowing him to breathe smoothly.

"Xiao Ba, you are doing well, you are getting more and more cunning!" Xiao Qing saw it clearly, and stepped forward to throw Xiao Ba a disdainful look.

Xiao Ba walked aside, and replied quietly: "Do you know who is the most unofficial person in this family?"

"Of course it's Boss Bei!" Xiaoqing replied without hesitation.

"Wrong, it should be the master!" Xiao Ba Dan glanced at Xiao Qing and smiled.

"Why?" Xiaoqing was puzzled.

It was clearly Bei Yueluo's greatest ability, and of course Bei Yueluo was the one he couldn't offend.Su Waiwai is good at alchemy, except for threatening people with pills and having a loud voice, he has nothing to do.

"That's why you're stupid. Because Boss Bei likes Master, what Master wants to do, or whom Master wants to kill, as long as Master starts, Boss Bei will definitely step up and chop that person up!" Xiao Ba replied leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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