Chapter 1163

"What's so great about Qinglong? In my opinion, your advancement speed this time is relatively slow. It may be that the fifth-rank pill is not worthy of your status as one of the beasts. Next time, I will refine a better pill, and it will match your more advanced pill." Excellent identity. If the sixth-rank pill is not enough, then refine the seventh-rank pill and the eight-rank pill. In the end, I will refine the nine-rank elixir, and I will definitely refine my little three into the king of beasts, and then transform into the world. The most handsome, most beautiful, most, most, best handsome man!" Su Wai Wai replied arrogantly.

"Really?!" Xiaosan asked with a choked voice, wiping away her tears with her crooked sleeves.

Su Waiwai lifted his lips and smiled, patted his chest and said, "Of course, since when did I lie?! Now I am a monk in the infant stage, and I am already half a fairy. It will be much easier to make alchemy. Plus For my alchemy technique, it is no idiotic dream to refine nine-turn alchemy. I have confidence, and you should also have confidence!"

In fact, she has no confidence at all.

But seeing that Xiaosan was beaten like this, she was afraid that this guy would never recover, so she could only speak against her conscience.

Xiaosan is so ugly, if she wants to turn into a beautiful spirit beast, to be honest, it would be faster to bump her head to death and reincarnate.

"I believe in the master, the master must refine a few more beauty pills for me to eat." Xiaosan said and rubbed Su Waiwai's body for a while, sweeping away the previous decadence.

Su Wai Wai looked at the smiling mistress speechlessly, thinking to himself that this guy is too comforting, right?

"Didn't you just say that taking beauty pills is useless? Why don't we stop practicing?" Su Wai Wai pushed away the little San who was lying on her body.

It was so heavy that she couldn't breathe freely.

"That won't work. Master with such qualifications can become beautiful, and I'm sure I can too. Master can't say nothing, let alone abandon my own beauty. I must avenge my shame today and make all those who laugh at me look at me with admiration !" Xiaosan said with a fierce look in her eyes.Especially that guy Xiaoqing, he will compare that guy one day!
"Little San, you are so confident!" Su Wai Wai smiled wryly, almost saying that this guy is too conceited.

She looked Xiao San up and down, then frowned, and finally realized something was wrong.

"What's the matter, master?" Xiaosan asked in puzzlement when she noticed Su Waiwai's strangeness.

"There seems to be something wrong with you. Where are the wings?!" Su Wai Wai pulled Xiao San around twice, and after confirming the fact, she exclaimed loudly.

Xiaosan looked at her chubby self, and found that the wings were indeed missing.

His face was as pale as paper, and he searched himself again in disbelief, but he still couldn't find the pair of wings.

"It's over, it's over, how can anyone evolve and lose their wings? Xiao San, are you sure that no one rushed into your barrier during the cultivation process and chopped off your wings?!" Su Waiwai said and sighed.

This is really a miracle, there is actually a spirit beast that evolves, and evolves away the best parts of its body.

"I don't know what's going on! Is there something wrong with the five-turn pill that the master refined?!" Xiao San asked Su Wai Wai back.

Su Waiwai sneered at the words: "Let me tell you, little San, you can eat pills indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Xiaoqing took five-rank pills, and after retreating, she turned into a green dragon beast, and my little eight turned into a dragon monster." Beautiful man. I successfully conceived a baby myself, how about you, you have become such an ugly monster and dare to say that there is something wrong with my five-turn pill?! You are tired of working, right?!"

(End of this chapter)

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