Chapter 1165 Baby Su Turns into a Beautiful Boy (2)

Xiaosan's reaction was to rush directly to Xiaoqing and give Xiaoqing a kick.

Xiaoqing didn't pay much attention to Xiaosan who turned into a ball at all, only thought that Xiaosan had transformed into a body, and even lost her most useful wings, so she must be an idiot.

Instead, he moved closer to his body so that Xiao San could kick him.

Unexpectedly, the moment Xiao San kicked him, his body soared into the air, and he was directly kicked into the air.

Xiaoqing was shocked, and found that her body was kicked far away uncontrollably...

Xiaosan didn't expect his kick to be so powerful, he looked at Xiaoqing who had turned into a small black dot, and said, "Am I not dreaming?"

"Little San, your ability is still there, which proves that there was only a little problem when you entered the advanced stage. Now you are infinitely powerful, and you are still very capable!" Xiaoba answered with a smile.

"It's true, I was very capable, but now my body is just a little bit out of order." Xiaosan looked back at the place where her wings were, and still couldn't understand why such a big two pieces suddenly disappeared.

After comforting himself in this way, Xiao San and Xiao Ba quickly hooked up, and the two had endless conversations.

Of course, it was Xiao San who was talking, and Xiao Ba was listening.

Su Waiwai endured it for a long time, and saw that the mistress was endless, she opened her lips coldly: "If you don't talk for a quarter of an hour, you will die, go away, don't bother me to rest!"

She stared at the roof of her house in a daze, wondering when Su Xiaoer would be able to come out of seclusion, so that she could repair the roof of Su's house with the things that damaged their roof.

As if responding to her thoughts, suddenly there was movement in the small courtyard of the Su family.

The roof didn't shake, but the small courtyard of the Su family was shrouded in a strong white light.

This white line was so dazzling that it enveloped the small courtyard of Su's family.About a quarter of an hour later, the white light was replaced by a ball of golden light. The pure golden light blinded everyone's eyes.

"It's terrible, the little master is finally leaving the customs!" Xiaosan's voice awakened Su Wai Wai Piao Yuan's thoughts.

Su Wai Wai stared blankly at the bright light, and nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, Su Xiaoer is finally going to leave the gate."

Probably it was the birth of a baby that caused such a strong reaction, and the aura was so strong.

"It's true that Xiao Er's kid has given birth to a baby." Xuan Wu interrupted suddenly.

Hearing the sound, Su Waiwai looked back, and saw a dense crowd standing behind her, of course, they were all disciples of the Xiuxian Sect, and they all surrounded her when they saw the movement.

"What's the origin of Su Xiaoer? I've never seen such a strange baby-forming phenomenon." Xuan Su was also dumbfounded, looking at the strange situation in front of him in disbelief.

"My Su Xiaoer's father is amazing..." Su Waiwai was about to blow water, but was kicked hard by Xiaosan.

It was only then that Su Waiwai remembered that she had said to keep a low profile, and she hadn't confirmed Su Xiaoer's identity yet, so it would be better for her not to say it for the time being.

With a plan in mind, Su Wai Wai closed her mouth, grinned and said, "Can my child not be amazing? I don't know if Su Xiaoer will look better after conceiving a baby. But, it can't Expecting too much, Xiaosan is a bloody example. As long as I can maintain the status quo, I will be very happy."

"I will look better soon, and I'm actually pretty good now, Xiaoba said." Xiaosan looked at Xiaoba and said, "Xiaoba, don't you think so?"

Xiaosan's eyes were full of threats.

(End of this chapter)

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