Chapter 1176 Climb to the couch of the immortal (1)

Bei Yueluo just looked at Suwaiwai with a faint expression, just like he looked at all the people in the world.

Su Wai Wai's heart seemed to be tangled together, very uncomfortable.

In the end, the man returned to his original position, but she was still far away, out of reach.

In the past, she hoped that Bei Yueluo would recover her memory, but now, she hoped that he would become more popular.

"I'm going back." Su Wai Wai Wai Wai stood for a while, and found that Bei Yue Luo had no intention of speaking, and said in a muffled voice.

She hoped that Bei Yueluo would ask her to stay, but Bei Yueluo didn't say anything, but just looked at her with the expression of looking at a stranger, watching her walk away step by step.

After walking a long distance, Su Wai Wai stopped and looked back.

Beiyueluo stood leaning against the wind, her clothes fluttering, as if she would ride the wind away at any time.

Her heart seemed to be hit hard by something, which made her dizzy. This feeling was like the astonishment when she saw Beiyueluo for the first time.

It's over, it's over, she's going to suffer again this time.

It is impossible for this man to be nice to her again. After all, he is an immortal, ruthless and desireless, so it is impossible for him to have too much affection.

The saddest thing is that he can't be blamed for this, because he is this kind of man, with a pure heart and ascetic desires, who is separated from the world.

I don't know if she will be able to do it so freely when she becomes a fairy in the future.

After thinking wildly for a while, Su Waiwai returned to Su's small courtyard dejectedly.

Su's family members were busy repairing their roof, while Su Wawai sat on the threshold and sighed.

"Ah..." Su Wai Wai let out a tenth sigh.

Life is so boring, so boring, she just came back, and suddenly missed Bei Yueluo.

Why is this so?It's like a charm, it's never been like this before.She hadn't seen Bei Yueluo before, and she didn't think about it at all.

But, the current situation is very weird, anyway, as soon as she calms down, she will damn well pretend to be Bei Yue Luoqing's cold and lonely look.

Yes, lonely.

Bei Yueluo has been lonely for so many years, if she doesn't like him, then how pitiful he would be.

So, she still has to do good deeds and make him more popular, otherwise her master's life is meaningless, right?
"What is Master thinking?" Xiao San's voice suddenly sounded behind Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai looked back at Xiaosan, shook her head, "I'm thinking about something."

"It can be seen that the master is indeed thinking about something, who is it about?" Xiao Sanyuan rolled directly in front of Su Wai Wai.

Su Wai Wai gave him a cold look: "You want to care?!"

It's just an ugly spirit beast who wants to know what she's thinking. This person is too gossip.

"It's about caring for the master." Seeing that Su Waiwai didn't want to say anything, Xiaosan walked away automatically and consciously: "A fool also knows that the master is thinking about Boss Bei, so it's written on his face..."

Su Waiwai turned her head and stared at Xiaosan's back. Xiaosan received Su Waiwai's murderous eyes and ran away in a hurry. She was relieved when she was completely out of Su Waiwai's line of sight.

Not long after, Su Xiaoer sat down beside Su Waiwai, held a pot of warm tea in his hand, and handed it to Su Waiwai: "Mother, don't think about things that you can't figure out. This is the tea brought by the senior sister." , I brewed a pot of tea, mother will see if it tastes good."

Su Wai Wai smiled when she heard the words, and tried to take a sip.

Although she doesn't know the art of tea, she also knows that this tea is good to drink. After drinking it, the fragrance will linger on her teeth and cheeks, and the aftertaste will be endless.

(End of this chapter)

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