Chapter 1206 Bravely Entering the Village of Death (2)

Su Waiwai returned to Su's small courtyard with a lot of worries, only to find that someone rushed out of her house in a hurry, and it turned out to be a long-disappeared succubus.

"Brother Meng?" Su Waiwai stepped forward, "Why are you here? Where's Xiaobai?!"

"I came here just because of her. She was brought into Majia Village, and there has been no news of her. I was thinking that you might be able to bring her back from Majia Village." generally.

"Ma's Village? Since you know she's in Ma's Village, why don't you find her yourself?" Su asked back in confusion.

The Dream Demon was a little strange, he clearly wanted to find Xiaobai, and at the same time he knew Xiaobai's whereabouts, so why didn't he go find it himself?Instead, he ran to Xiuxianmen to find her. Didn't he know that distant water can't quench his thirst?

Besides, the succubus is quite capable, if he encounters any difficulties, he can solve them by himself, so why should he help her?

"Majia Village is a very strange place where you can't get in. And I don't know why they took Xiaobai away. Waiwai, it's urgent. You come with me first. Xiaobai has been taken away for three days. If anything happens to her, I, I..." The Dream Demon wiped her face.

In the past, he always felt that woman was annoying, but now that the woman was arrested, he was so nervous that he didn't know what to do.I'm afraid that something will happen to her, or something will happen to her.If so, what should he do?
"You can't survive, can you? Xiaobai is very capable, and he has captured your heart so quickly." Su Waiwai didn't take it seriously, and thought that the dream demon was concerned, so he was confused.

It's just a small village, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Waiwai, come with me now, I'm afraid it's too late, everything is too late." The dream demon pulled Su Waiwai and walked out.

"Don't worry, Xiaobai will be fine. She is so capable, how could something happen so easily? Even if you are going to Majia Village, wait for me to explain a few words." Su Waiwai finished speaking, entered the house, and turned to the few who were eavesdropping. Personally said: "You stay at home well, I will follow Brother Meng and come back."

"Wai Wai, call everyone. There are many people and strength is great. Majia Village is a strange place. Maybe everyone can work together to find a way to enter the village." Seeing this, the Dream Demon interjected.

When Xiaosan and Xiaoqing heard that the village was strange, they shook their heads at the same time: "You go, we will take care of the house."

Su Wai Wai sneered upon hearing this.See what kind of spirit beast she has raised, they are also people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

People raised spirit beasts, and she also raised spirit beasts, and she actually raised two white-eyed wolves.

"You two, keep up too. When there is danger, walk in front of me, don't make mistakes, go!!" Su Waiwai said and waved to Xiaosan.

Xiaosan dragged her chubby body to Suwaiwai, said with a bitter face, "It's useless to take me there. Now I don't have wings, so I can't fly!"

"Climb to Majia Village if you can't fly!" Su Wai Wai sneered and gave Xiao San a slap.

Hearing the words, Xiao San knew that she couldn't hide, so she stopped struggling and squatted down obediently.

Su Wai Wai jumped up unceremoniously.Su Xiaoer imitated the example, leaping onto Xiaoqing's back, her figure was heroic and handsome.The Dream Demon also flew onto Xiaoqing's back, and when all the personnel were present, they hurried on their way.

This time, it was Xiaoqing flying in the sky and Xiaosan running on the ground.

What's cool is that Xiaosan's running speed is not slow, it is actually comparable to Xiaoqing's flying speed.

(End of this chapter)

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