Chapter 1169 Baby Su Turns into a Beautiful Boy (6)

Xiaosan didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of Su Xiaoer anymore, so she walked aside.

Not afraid of death, Xiaoqing approached Su Xiaoer again, and asked, "The more you look at Master, the more you look like Boss Bei. Master, his mother, Master is the son of Boss Bei, right?!"

Su Wai Wai laughed three times when she heard this, it was the funniest joke she had ever heard.

"How is it possible? Boss Bei is an immortal, and it is impossible for him to have the body of a monster. Didn't Granny Meng say that last time? The little master's biological father is a golden-faced beast, and it is impossible for Boss Bei to be the young master's biological father. People are people who can't get together." Xiaosan interjected from the side.

Su Xiaoer let everyone discuss who his real father was, while he looked at his little robe smugly, smiling from ear to ear.

"You like this robe very much?" Su Waiwai looked at the satisfied smile of her little handsome boy and asked with a smile.

Su Xiaoer, a guy who has no vision and no experience, likes this kind of robes, and it's too easy to get rid of.

"I like it so much. I thought my mother couldn't do it. I didn't expect my mother to be so successful as a female celebrity for the first time." Su Xiaoer said, jumped into Su Waiwai's arms, and kissed her hard on the face a mouthful.

Su Waiwai looked at the handsome face of the young boy in front of him, the eyebrows, the eyes, like a painting.

To be honest, she also felt that this guy was a bit similar to Bei Yueluo, especially the aura of a banished fairy, which was so similar to Bei Yueluo's innate aura.

No wonder Xiaoqing had such a misunderstanding.

But she believed that anyone could be Su Xiaoer's biological father, and Bei Yueluo had little chance.

After all, Bei Yueluo is an immortal, and has nothing to do with monsters.

"Little master is more well-behaved when he is with master, and the vicious look just now is so scary." As soon as Xiao Sancai opened his mouth, Su Xiaoer received a seemingly harmless but murderous look from Su Xiaoer.

At that moment, he shut his mouth and dragged his chubby body to roll aside.

The current child is too fierce, even more fierce than this spirit beast, so he can't afford to offend him.

Not afraid of death, Xiaoqing went to Su Xiaoer and looked around: "I still think the owner is the child of Boss Bei, otherwise how could it be so similar?!"

As soon as he said this, Su Xiaoer looked at him coldly.

Xiaoqing felt cold all over at the moment, and hid aside with a beast face, avoiding Su Xiaoer's cold eyes.

The current Su Xiaoer is really scary, and he can't afford to offend him. He should be more conscious and play in the mud with Xiaosan.

"Mother, don't listen to their nonsense. I can't be Master's child. They must have misread it." Su Xiaoer drove away the two obtrusive spirit beasts, pulled Su Waiwai aside, found a little potion and rubbed it on Su Wai Wai injured finger.

He carefully and attentively helped Su Wai Wai apply the medicine, with a serious expression on his face. Su Wai Wai stared blankly, and couldn't help grinning: "Why do you grow old all of a sudden, kid? I'm really not used to it."

It seems that the body has grown, and even the temper has become more stable.

"I've grown up, and it's only normal when I'm old. Mother, don't do such hard work in the future, let others do Xiaoba's clothes." Su Xiaoer carefully helped Suwaiwai apply the medicine, and replied softly.

"But I have already promised Xiaoba, let's do it." Su Waiwai said, looking at the strange-shaped robe on Su Xiaoer's body, and added: "This is ugly on you, let me rest for two days , I will sew another one, it must be better than the current one."

(End of this chapter)

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