Chapter 1189 Prescribing Love-Destroying Medicine to the Immortal Venerable (2)

"Let's find the master quickly!" Xiaoqing felt that this was reasonable, and hurriedly said.

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing looked at each other, and hurriedly went to the small courtyard of Su's house.

They ran so fast that they were afraid of running out of time.

"It's all your fault, why didn't you think of bringing the master's mother into the room of Boss Bei?" Xiao Qing scolded Xiao San.

Xiaosan cast a cold glance at Xiaoqing, sneered and opened her lips: "I didn't expect it, didn't you also not expect it?!"

"Don't you forget, I was drugging Boss Bei at that time, how could I have any extra thoughts about my master's mother?"

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan scolded each other, hurriedly forgot about Su's small courtyard.

Not long after, they found Su Waiwai who was sleeping late, and the two of them pulled her up together and dressed her neatly.

Su Waiwai let the two spirit beasts busy for herself, and asked puzzledly: "What are you doing? People who don't know think you are going to flee with money!"

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan looked at each other, and Xiaosan smiled and said, "We are doing the master a big favor, the master will be grateful to us in the future!"

"What's the big deal?" Su Wai Wai asked curiously.

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing took Su Waiwai out at the same time, and after a while, they took Su Waiwai to the scene of the crime - the yard where Bei Yueluo lived.

"What did you do to bring me to Master?" Su asked in confusion, really unable to figure out the reason.

"Master, go in, Boss Bei is waiting for Master!" Xiao San pushed Su Wai Wai into the room.

At this time, the drug effect should start, right?
With a puzzled face, Su Waiwai stepped into the room uncertainly.

I saw Bei Yueluo sitting indoors, motionless, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Master, are you okay?" Suwaiwai rushed to Bei Yueluo.

At this time, Bei Yueluo looked up at her, and after seeing Bei Yueluo's red eyes clearly, Su Waiwai was shocked, took two steps back and stood still: "What's wrong with you?"

Why do you look at her with such scary eyes, it's scary to look at her.

"It's fine as a teacher, you go!" Bei Yueluo tried his best to suppress the heat in his heart, and croaked.

"He still said it's okay, and his face turned red like this, did he eat something wrong?" Su Waiwai said as she helped Bei Yueluo pour a cup of tea, and handed it to Bei Yueluo.

Bei Yueluo's crimson eyes looked at the back of Su Wai Wai's slender hand, staring intently.

Su Waiwai followed Bei Yueluo's gaze and looked at his hands: "Is there something wrong with my hands?"

Bei Yueluo took a sip of tea, then paused: "You put medicine in the tea?!"

"How can I, master, don't talk nonsense, okay?" Su Waiwai's beautiful eyes lit up when she heard this, why didn't she think of such a good method?To deal with a man like Bei Yueluo who is pure-hearted and ascetic, prescribing medicine is the best way.

Even gods are men, right?Something like a man must not be able to resist the power of the medicine.

Yes, next time she will use medicine to deal with Bei Yueluo, won't she be afraid of capturing him easily? !

At the moment when Zheng Da Su was thinking wildly, Bei Yueluo suddenly clasped her wrist tightly, and opened her lips coldly: "How dare you say no?!!"

"Not at all. Master is talking nonsense. Am I going to prescribe medicine to Master?" Su asked puzzledly at Bei Yueluo's red eyes, not understanding why Bei Yueluo became like this. It's like a wild beast, not at all like Beiyue Luochuchen's aura, is there something wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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