Chapter 1179 Climb to the couch of the immortal (4)

"Xiaoqing, why don't we make a bet. I bet the master can't solve this big case this time!" Xiaosan looked at Xiaoqing and said with a smile.

There is no doubt that he will win this bet.

"I don't think so. With the current beauty of the master's mother, it is easy to go to the boss of the North." Xiao Qingpi replied with a smile, and dragged his own dragon tail to the ground.

Xiaoba is still comfortable, and can move swiftly after being transformed. I don't want him and Xiaosan to carry a bowl to the table with a bulky beast body, which is a difficult task.

"How about this, betting is a month's housework. Whoever wins doesn't have to mend the roof, cook, or mop the table, how about it?!" Xiao San asked with a smile.

Xiaoqing's face darkened upon hearing this.

This bet is a bit big, and if I accidentally lose, I have to do housework for a month, and I feel very tired just thinking about it.

"I only know now that you are a coward. Cheng Ran dare not even take such a gamble! Before, I thought you were courageous and responsible, but it turned out that I thought highly of you." Xiao San saw Xiao Qing hesitate, and stimulated Xiao Qing with a smile. Qing, I don't believe that Xiaoqing won't accept his bet.

Su Xiaoer listened on the sidelines, and interjected: "Xiaoqing, Xiaosan is an aggressive method, don't trust him, he's full of bad water!"

Xiaoqing nodded when she heard the words, thinking that Su Xiaoer's words made sense.

Xiaosan, this bad bastard, has been plotting against him all day long, and this time is definitely no exception.

Fortunately, he can withstand such a stimulus, so he won't be fooled.

"Not only Xiaoqing is a coward, but even the young master is a coward..." Just as Xiao San spoke, she received a frightening look from Su Xiaoer.

The current Su Xiaoer is not the harmless little boy in the past, his eyes, just like Bei Yueluo's cold eyes, make people feel numb from the bottom of their hearts.

It's not strange that these two people look the same, the strange thing is that even their temperament and eyes are exactly the same, so these two people must be father and son.

After that, Xiaosan tortured Xiaoqing for half an hour, but in the end Xiaoqing couldn't stand Xiaosan's intimidation and temptation, and agreed to have a gamble with Xiaosan.

As for Suwaiwai...

Su Wai Wai walked outside Bei Yue Luo's house in the dark, her heart beating so fast.

She hasn't done a few good things in her life, but she hasn't done anything bad either.Now she was about to do something bad, her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was about to jump out of her mouth.

"Waiwai, it doesn't matter, it's just to sleep with Master, and it's not a big deal. You even beat the monsters, but you still can't sleep with Master?" to the door.

She tried to open the door, but it swung open suddenly, startling her.

With such a loud door opening sound, Bei Yueluo couldn't be woken up?
She had been brewing emotions outside the door for an hour before, and she dared not come in until she was sure that Bei Yueluo was asleep.This time it's good, just wake up Bei Yueluo, what else is she playing?
Su Wai Wai, Su Wai Wai, you are really stupid, you can't even do things like being a thief well.

Su Wai Wai scorned herself severely, waited quietly for Bei Yue Luo to come out, reprimanded her, and then drove her home.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement in the room.

Su Waiwai hesitated for about half an hour, and chose to touch the direction of the bedroom.

I saw Bei Yueluo lying on the couch, motionless, apparently sleeping soundly, and was not woken up by her.

"Master is so unsafe, if there are a few more uneasy and kind women like me, Master will have nothing to say about chastity." Su Waiwai entered the dormitory while chattering endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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